police world

Chapter 64 The Great Battle (End)

Chapter 64 The Great Battle (End)
Then Zheng Qiang signaled Xiao Fu to get up, and he fell down on the ground, and began to aim and shoot at the fourteen gangsters who rushed towards Chen Xinwei.

"Puff puff····"

The sound of sniper guns kept ringing out, and the gangsters who were clutching their necks kept falling down.

Chen Xinwei on the opposite side was not to be outdone, he shot to the head, both of them were sharpshooters, and they hit every shot, but Chen Xinwei still had to calculate the time, sniping and aiming, these all took time, while Zheng Qiang said that these were completely unnecessary, as long as they were facing the crowd Shoot, the bullet will naturally find the gangster's neck, it can be said to be a hundred hits, and it comes with a neck tracking device!
Just like this, when all fourteen people were sniped, Chen Xinwei slapped the ground again, because he lost again. At the same time, at the same distance, with the same opponent, Zheng Qiang fired ten shots, but He only fired four shots!
Could this be the gap between him and top experts?

Having been completely defeated in his field of expertise, Chen Xinwei was a little confused.

If Zheng Qiang knew what he was thinking, he would probably slap him in the face, and then tell him, "My child, you think too much. This is the gap between ordinary people and a fool. You will never be able to cross this hurdle!"

When Zheng Qiang was sniping, he was also thinking about one thing secretly. This sharpshooter I card also has many disadvantages. For example, when blocking a grenade, he clearly aimed at the grenade, but it was the gangster who died, and 100 % hits the neck, then 90.00% hits the right hand and 80.00% hits the left hand, which is very tasteless. It is estimated that this is the disadvantage of binding.

The most frightening thing was that Zheng Qiang was wondering if he was the only one who fired a shot when he was practicing the gun, would the bullet fly towards his neck!
It's so terrifying when you think about it!

However, he has the function of 1% dodging bullets within a range of 100 meter, so it should be fine, but isn't Nima attacking the shield with the spear of the son?

And 100% bullet dodge is also conditional, only after he stops and waits for 30 seconds, this skill will be activated!
When they fought all the way to the Sunshine Building just now, the extra bullets on Chen Jiaju and Xiaofu's bodies were all blocked for him, otherwise he would have died a long time ago!
These are not marked by the system!
Although there are disadvantages, it is still very effective. Now he is facing unskilled gangsters. If one day he encounters a real sharpshooter, these mistakes may cause him fatal danger.

Zheng Qiang's head is a little big, and he feels that his IQ should really be recharged.

At this time, a black car downstairs suddenly rushed over from the east, picked up a limited number of people such as Takumoto Eiji, and left.

This is how rich people play. Takumoto Eiji's cars are all custom-made. Even if the tires are blown out, they can continue to drive for more than 300 kilometers without reducing the speed at all!

Wang Dong shouted wildly: "Stop them!"

In fact, the Flying Tigers moved quickly even without his orders, but the incident happened suddenly and the speed of the car was so fast that they couldn't stop it at all. Takumoto Eiji's car escaped anyway.

Bullets hit the car without the slightest effect. Obviously, the body and glass have also undergone special treatment.

A Flying Tigers vehicle immediately started up, carrying a combat team and followed immediately.

Zheng Qiang and Chen Xinwei cooperated with the members of the Flying Tigers to continue cleaning up the battlefield. Except for a limited number of people such as Takumoto Eiji, the remaining gangsters were wiped out.

Zheng Qiang sniped and killed nine more people, which can be said to have won a lot of applause!

Sitting in the car, Takumoto Eiji did not escape the joy of birth at all. Instead, his face was gloomy. This time, he suffered a complete defeat. He lost all of the family's elite gunmen on Hong Kong Island, and also caused many deaths. The top professional killers died, including Dr. Ito, Gray Wolf and other top killers ranked No. [-] and No. [-] in Asia!
He's not afraid of these people's managers coming to trouble him, but if these managers have other killers in their hands, it will be troublesome.

This war, let's call it a war, made Takumoto Eiji realize his own shortcomings, and let go of his arrogance and self-willed side. If he was allowed to return to Japan to take charge of the power of the Takumoto family, he might not be able to make a comeback and fight again Hong Kong Island!
Takumoto Eiji swore secretly in his heart, and took a nostalgic look outside, that he would definitely come back to this bustling city!
As for the vehicles of the Flying Tigers chasing after him, he didn't care, because he had already made sufficient preparations.

Suddenly, a large truck came across from the front and blocked the way. The people in the car were stunned. There was such a loud sound of guns and guns behind, who would dare to drive a normal car here?

The big truck that appeared here was obviously abnormal, and they secretly prepared one by one.

"Bang!" Without the slightest surprise, a gunshot came.

A layer of spider web-like cracks appeared on the outermost window glass. Takumoto Eiji showed no fear on his face, but showed a sneer. The window is equipped with three layers of bulletproof glass. As long as the car is driving at high speed, Wanting to kill him is simply a dream come true!

However, when the second shot was fired, the smile on Takumoto Eiji's face disappeared, because this time it hit the same point as last time!

It was too late, followed by the third shot, the fourth shot, the fifth shot, a little bit of damage, and a hole was punched in the car window.

Takumoto Eiji hurriedly lowered his head to dodge, but unfortunately he met a master among masters. The bullets were as fast as lightning. He seemed to have been violently hit by a car, and then rolled directly on the car. The driver turned around and saw Takumoto. Eiji's eyes were still wide-eyed, and he still had the same hanging look, but there was a blood hole as big as an egg on his forehead, and most of the skull at the back of his head was completely opened, and the fleshy brain matter was splashed everywhere. .

Then there was a lot of gunfire, no matter how bulletproof the glass is, no matter how thick the wall is, it will always be broken...

After everyone in the car was dead, in an unknown high-rise building, a stern-faced, flat-headed man quickly put away his sniper rifle, and pressed his headset and said: "Little brother, tell the brothers to withdraw, the Flying Tigers will immediately arrive!"

"Understood, brother!"

If Eiji Takumoto could come back to life and see this familiar face, he would definitely understand why the other party would rather kill him than give up the $[-] million!
Because he Takumoto Eiji led someone to shoot the opponent's younger brother, so he must die!
The man is none other than a top-notch professional killer—Wang Jianjun.

When the members of the Flying Tigers arrived, they only saw the dead bodies in the car. They were all experts in gun play, and they could tell at a glance that it was shot by a sniper rifle, so the team leader directly reported: "Captain, the escaped Four people have been shot dead by snipers!"

Wang Dong clapped his hands and praised: "Okay, the sniper is doing well!"

Until this moment, the plan to catch the turtle in the urn has been successfully completed, and it is the end!
Hearing the news from the headset, Chen Xinwei was in a mess again. Zheng Qiang was cleaning the battlefield with him just now, yet he still had the energy to snipe and kill the fleeing people?Are all top snipers so powerful and willful?
 Continue to ask for collection, please recommend! !Thank you for your support! !


(End of this chapter)

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