police world

Chapter 576 I don't want to talk to you!

Chapter 576 I Don't Want To Talk To You!

"I don't want to talk to you!" Hong Jipeng's exasperated voice came from the microphone.

In such a tense atmosphere, people around heard Hong Jipeng's words and smiled.

Indeed, Zheng Qiang was the only one who could make the bandits look like this.

Zheng Qiang's face is a little uneasy, Ma Dan's, isn't Hong Jipeng this f---ing demolishing him?
"Hong Jipeng, what do you mean by that? We have dealt with each other several times, it hurts you to talk like that!" Zheng Qiang said dissatisfied.

"If you don't change people, I will kill the hostages!"

Although Zheng Qiang said that he could try to continue communicating with Hong Jipeng, Fang Xing and the others were unwilling to take risks. After hearing this, Chen Jun took the microphone at Fang Xing's signal.

"Okay, I understand. I will immediately ask my superiors for instructions. You must remain calm." After Chen Jun finished speaking, he said to Fang Xing and Cai Yuanqi: "Fang sir, Cai sir, Hong Jipeng wants [-] million US dollars. At the same time, he asked to let those helicopters enter the port, otherwise he will kill the hostages."

Before Fang Xing could speak, Zheng Qiang frowned and said, "No! That's not what Hong Jipeng told me in the tunnel just now. His purpose was to fulfill his brother's last wish—to blow up the Hung Hom Tunnel. Why is he asking for money now? gone?"

"Could it be that he is deliberately setting up a ecstasy formation so that we can't figure out what he's thinking?" Cai Yuanqi said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out," Fang Xing said.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang again, and this time it was Chen Jun who answered it. After Chen Jun finished answering, his face changed, and then he frowned and ran to the door. A large group of people hurriedly followed Chen Jun out.

Then, everyone saw a person running out of the tunnel, a person with his hands raised high, although his face was full of fear, he still forced himself to remain calm.

"What's wrong? What did Hong Jipeng say?" Fang Xing asked.

Chen Jun said with an ugly face: "He said, don't you want a hostage? I'll give you one more."

Obviously, the hostage Hong Jipeng mentioned was the one in front of him.

Looking at the certificate held up in the opponent's hand, Chen Jun shouted sharply: "It's the police, don't move!"

All the riot police heard the order, stopped advancing immediately, and covered themselves with shields on the spot.

"I have an explosive (harmony) bomb strapped to me!" the visitor shouted loudly.


"I'm Zhang Zaishan from the Explosives Disposal Section." Encountering such a (harmonious) bomb incident, Zhang Zaishan must have rushed to the front, and he ran over without giving an order.

"Police number 19472, Huang Tiannuo!" Huang Tiannuo introduced himself very cooperatively.

Under Zhang Zaishan's gesture, Huang Tiannuo (bomb disposal expert, played by Cai Hanyi) raised his hands high.

Zhang Zaishan observed carefully, and then said in a low voice, "Don't worry, the timer hasn't started yet."

"Calm down!"

Zhang Zaishan patted Huang Tiannuo on the shoulder, telling him to relax.

"Zhang sir, don't worry, I'm calm." Huang Tiannuo said in a trembling tone.

Zhang Zaishan nodded, then took the ID from his hand and said, "I'll keep it for you."

"Explosives Disposal Section, support Sir Zhang!" After Chen Jun gave the order, three people with bomb disposal tools ran over.

Huang Tiannuo's body was trembling, but in order to conceal the trembling, he asked in a calm tone: "Zhang sir, is this bomb (harmony) hard to dismantle?"

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Zhang Zaishan said while checking the wiring on his body.

"I have received strict training, you can tell me directly if you have anything to do." Huang Tiannuo said pretending to be strong.

"You have good courage, you didn't embarrass our police." In addition to A Bin (bomb disposal expert, played by Wu Zhuoxi), Zheng Qiang also rushed over and praised with a smile.

In the movie, Zheng Qiang felt that it was a pity that Huang Tiannuo was killed alive by the bomb. Now that he is here, he must be rescued no matter what.

Seeing his idol Zheng Qiang, Huang Tiannuo said excitedly: "Zheng sir!"

Zheng Qiang comforted him with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, I will save you."

"I'm not afraid!" Huang Tiannuo mustered up his courage and said.

Zheng Qiang nodded, and then said: "Zhang sir, how is it?"

"There are four kinds of explosives on his body, and there are sixteen different combinations, which means that I have to cut eight lines, and all eight must be cut correctly." Zhang Zaishan said.

"How long does it take to cut a line?" Zheng Qiang asked.

"It's hard to say, a few seconds if it's fast, maybe a few minutes if it's slow." Zhang Zaishan pondered for a while and said: "Fortunately, the timer hasn't started yet, we still have time."

At this moment, Zhang Zaishan had already got the scissors in his hands, ready to cut them at any time.

"Okay, you do it first, if you can't dismantle this (harmony) bomb, I'll do it!" Zheng Qiang said.

Zhang Zaishan was very puzzled when he heard the words, you?Can you defuse bombs?But he didn't say that.

Zhang Zaishan held the flashlight in his mouth, then opened his eyes wide to look at the dense lines on Huang Tiannuo's body.

Huang Tiannuo was very nervous, especially his heart, which was beating very fast, but now that Zheng Qiang was here, he never panicked.

"You are calm." Zhang Zaishan said in a slightly encouraging tone.

"My dad taught me not to be afraid of anything, he is also a policeman, the kind who is not afraid of the sky and the earth!" Huang Tiannuo said in a proud tone: "And I have always regarded Zheng sir as a role model, and I also want to be Zheng sir. A policeman like sir."

This sentence made Zheng Qiang very useful, so he said with a smile: "Don't worry, just based on your words, I will definitely save you today."


Zhang Zaishan cut a yellow line short. Although Huang Tiannuo said he was not afraid, he still couldn't help his legs giving way. Fortunately, there was no explosion, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"Zhang sir, continue!" Huang Tiannuo's forehead was covered with sweat, and his eyes were full of nervousness, but he said as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Zaishan took a deep look at Huang Tiannuo when he heard the words, and said, "Okay."

As a result, when Zhang Zaishan was considering which thread to cut, a "beep" sounded, and the timer on Huang Tiannuo's chest started, and the seconds on it kept beating.

And the total time was 2 minutes, both Huang Tiannuo and Zhang Zaishan panicked all of a sudden.

Zhang Zaishan immediately yelled at the back: "Everyone, retreat 50 meters away immediately."

All the policemen were on the move, except for the five people around Huang Tiannuo who did not move. Zhang Zaishan said to Zheng Qiang, A Bin and the others: "You guys go too, hurry up!"

A Bin said unwillingly: "Zhang sir!"

"Let's go! Hurry up! Didn't you hear that?" Zhang Zaishan sternly yelled at A Bin.

(End of this chapter)

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