I want to be a super cop

Chapter 126 Prepare to arrest

Chapter 126 Prepare to arrest
Today's society is developing very well, and people's living standards have improved.

In the era of rampant materialism, when everyone is busy bowing their heads, there is less communication, sometimes they will be confused, and the relationship between people is not as pure as before.

In the eighties and 90s, two couples who haven’t seen each other for half a year and a year will be excited for a few days when they receive a letter from each other. .

Now, couples who are together every day may fall apart because of this or that trivial matter, let alone those couples who live in different places.

I can chat with you for an hour or two on video tonight, but tomorrow I may already be someone else's girlfriend, and the reason for breaking up may be that I have nothing to say to you.

Is it because emotions are cheap?

Is impetuous?

Is it due to high material requirements?
Zhong Tianzheng couldn't give an explanation.

There are many men and women like Xiaoyue, and they use this to gain pleasure, to gain the indulgence of that moment or that night, and gradually get lost in this bustling city of material desires.

It is precisely this that gives those who wander in the dark areas an opportunity to strike. They specialize in such places, looking for prey.

What happened to Xiaoyue was just one of many cases.

It was also what happened to her that made Zhong Tianzheng and Xiangxiang feel angry, and also felt pity for Xiaoyue, a girl in her prime who turned herself into what she is now.

Xiaoyue is just one of thousands, how many men and women like her are there in the world?
This can't help but remind people of a sentence that has suddenly become popular recently.

Girls only need to consider how much dowry money they will receive when they get married, and boys only need to consider whether their future wife will be clean when they get married.

After coming out of the interrogation room, the two turned and walked into the next room.

Xiaoyue, who had been waiting for a long time, came up immediately: "How is it? Is there any progress? Has that person been found?"

"The case is ongoing."

Ah Xiang glanced at her coldly, her tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, or a little cold: "Now we are going to conduct a confession questioning of you, and you tell the whole story about what happened."

Zhong Tian was taking a panoramic view of all this, and according to his understanding of Ah Xiang, it is estimated that this little girl dislikes the style of people like Xiaoyue very much in her heart.

It's normal to not like it, as long as you don't make rash judgments, everyone has their own attitudes and methods of dealing with people, including feelings, they can't interfere, and there is no benchmark.

Roughly, the two had already understood in the hotel, and there was no big discrepancy in the entry of the confession. After the questioning, Xiaoyue's focus fell on the suspect man.

"Has he been found? When will he be arrested? I want to ask him personally why he treated me like this." Xiaoyue was a little excited at this time.

Zhong Tianzheng pondered for a while, and said truthfully: "I didn't catch it, and we are investigating it."

"Not caught? Why is your efficiency so slow? Isn't he registered? Also, what are the two of you doing here? Isn't it enough for one person to ask me? The other person hurry up and stop arresting him?"

Xiaoyue became emotional all of a sudden, and she patted the table while talking, as if she was extremely dissatisfied with the two of them.

Zhong Tianzheng narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at her, and ignored her, and he didn't bother to explain some things.

But Ah Xiang didn't think so. After all, she was a girl, so her temper came up, and she replied directly: "You still blame us for this kind of thing? His ID card is taken from someone else's lost ID card, you register with him Why didn't you look at it yourself?"

"Also, if you had a better style, wouldn't this kind of shit happen? Besides, we're investigating the case, so please don't point fingers and talk about the two of us doing the same thing. Trouble." Next time you speak up, can you be a little bit smarter? The inquiry mechanism is like this. It has only been more than an hour since we received the report, and we have already obtained enough information. Please give us some time."

"Finally, let me say it again. He is a veteran and repeat offender. He is looking for people like you to attack, and he won't wait for us to catch him. Please wait patiently!"

Ah Xiang spoke a series of counterattacks very quickly, but Xiaoyue couldn't react, her mouth trembled in anger, she didn't know what to say.

"Watch your words."

Zhong Tianzheng patted Ah Xiang on the shoulder, coughed lightly: "We will speed up, please be patient." After speaking, he took Ah Xiang and went out directly.

"I'm so pissed off, what are you saying about people nowadays?"

Ah Xiang put together the confession, and still didn't forget to complain: "I can't control my lower body and it seems like someone else did it. Men and women are the same. When I get better, I don't have a brain at all."

"Ha ha."

Zhong Tianzheng smiled and shook his head, his eyes fell on the map.

According to the agreement between the suspect man and the middle-aged man with a big belly, they will meet tonight, and the place is still there. So how to arrest them?This plan needs to be well deployed.

If they played together with the middle-aged man, the other party would definitely be suspicious.

But if the middle-aged person is allowed to go up alone, and the place is in an entertainment place, the scene will be so chaotic that there must be some accidents.

Therefore, this arrest plan still needs to be carefully summed up.

Obviously, Ah Xiang has also considered this issue.

Although some of Ah Xiang's experience may be insufficient, she has gone to the police a lot and has been arrested a lot, so she has her own opinion about this plan.

"Let me follow him."

Ah Xiang gave her own plan: "How about you and other comrades in charge of the periphery?"


Zhong Tian was turning his head and saw that she had let down her coiled hair, and her demeanor had changed from a capable little policeman to a charming young lady. If she changed this police uniform into other clothes, walking in the On the street, it is estimated that it can catch the eyes of some passers-by.

"I think it works."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, still agreeing to the suggestion.

Although there is a certain risk factor, compared to the middle-aged suspect, he still believes in Ah Xiang.

As for the risk factor, everyone is psychologically prepared to take risks.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was past seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhong Tianzheng, Ah Xiang and the temporary arrest team gathered together, with a middle-aged mobile phone in the middle.

"Ruixing Bar."


The middle-aged man hung up the phone, looked at the five-member police team, and swallowed his saliva: "Is it reliable?"

"Let's go."

Zhong Tianzheng patted him on the shoulder: "You only have one chance, you know how to do it."

A group of people set off towards the destination bar.

As soon as he got in the car, Zhong Tianzheng's phone rang.

"Are you off work? When you came to the People's Hospital, Xiao Cai was bumped."

On the other end of the phone was my father's impatient voice, not at all calm as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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