police world

Chapter 530

Chapter 530
No one could hear the almost negligible voices of the two.

Coupled with the dark night, which can't reach the material, it provides them with natural cover.

Xiao Fu pondered, maybe they could really successfully rescue Song Zihao.

After discovering the situation of the two of them, Xiao Fu dragged Xiao Hei who was at a loss and retreated to the side, away from Wu Xin and others who were kidnapping Song Zihao.

Xiao Fu was also afraid of harming Chi Yu, after all, the two who came were not simple people.

Li Wen figured it out, and so did Fu Guang.

Fu Guang cursed secretly: "Ma Dan, we have all been deceived by the other party, and the person on the other side is also a cop, just to stop us."

Although Li Wen didn't speak, his livid face showed his bad mood.

Especially suddenly, there were dense gunshots in the woods ahead, which further proved one thing——Fuguang's judgment was correct.

Now there are interceptions in front and pursuers in the back, there is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth!
Zheng Qiang's laughter also stopped abruptly, and then he said in a cold voice: "Li Wen, Fu Guang, you all surrender quickly, don't hold back stubbornly, because it is meaningless at all!"

Although Fu Guang saw that his group of people were relatively determined, and no one was bewitched by Zheng Qiang, but they were not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!
So Fu Guang sneered and said, "Surrender? Sir Zheng, do you think we are stupid? When did your subordinates survive? Surrender is death, and not surrender is also death. Do you think we still have to choose?"

Zheng Qiang cursed inwardly when he heard the words, "Fuck, I've changed my routine a long time ago, don't you know the f*ck?You have ruined Laozi's reputation all day long, and I will be the first to kill you in a while!
But on the surface, Zheng Qiang still sighed secretly, and said: "That's really a pity, I also think about your lives, since you don't cherish so much, I can only say goodbye to you!"

Hearing Zheng Qiang's words, the spirits of Li Wen, Fu Guang and others were instantly concentrated.

Except for the hostage Song Zihao, there were still eight of them, standing back to back.

"Do it!" Zheng Qiang suddenly shouted.

Li Wen and Fu Guang were startled and dumbfounded, they had a hostage in their hands, how could Zheng Qiang dare to neglect the life of the hostage?Is this how the Hong Kong police enforce the law?

But the two of them suddenly changed their minds, the hostage in their hands was Song Zihao, and Song Zihao, who seemed so frightening, was not a good bird, maybe what Zheng Qiang said just now was just a routine!
Killing Song Zihao and them is what Zheng Qiang wants to do, and it is also in Zheng Qiang's interest.

After figuring this out, Li Wen and Song Zihao looked at each other, and they could see what was in each other's eyes. What a miscalculation!
However, three seconds later, the hail of bullets they imagined did not appear, and the two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

But before they were happy for too long, two figures suddenly popped up in front of them, and just snatched away Song Zihao the moment they lost their minds.

Yes, it was taken away!
What made Li Wen's eyes tear open was that the black figure on the left suddenly punched out, the punch was astonishing, Wu Xin stretched out his arms to block it, but unfortunately it was just a mantis arm.

Wu Xin felt an irresistible force coming from his arms, which made his face change involuntarily. The anger in his chest was burning. He wanted to roar, but he couldn't make a sound at all. The huge impact made his The nose and mouth were filled with blood.


There was another loud bang, and Wu Xin felt that his skull was about to be blown out. This was his last thought, and then he closed his eyes forever.

Even so, Wu Xin feels that he has made money in his life, and has left countless wealth to his wife and children.

And compared to the ending of Wu Xin's family being killed by Li Wen in the movie Wushuang, this time he died alone, which is obviously much better.

Wu Xin's blood splashed onto Li Wen's face, and Li Wen cried out in pain, "Uncle Xin!"

This was not something Li Wen was pretending to do, because Wu Xin was an irreplaceable figure in their group. Now that Wu Xin was dead, Li Wen's losses were great. For a moment, he regretted coming to rob this Avenger. Electronic version.

But it's too late to say anything now!

Seeing Wu Xin's death, the two people next to him were also furious. They raised their guns immediately, but they were just a little bit stronger than ordinary people because they were close to the enemy's country.

Although Fenglei and Xiahouwu couldn't dodge the bullets, they could finish them off before they shot.

After Li Wen saw the actions of the two, he immediately shouted in horror: "Don't!"

It's a pity that he shouted too late, and the bodies of the two flew out like shells, and then lay motionless on the ground, obviously dead.

At this time, the people standing next to Xia Houwu were Xiao Hei and Xiao Fu. Xiao Fu was about to pull Xiao Hei back, but Xiao Hei didn't follow the routine. He felt that he had to do something in his current position. So he raised his gun decisively.

Little did he know that seeing Xiao Hei's death scene, Xiao Fu's face changed dramatically, the two people in front of him were very skilled, it was simply shocking.

Although Xiaofu had undergone intensive training after returning, he still felt that there was still a gap between him and the two people on the opposite side.

However, Xiao Fu is confident that he can become stronger. He just has a short exposure time. Sooner or later, he will surpass his sister-in-law Yang Jianhua. No, it should be Xu Zhengyang!

After Xia Houwu noticed Xiao Hei's actions, a disdainful smile appeared on his face. He was really stupid. Didn't he see what happened to those two people just now?
Xia Houwu's fist was mixed with the sound of piercing through the air, and even produced a sonic boom and blasted towards Xiao Hei's head.

In the next moment, Xiao Hei's head will be exactly the same as Wu Xin's.


How can it be?

Xia Houwu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his omnipotent fist was actually blocked.

Xia Houwu narrowed his eyes, and stared at the short man with short hair in front of him with the help of the weak light. There is such a master among them?


Xia Houwu was fine, just a little surprised, but Xiao Fu was shocked, because the punch just now made his blood surge. Xiao Fu had felt this kind of power in Yang Jianhua's fist.

However, Xiao Fu knew clearly that the opponent just hit at random just now, but he responded premeditatedly, and he still lost.

"It's interesting!" Xia Houwu said with a smile.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!" Fenglei shouted in a low voice.

"Hey, I'm sorry, it's rare to meet an opponent, and I'm a little excited." Xia Houwu said apologetically.

Then Xia Houwu took a deep look at Xiao Fu, and took Song Zihao and ran back.

As for Feng Lei, he stood there, motionless, forming an invisible deterrent to Li Wen and Fu Guang in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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