Chapter 172

"Come on, come on, pick me up."

Zhong Tianzheng didn't even look at Xiang Yufei, who had gone far away, and reached out to help them fill up the wine: "Yu Cheng, how is your information over there? Did you find anything? Let's share it?"

"Check it out for yourself."

Yu Cheng dropped a hard sentence, reached out to touch Du Qi, and drank with his head raised.

Xiang Yufei's episode did not disturb everyone's interest, but Du Qi's vigorous performance just now made everyone quite happy.

Zhong Tianzheng grinned and looked at Du Qi: "If that person really wanted to fight you just now, would you really hit him?"

"Hit him? I'm stupid."

Du Qi laughed, rubbed his palms and said, "I don't bother beating him for this kind of guy. Besides, if you lose in a fight, you'll be hospitalized and you'll win a jail term. Beat him in front of you policemen, and then let you Get me up."

"Hahaha, interesting."

Everyone looked up and laughed.

A drink lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

Everyone was almost done drinking, and the banquet began.

"See you later, everyone!"

Du Qi drank half a catty of liquor and was very sober. After saying goodbye to everyone, he took the first taxi to leave.

Yu Cheng also took a taxi and left.

Zhong Tianzheng and Xiang were all drunk, so they asked for a substitute driver.

Yan Zhaoxing did not leave first, but pulled Zhong Tianzheng to one side, avoiding Chen Sheng and Ah Xiang who were chatting. He looked back at the two of them, mysteriously took something out of his pocket and stuffed it into Zhong Tianzheng's pocket.

"What are you doing? It's like an international secret deal."

Zhong Tianzheng reached into his pocket and touched two soft and thin square packaging bags. The inside of the packaging bags was a small circle and then hollow.


Yan Zhaoxing grinned, with an expression you know: "How about it, thank you brother, I have prepared everything for you. Such a good girl, the atmosphere is also high tonight, it is rare to see her drinking, you Why don’t you take it!”

"Big mouth."

Zhong Tianzheng rolled his eyes angrily, took out these two gadgets and returned them to him: "What are you thinking, what kind of person am I? Your way is not suitable for me."

It really is.

On some matters, Zhong Tianzheng and Yan Zhaoxing have completely different attitudes.

"Let's go."

Ah Xiang shouted not far away.

"Ma Dan, you big stupid ass!"

Yan Zhaoxing cursed with hatred, and forcibly opened Zhong Tianzheng's pocket, stuffed the things back, and then pushed him away: "How many of us can't see what my sister thinks about you? It feels like striking while the iron is hot will make men and women The relationship is confirmed, what's so good about being single."

"No, what the hell am I..."

Zhong Tianzheng was completely speechless, Ah Xiang and Chen Sheng had already looked over curiously, the one who was tugging at this moment was exposed, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and get in the car and leave.

Sitting in the back seat, Zhong Tianzheng rubbed his temples. He drank a little too much today, and he was a little tipsy.


Ah Xiang, who was sitting next to him, let out a heavy breath, unscrewed a bottle of yogurt and handed it to Zhong Tianzheng: "Come on, let's drink some yogurt after drinking, it won't hurt your stomach."


Zhong Tianzheng moved his head subconsciously and naturally, and opened his mouth.


next second.

He seemed to realize that his behavior was inappropriate, and he fell back as if electrocuted, reaching for the yogurt bottle.

"Open your mouth and drink."

Ah Xiang put her arms around his head, and began to feed him domineeringly.

"Thank you."

Zhong Tian was looking at Ah Xiang who was close at hand with a focused expression, his exquisite face expanded infinitely in front of his eyes, his big eyes blinked, and his whole heart beat faster.


It's a heartwarming feeling.

"Hey, brother, your car is quite unique."

The substitute driver sat in the driver's seat, inserted the key to familiarize himself with the condition of the car: "I haven't seen this car for a long time, it's a classic model."


Zhong Tian just woke up from a dream, came back to his senses, cleared his throat to cover up his absence: "Yes, just follow the address I gave you."

"Okay, then sit still."

The driver yelled, started the car, and started on the road.

The driver looked young, but his driving skills were okay. He drove very steadily and the speed was not very fast, so Zhong Tian was curled up and leaning on the seat with his eyes closed to rest.

It takes about 10 minutes to get to Ahxiang’s house from here. In a blink of an eye, the car gets on the elevated road, walks along this road, and arrives at the destination not far from the elevated road.

The car is driving.

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound of "呵呵味" outside the car, and the sound became louder and louder from far to near.

The sound insulation of the QQ car was not very good, so Zhong Tianzheng and Xiang both raised their heads and looked out the window in confusion.

There is nothing unusual directly ahead, except for a truck driving next to the left lane.


Zhong Tianzheng heard it, it was the sound of a car scratching, and it hadn't stopped since it appeared. His eyes fell on the truck in front: "Master, turn the car to the left lane."

The lane deviated, and the QQ car followed the truck.

Looking at it from a frontal angle, they will all see it clearly.

The body of this truck was actually rubbing against the fence. Although it was not going very fast, something was definitely going to happen.

"Drip drip!"

The substitute driver immediately pressed the horn and kept flashing to remind the front, but the driver of the truck did not respond, and the body continued to drive along the guardrail.

"This driver has a problem, turn around and be level with him."

Zhong Tianzheng frowned, shook his head and sat up straight.

He often drives this road when he takes Ah Xiang home, and there is a curve not far ahead.

If the truck rubs against the railing again, it will rush down the elevated road, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

The valet drove the car and was soon level with the slow-moving truck.

In the cab of the truck, the driver's head was on the steering wheel, and there was no movement for a long time.

"What to do now? Call the police immediately."

The surrogate driver suddenly sweated on his forehead and lost his mind.


Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang looked at each other, but didn't reply.

There is a curve ahead immediately, so it must be too late to call the police and wait for the traffic police to arrive. Once the truck rushes down, it will be a crushing disaster.

"Step on the accelerator! Overtake! Stop at a distance!"

Zhong Tianzheng took a deep breath, and quickly gave instructions to the driver.

"Azheng, you."

Ah Xiang seemed to have guessed what Zhong Tian was going to do, she couldn't help but tightly grasped his palm, her knuckles turned white.


Zhong Tianzheng grinned, patted her palm to show comfort, and stared at the moving truck with frowning eyes, the upgraded version of Devil's Eye immediately responded.

"Vehicle speed: 48!"

At this time, the QQ car rushed out with double flashes and stopped 100 meters ahead: "Brother, what should we do now?"

Zhong Tianzheng didn't respond, he opened the door and got out of the car directly.

He watched the truck approaching, the adrenaline in his whole body accelerated, his tight thighs exerted force, and he started to run on the viaduct.


The other cars that noticed the abnormality all slowed down, and some began to call the police.

(End of this chapter)

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