I want to be a super cop

Chapter 129 Traces

Chapter 129 Traces
"Be more specific."

Zhong Tian was looking at him from the side, under the drooping bangs, a handsome face without any expression, blunt and indifferent.

"He told me that he would call me in a few days, and I'll just come over when the time comes, and it won't break the law or anything." The middle-aged man with a big belly was about to cry, and explained: "Fifteen, how can I be like this?" Pay him back a lot of money, and it's not breaking the law, so I agreed to him without any hesitation."

"Last night, he called me out suddenly and told me about it. He said that as long as I stayed in the hotel for one night, the 15 yuan would be fine. Just tell the police what I say."

"At that time, I thought, there is no problem, so I took the room card and went in. I didn't know that there was a woman sleeping in it. After entering, I sat on the chair and played with my mobile phone."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man with a big belly suddenly knelt on the ground: "I want to retract the confession, I swear that I never had any unreasonable thoughts about that woman last night. At that time, I just wanted to get through the night. The problem It was because, for some reason, I suddenly had a reaction, and when I woke up, it was already noon."

"I saw the police again. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell you what he told me."

The policeman on the side asked, "Did you drink something when you were talking?"

"What did you drink?"

The big belly recalled for a moment, and his head was pounding like garlic: "Yes, yes, I drank a can of Coke, which tastes different from ordinary Coke."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Zhong Tianzheng wanted to push the middle-aged man with a big belly to the ground and rub it.

"I don't know either. I thought that as long as the two people fell in love at first sight and communicated deeply, it would not break the law."

"Law blind!"

Zhong Tianzheng stamped out the cigarette butt bitterly, turned around and walked out of the ward.

Four in the morning.

Zhong Tian was driving a QQ car and passed by Changxin Road inadvertently. He stopped the car involuntarily, smelled the smell of nicotine on his fingertips, and lit another cigarette.

There was a car accident here a few months ago, but now there is no trace of it. It was here that he had his first communication with Ah Xiang, and it had been a long time before he knew it. He was even a little used to this gold the presence of a partner.

Now, where will it be?

in the air.

It seems to be permeated with the familiar head and shoulders Xiao Canglan shampoo fragrance on Ah Xiang's body.

Zhong Tian was sitting down on the steps, frowning in thought.

The person who took Ah Xiang away has been confirmed to be Sun Zheng.

So, will he be in contact with Sun Li who has disappeared for more than 20 days?
If there is a connection, what is the purpose of them taking Ah Xiang away?
What are they trying to do?

Zhong Tianzheng slowly closed his eyes.


in mind.

The master-level spatial conception diverges and restores the crime scene.

In the space, Ah Xiang has fallen into a coma, and the digitized Zhong Tian is jumping into it.

At this time, Zhong Tianzheng was hugged by Princess Sun Zheng, and he was quickly shuttled in the alley. He squinted at Sun Zheng's expression under the peaked cap: "Why did you arrest me? Where do you want to take me?" ?”

Sun Zheng glanced down at him, and the corners of his mouth curved: "Little sister, don't be afraid, I will take you to an interesting place."

"Why me? What's your motive for committing the crime? It's pointless to arrest the police and run around, right?" Zhong Tianzheng asked rhetorically.

"Maybe you are cuter."

Without lowering his head, Sun Zheng quickly turned left and then turned in the alley, and finally came to the car that had been prepared earlier, put him in the trunk, and merged into the traffic flow.



There was a burning sensation in the fingertips.

Zhong Tianzheng opened his eyes suddenly, stomped out the burnt cigarette butt, and muttered: "What is your motive for committing the crime?"

Just then, the phone rang.

"How to say?"

"It was Sun Zheng who committed the crime. I compared the characters in the video, and the difference is not bad." Shi Xinyu's voice was a little tired: "Also, I checked the surveillance cameras at all intersections around the crime scene, and found that there was a Wuling Hongguang with a foreign license is a bit unusual.”

"What anomalous method?"

"First, when it appeared on the monitoring screen, it came out of the alley. Second: when the car was driving, its rear tires dipped in a certain arc, but the monitoring showed that there was no one else in the car. "

"According to Ah Xiang's slightly fat body weight of 1.6 meters [-], it roughly conforms to the curvature of the tire's compression deformation."

Zhong Tianzheng raised his eyebrows: "Do you also have research on mechanics?"

"Come and pick me up, I want to take a look at the scene."


After half an hour.

Zhong Tianzheng picked her up from his teacher Xinyu downstairs.

"Can't you smoke less? The car is full of smoke."

Shi Xinyu opened the car door, sat on the co-pilot, fastened the seat belt, took out the Ipd that he carried with him and started to operate: "You drive the car here, which is the first screen of Wuling Hongguang appearing on the surveillance."

The speed of the car was slightly faster, and the wind got into the car and slapped the faces of the two of them.

Teacher Xinyu said: "You seem to be a little anxious now."

"Aren't you in a hurry too?"

"Your anxiety is different from mine." Shi Xinyu paused for a moment, then tilted his head to look at him: "Do you like it, Miss Xiang?"

"This is not the right time to talk about this."

"Huh, if you like it, you will like it, what's the embarrassment to admit it." Shi Xinyu's eyes converged on the IPD screen in his hand: "Don't worry, Ah Xiang will be fine, he didn't attack Ah Xiang on the spot. She took it away, there must be other purposes, if my guess is correct, I already have a map of its driving trajectory."


Zhong Tian was shifting gears and stepping on the gas pedal, when a strong push came, the car accelerated and ran out.

Arrived at the destination.

The two got out of the car one after the other, Shi Xinyu pointed to the camera above his head, then pointed to the alley behind and said, "Look, Wuling Hongguang appeared in the monitoring position, behind is the only road that can pass through the alley .”

She turned on the IPD again and zoomed in on the map: "Look at the layout of this alley again. There are five entrances and exits, and there are only two exits for cars. I checked the vehicles that entered and exited at that time, and only this one Wuling Hongguang with a non-local license plate is the most questionable, and its owner information was updated three years ago."

The two walked along the alley, and finally, a tire mark not far away verified Shi Xinyu's statement.

The two tire marks, one in front and one in the back, have obvious differences in size. This should be the place where Wuling Hongguang parked, the location of the parking space, and a bunch of messy footprints.

"Get in the car and follow his driving path."

Shi Xinyu patted her own IPD and signaled Zhong Tianzheng to set off.

(End of this chapter)

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