police world

Chapter 606 Rescue Feng Yuxiu

Chapter 606 Rescue Feng Yuxiu

After a brief inauguration ceremony, Zheng Qiang, dressed in police uniform, walked down the stage with a serious face.

The audience burst into warm applause, especially the three losers Zhou Xingxing, Ma Jun, and Huang Wenbin, who clapped their hands red, as if this was the only way to express their loyalty.

Huang Tiannuo originally sat with the three of them, but when he noticed the slightly nervous behavior of the three of them, he immediately moved away from them.

Huang Wenbin secretly sighed, his younger brother is still a bit too young, it's a pity that he didn't know how to grasp such an important opportunity!
"That's great!" Fang Jiexia said with a smile while clapping her hands.

After sitting down, Zheng Qiang changed his performance on the stage just now, and said with a playful smile: "That's why you don't look at who your husband is!"

"Can you be more serious? Are you still in a meeting?" Fang Jiexia said, glaring at Zheng Qiang.

Zheng Qiang shrugged helplessly, but when the camera lens was aimed at him, he obediently did a good job, and Zheng Qiang could tell which was more important.

After finishing his speech, Yin Xiaofeng, the director of the Criminal and Security Department, walked up to Zheng Qiang.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiang and Fang Jiexia immediately stood up, and Yin Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Zheng Qiang also smiled and said, "It's all cultivated by Sir Yin..."

"Haha, what have I cultivated? If you want to cultivate it, it is better that Lao Lin cultivated it." Yin Xiaofeng interrupted Zheng Qiang's flattery and said with a smile.

Zheng Qiang said with a chuckle: "Yin sir, I know all about your help."

Yin Xiaofeng nodded when he heard the words. There was nothing secret about the police meeting. The reason why he spoke up for Zheng Qiang at the meeting was to bet on Zheng Qiang's future and wanted this result.

"Zheng sir, you are not only expected to be the leader of the crime team, but also the most ideal goal in my heart, because with you, with your keen sense of solving crimes, our criminal and security department will definitely surpass other departments. After all, you are a legendary Hong Kong policeman, so I have confidence in you." Yin Xiaofeng said.

When Zheng Qiang heard this, he immediately understood that Yin Xiaofeng wanted grades.

Since you have an idea, it's easy to handle, just do what you like.

Don't you want grades?I will give you your grades to make you happy all day long. After I send you away, the position of chief of the commercial crime department is probably not far away from me.

Yin Xiaofeng had a brief conversation with Zheng Qiang about work matters, and then joked to Fang Jiexia next to her: "When will you be able to drink your wedding wine?"

Fang Jiexia blushed slightly when she heard this and said, "Uncle Yin, you're making fun of me again."

"Why are you looking for fun? Well, Xiaojie, if you don't plan to get married, my eldest brother has a daughter who is a top student who graduated from Cambridge University in the UK. I think she and Sir Zheng are quite suitable!" Yin Xiaofeng said with a smile.

"Uncle Yin!" Fang Jiexia shouted dissatisfied.

Yin Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Okay, I'm not kidding you, I'll go to other places, you chat, you chat."

After Yin Xiaofeng left, Zheng Qiang said strangely: "I never thought that I, Zheng Qiang, would be so popular!"

Fang Jiexia raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and said with a stern look on her face, "What do you mean by that? Could it be that you fell in love with that high-achieving student?"

Zheng Qiang was a little dazed, he didn't even know where Fang Jiexia got so jealous?
Perhaps there is only one possibility, that is, Fang Jiexia has met the girl Yin Xiaofeng mentioned, and she is very beautiful!

Although Zheng Qiang wanted to ask, but seeing Fang Jiexia's appearance of wanting to kill, he still turned off this obviously suicidal behavior.

"How is it possible? What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even know who she is, so how could I fall in love with her?" Zheng Qiang hurriedly explained.

"Then you mean that if you know who she is, you'll fall in love with her, right?"

Shit, this is so obviously the rhythm of arguing!
And grandma, what kind of vinegar are you eating?

Zheng Qiang, who was so talkative, finally coaxed Fang Jiexia, and then the two took time to visit Johnston in the West Hospital.

If Johnston hadn't reminded her, Fang Jiexia might have been kidnapped.

Besides, Zheng Qiang and Johnston are iron brothers, both of them should go there because of love and reason.

After chatting in Johnston's ward for a while, Zheng Qiang and Fang Jiexia came out, and they briefly talked about Johnston's condition with Vice President Liu Wenliu.

Then judging from the existing technology, Johnston's blindness is almost a foregone conclusion.

Despite this, Liu Wen is still very confident in their research, especially in the area of ​​restoring human vision. After all, in cooperation with the Mainland's Association for Special Functions, they can even solve most of the problems such as cancer, let alone eyes. Already?

So after listening to Liu Wen bragging for a while, Zheng Qiang and Fang Jiexia went downstairs. It was a coincidence that they met Shen Xue, Feng Yuxiu's wife downstairs!
Zheng Qiang touched his nose and said with a smile, "What a coincidence!"

Shen Xue smiled slightly when she heard the words, and then said, "Sir Zheng, I'm actually here to wait for you."

"Oh? Wait for me, what's the matter?" Zheng Qiang asked.

"I want to ask you, when will my husband Feng Yuxiu be able to come out?" Shen Xue said softly.

"This... I can't answer you this question, because I'm not a judge." Zheng Qiang said in a deep voice.

It's not that Zheng Qiang doesn't want to play tricks, but that he really can't control this kind of problem. He is a small Hong Kong policeman, and he can do a little trick when arresting people, but can he hinder the justice?
This is simply impossible!
Hong Kong is a city ruled by law. This sentence is nonsense and empty words, but the hearing of the Legislative Council is an existence that anyone fears.

Shen Xue's eyes darkened when she heard this, and then she sighed and said, "Sir Zheng, I know my husband has made many mistakes, but he did it all because of my illness. If it wasn't for my illness, we would definitely An An is farming in the countryside with peace of mind, and the reason why he made mistakes now is all because of me."

Fang Jiexia is a soft-hearted person, she couldn't bear to see Shen Xue like this, she asked in a low voice beside her: "Is there really nothing to do about Feng Yuxiu's matter? If you can help, you can help She? She is quite pitiful alone, especially when she is terminally ill. "

Shen Xue looked at Fang Jiexia gratefully and said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Zheng Qiang sighed and said: "If that's the case, I'll think of a way, but let's agree first, after Feng Yuxiu comes out, he must listen to me, otherwise I will never help him."

"I understand, I understand, Zheng sir, don't worry, I will discipline him well, with me around, he won't dare to cause trouble again." Shen Xue immediately promised.

No guarantee!After all, this involves the question of whether Feng Yuxiu can come out.

"That's fine, I just happen to have nothing to do today, so I will help you with this matter." Zheng Qiang said.

"Thank you so much."


Fang Jiexia drove Zheng Qiang and Shen Xue to Stanley Prison.

Shen Xue sat in the back of the car, and Zheng Qiang sat in the co-pilot.

When the car drove about halfway, Fang Jiexia turned her head and asked, "What are you going to do? Is it the bail route?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qiang shook his head and said: "It's not impossible to be released on bail and executed outside prison, but Feng Yuxiu was sent in by me personally, the evidence is convincing, and he has very high skills, many policemen saw it at the time, He is an extremely dangerous person, even if the Correctional Services Department does a good job, it will be very difficult to release him on bail!"

Shen Xue, who was sitting in the back, became tense when she heard the words. She was about to ask, but Zheng Qiang turned around and said to her: "Don't worry, I've already figured out the solution..."

"It's so troublesome for you, Sir Zheng!"

"Okay, okay, don't say thank you anymore, you have said thank you more than a dozen times along the way." Zheng Qiang said with a smile.

"It should, it should." Shen Xue said.

Fang Jiexia waited for Shen Xue to finish speaking, and continued to ask: "Ah Qiang, since you know it's so difficult, what do you plan to do?"

"how to do?"

"Xiao Jie, Shen Xue, do you know that there is a disease that doesn't require you to go to prison?" Zheng Qiang said with a smile.

The two contemplated for a while, Fang Jiexia had an idea, and then said: "Psychopathy!"

"Yes, it is mental illness."

"I heard that Feng Yuxiu injured his head while practicing martial arts before, which caused his brain to not develop well, so that sometimes he would do some aggressive behaviors. This is inevitable, and I didn't see it with my own eyes. Feng Yuxiu killed people, and those who died deserved to die." Zheng Qiang explained.

"This is a good idea." Fang Jiexia said happily at first, then thought about it and asked: "But wouldn't he still have to go to a mental hospital? If the mental hospital doesn't issue a certificate, he still won't be able to be discharged. .”

Zheng Qiang smiled mysteriously when he heard this, and then said: "It's just a mental hospital. Am I still not able to settle the matter? Besides, if it's really not settled, let Director Feng of the Western District Hospital step in and ask him to issue a certificate to the mental hospital."

"Proof?" Shen Xue asked curiously, "What's the use of this?"

"Yes, it proves that this thing is very useful." Zheng Qiang said with a chuckle.

"With it, the rest can continue to operate."

Fang Jiexia asked again: "What is the content of the proof?"

"The content is very simple, that is, the West District Hospital is conducting research on mental diseases, and needs to find a few mentally ill people to serve as their experimental subjects."

Seeing the slight change in Shen Xue's face, Zheng Qiang explained again: "Of course, it's just a verbal talk, and he won't really let him study it."

"Then I'm relieved." Shen Xue said.


Stanley Prison.

Knowing that Zheng Qiang was coming, Killer Xiong stood neatly at the prison gate to welcome him.

The reason why Killer Xiong is so concerned is because the prison is an institution under the Correctional Service, and a department like the Correctional Service, which is not a powerful department, cannot compete with the Security Bureau at all.

Now one is the daughter of the chief of the Security Bureau, and the other is the future son-in-law, does the killer dare to neglect?
If you are negligent, you can scare him to death!

The car stopped firmly at the door.

After the three of Zheng Qiang got out of the car, Killer Xiong hurried up, shook hands with them and said, "Sir Zheng, what instructions do you have for this visit?"

Killer Xiong bent over like a dog's leg, that guy was worse than Zhou Xingxing and the other three.

Zheng Qiang heard the words and said: "It's nothing serious, I just came to see a prisoner."

"Who?" Killer Xiong asked hurriedly.

"Feng Yuxiu!" Zheng Qiang said lightly.

Killer Xiong was grateful that he seemed to have heard wrong, so he asked again uncertainly, "Feng Yuxiu?"

"That's right, it's Feng Yuxiu! Why do you have difficulties here?" Zheng Qiang said.

"No difficulty, no difficulty." Killer Xiong hurriedly explained: "I'm just curious."

"What are you curious about?" Fang Jiexia next to her asked puzzled.

Killer Xiong heard the words and said: "Sister-in-law, it's like this, Feng Yuxiu was sent in by Zheng Sir himself, you are going to see him now, did he discover something new?"

"There is no new situation." Zheng Qiang shook his head, then pointed to Shen Xue standing next to him and said, "This is Feng Yuxiu's wife. She misses her husband very much, so she wants to come and have a look."

"I understand."

Although Killer Xiong said that he understood, he was still a little confused. What the hell does Zheng sir mean?
You caught him, and now you bring his wife to see her husband?

Anyone would feel a little awkward, let alone people like Killer Xiong.


Ten minutes later, Shen Xue walked out with red eye circles.

Since Zheng Qiang brought people here, Killer Xiong specially gave Feng Yuxiu and Yang Xue some time.

Seeing Shen Xue walking out, Fang Jiexia rushed to meet her, supported Shen Xue, and asked, "How is it?"

Since Shen Xue's body is relatively weak, she just nodded, indicating that she has already done the work of Tongfeng Yuxiu.

After Zheng Qiang saw that they were done, he said, "Killer Xiong, let's do this, I'll go first, if Feng Yuxiu has anything to do, you must tell me immediately, understand?"

"Understand, understand, don't worry, Zheng sir, I have been a prison guard for many years, and I still understand the rules." Killer Xiong said hastily.

"Okay, then I can rest assured." After Zheng Qiang finished speaking, Fang Jiexia honked the horn, and then the car drove away.

After Zheng Qiang left, Killer Xiong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then said with lingering fear: "This master has finally left."

"Brother Xiong, we are all eating this bowl of rice. Why do you respect him so much? I can't stand it anymore." A prison guard chattered behind him.

"If you can't stand it, you have to watch it..."

"Jingle Bell……"

A deafening siren sounded.

"Brother Xiong? What should we do?" A young prison guard asked worriedly: "Is someone coming to rob the prison again? These people are also sneaky. If it really comes like last time, what should we do?" Do it!"

"What should I do? What should I do? " Killer Xiong said with a cold snort.

(End of this chapter)

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