police world

Chapter 657 I, Zheng Qiang, are not easy to mess with!

Chapter 657 I, Zheng Qiang, are not easy to mess with!
Zheng Qiang has always been merciless to those who attacked him. He raised his gun and shot, da da da... The flames from the AK47 pierced through all the people standing in the house.

And the most ironic thing is that Zheng Qiang used a classic posture commonly used by gangsters, that is, holding the AK47 high above his head.

Zheng Qiang was so preoccupied with being handsome that he forgot that there was a rocket in front of him. When he realized it again, it was too late!

But Zheng Qiang is Zheng Qiang, and he can really take it out at the critical moment. I saw him holding the AK47 in his hand tightly with both hands, and then swung it out with all his strength. The target was the rocket!

A specially trained special forces soldier can use barbed wire to block artillery shells. It makes no sense for me to be so stupid... No, it’s my wise and powerful Sir Zheng, who can’t hit rockets with an AK47!


There was a loud muffled sound. Due to Zheng Qiang's excessive force, he felt that the originally indestructible rifle in his hand had been cut into two pieces, and the part of the butt flew away without a trace.

Of course, the more important thing is that Zheng Qiang's efforts were not in vain, the rocket was directly shot by Zheng Qiang.

Since the door was open at this time, Chen Jiaju and Xu Jie standing outside the door, including Mike who had just arrived and officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all saw this astonishing scene.

Zheng Qiangqiang swung the AK47 without fear of death, as if playing tennis, and directly knocked the rocket into the air. They could even see that the moment the AK47 came into contact with the rocket, the warhead of the rocket was crooked. What the hell? It turned out to be crooked, which shows how powerful Zheng Qiang is.


There was a deafening explosion in the distance.

Accompanied by the explosion, Zheng Qiang walked out with the remaining half of the gun on his shoulder, awe-inspiring everyone.

But what Zheng Qiang thought was that if there was the BGM of Gang Leader Qiao at this time, the effect might be better.

After Zheng Qiang came out very domineeringly, he looked at Mike and asked in a cold voice: "I just want to ask you if you are convinced?"

Intimidated by Zheng Qiang's aura, Mike subconsciously said, "Subject, I will."

Only after he finished speaking did he realize that something was wrong. He had a tendency to give in.

Mike's complexion was very ugly, especially the voice of Zheng Qiang laughing, which was very harsh.

At this time, all the people who traded with Xu Jie were dead, so Xu Jie is safe for now, but in order to increase the deterrent force, Zheng Qiang shouted loudly: "Who else is not convinced?"

The elite troops under the Security Department all looked at each other. They asked themselves that they could not be so reckless as Zheng Qiang, so they all shook their heads.

Zheng Qiang then said to Mike: "Mike, it's not that I look down on you American soldiers, but that you really can't pick out someone like me!"

"If you really wait for your CIA to handle the case, the day lily will be cold. Your speed is too slow, and you really can't compare with our Hong Kong police!"

Although what Zheng Qiang said was ugly, Mike had to admit that what Zheng Qiang said made sense.

From the scene where Zheng Qiang shot the flying rockets just now, it can be seen that Zheng Qiang is a reckless person, and although Mike did not witness the scene of Zheng Qiang killing the Quartet, after they came, all the way Looking at the unobstructed and corpses all over the ground, you can know how many people Zheng Qiang killed.

Although Zheng Qiang and Chen Jiaju were standing here, Mike knew Chen Jiaju very well. Sometimes this guy was a good guy with a lot of sympathy.

Therefore, Mike chose to give in to Zheng Qiang, the evil star.

I saw Mike smiling and said to Zheng Qiang: "Sir Zheng, you are really good. You destroyed such a big den with one shot. You are really a role model for us to learn from!"

Zheng Qiang's face didn't change when he heard this, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Don't say that, role models are all hung on the wall for people to look up to, and I'm far from qualified!"

The smile on Mike's face stagnated when he heard this, but fortunately he had a lot of on-the-spot experience, so he immediately changed the subject and said, "This friend, looks familiar! I wonder if we've met somewhere before?"

Xu Jie was shocked when he heard this. He also worked in the CIA at the beginning, and Mike happened to lead them for a period of time as an instructor. Since there were not many Chinese in the team, Mike had an impression of more than a dozen Chinese. Not only that, but he often looked for them Talk heart to heart.

It's not that Mike has a good impression of the Chinese, but that if you don't do this in the United States, you are likely to be accused of racial discrimination. Even the CIA is not exempt from this point.

Zheng Qiang let out a little surprise when he heard the words, and then said: "Mike, you met this friend of mine, don't you remember?"

"When?" Mike asked, frowning.

"Think about it carefully." Zheng Qiang sighed helplessly, and then said: "Sure enough, it's people who take tea to cool down!"

This sentence made Mike very uncomfortable, so he waved his hand immediately, let the car behind come over, and sent Zheng Qiang and the three of them away.

If Zheng Qiang was asked to stay here for a while, Xu Jie appointed that he would show up, especially in front of Mike.

Chen Jiaju stood aside and hesitated to speak, but fortunately he held back, and Mike did not see this scene.

Just like that, Zheng Qiang, Chen Jiaju, and Xu Jie swaggered away in the car sent by Mike.


"Three years ago, I worked for the CIA and investigated nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Later, Kad from the FSB (Russian Federal Security Service) found me. They arrested my girlfriend Natasha. For Natasha, I I had to bow down and do things for them, as a double agent."

"And Card used his position in the FSB to become the biggest underground leader of the Russian Mafia."

When he heard this, Zheng Qiang asked: "Listen to what you mean, this Card should be the person who bought the nuclear weapons, that is, your boss behind the scenes, so where is he now?"

Xu Jie was startled when he heard the words, and then subconsciously said: "Sir Zheng, this Kade is not easy to mess with, he..."

"Hmph, I, Zheng Qiang, am not easy to mess with!" Zheng Qiang said.

Xu Jie still wanted to say something, but when he thought about Zheng Qiang's record, he stopped talking about these things again, but changed the subject and continued: "When I joined the CIA, I had lofty ideals, but Later, I discovered many things, I couldn’t see people at all, I couldn’t even contact my family, and sometimes the CIA would do some dark things, which was no different from what I’m doing now.”

"Perhaps there is a difference. One is the country and the other is the individual. This is the biggest difference." Xu Jie said with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Zheng Qiang nodded when he heard this, and then said, "Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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