I want to be a super cop

Chapter 182 An Unfamiliar Woman (For Order)

Chapter 182 An Unfamiliar Woman (For Order)
"The money that should be returned to you?"

Gao Xuehua's eyes were slanted, his thick and strong eyebrows were knitted together, and he put his hands on his hips: "What do you mean the money I should pay you back?"

"I didn't count the engagement deposit, right? Eighteen dowry gifts are given, and the wedding money is called a dowry gift, right? Now that we are all like this, should the money be returned to me logically?"

Hou Jie patiently smoothed things over: "So, you have to give me fifteen."

"Haha, then do I have to thank you for being so generous and free me of [-]?"

Gao Xuehua laughed disdainfully: "Since you want to settle accounts, I will settle the accounts with you." After saying that, she took the latest iPhone 11 Plus mobile phone that Hou Jie bought for her last month and opened the calculator. Start counting.

Calculate and ask.

"How long have we been together?"

"A year and a half."

"How long have you lived together?"

"One year."

"One year is a long time, isn't it? I wasted this youthful time by being with you. Do I need mental damage fees? Youth loss fees?"

"I've been with you for so long, what have you given me? How much happiness have you brought me? I haven't even given you these things. Add it all up, and you don't need 20 yuan in compensation?!"

Gao Xuehua looked at him condescendingly: "It's good that I didn't ask you for money again. Why don't you have any skills? You don't even look at what you look like. You know you are four years older than me. I Why do I really like you?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be good at arithmetic?!"

Hou Jie suddenly laughed too, out of anger. Looking at the mobile phone in her hand, he felt inexplicably ironic and said coldly: "Loss of spirit, loss of youth? Do you want to add a **wear and tear fee?* *Slack fee?”


After Gao Xuehua paused, she immediately became angry.

"My grass and mud horse!"

"I'm doing the math for you here because of your friend's face. Do you know what my old lady used to do? What about talking to me about Nima's society? Last time my brother didn't explain it to you or something of?"

Gao Xuehua started to curse, not giving Hou Jie any face.

Before the two of them broke up, Gao Xuehua's brother had approached Hou Jie in private, and the general meaning was pretty much the same.

The theme is the same: the bride price cannot be refunded.

"Well, I don't care what you did before, and I don't care what your brother did. You have to return the gift money."

Hou Jie didn't have any unnecessary expression on his face. He stood up and blocked the door of the room directly: "Do you know where the 18 yuan in gift money came from? It's my brother's money. He thinks that my brother is old and not married yet. He lent it to me and I have to give it back to him.”

"I asked myself, since we got together, I haven't treated you badly, and I've given you the best in everything. Which of your huge expenses was not paid for by me? Have I ever asked you to spend a penny since we lived together? You don't know how much pocket money the month gave you?"

Hou Jie's tone was emotionless, and he looked at Gao Xuehua word by word and said, "I have supported you indirectly for a year, with a total deposit of 20 yuan and a gift of 15 yuan. Give me [-] yuan, not much more."

"Haha, that's great. You are so awesome. You can support me for another year. Not bad."

Gao Xuehua folded her arms and looked at him coldly: "Money, no! You understand? Get the hell out of here."

"If you don't give me the money, this matter will never end!"

Hou Jie's attitude was extremely tough.

He knew that if he came back today without a bride price, there would be no drama in the future, but he still wanted to reason.

Even if the two of them had never loved, they had slept together, and he didn't want to make it too ugly.

"I think you have to be a bit conscientious. After I'm with you, how much money do you spend on yourself? Even if I smoke a pack of cigarettes, I only dare to buy an eight-yuan Double Happiness. In a first-tier city like Shangnan City, Can you believe that I have a monthly income of 8000 yuan but only dare to smoke cigarettes worth [-] yuan? Is it just because I want to save money and give you something good?"

Hou Jie hasn't stopped smoking since he entered the house: "I hold you in my arms like a licking dog every day, but I can't move you even if I do this? My family paid for the bride price, and it's impossible to get married now. I have to leave this money to my brother."

Gao Xuehua looked at him contemptuously: "I asked you to treat me well? I blamed me now for being so cheap? Don't you have any tricks in your heart? You make such a ghost every day, no one can stand you Ah? Money, no!"

Hou Jie leaned against the door, hanging his head weakly.

He only knows now.

The woman in front of her not only wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but even his bones, which this woman wanted to gnaw, were all gone.

"Okay, then there's nothing to say."

Hou Jie raised his head suddenly, and the last trace of calm in his eyes disappeared, replaced by indifference: "You don't want yourself to be something extraordinary. When I like you, I hold you up, then you are a diamond. When I let go of your hands and don't hold you, then you are a glass scum, do you understand harmful garbage?"

"The gift money, you must spit it out for me today!"

Hou Jie's extremely tough attitude, which had never been seen in more than a year, immediately stunned Gao Xuehua.

been together for so long.

It doesn't sound good.

Hou Jie just wanted to fart, and he didn't dare to fart without his own permission, and now he is talking to himself in this tone?
The human heart is a very strange thing.

If a person has been submissive to you, and one day he suddenly becomes tough, you may think that this person is sick and you need to fix him.

If a person always treats you with a superior attitude, then you always feel that what he does is right, and you dare not refute it. One day, he suddenly treats you better, and you may feel that the whole world is beautiful of.

"You know, the way you are now has completely exposed your side of hanging silk, really." Gao Xuehua took out her phone and started to send a message: "Let me tell you, people like you will never That's all."

"Let me tell you another news, this bed, during the half month you have been on the night shift, hehe"


Hou Jie's face changed instantly, and he grabbed Gao Xuehua's collar with his thick arms: "I have worked so hard to feed and clothe you, you fucking treated me like this! Are you still a human being?! I have raised you for so long. I don't know you well!"

"Return the gift money to me!"

Hou Jie stared at Gao Xuehua with red eyes.

The already restless heart was like throwing firecrackers into the calm lake, and it was completely tumbling at this moment.

"Money, no!"

Gao Xuehua gritted her teeth and roared: "I've already told my brother, he's already calling for someone, he'll be here in a while, just wait!"

"If you dare to mention this matter again in the future, we will go to your hometown to talk about this matter. Didn't you say that the money belongs to your brother? Let my brother have a good chat with him."

Gao Xuehua, who had no brain at all, spoke nonsense.

Little did she know that she was already approaching infinitely on the brink of death.

(End of this chapter)

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