I want to be a super cop

Chapter 230 New Cases

Chapter 230 New Cases

The Hanging River runs through almost the entire Shangnan City.

Hanging above the river is the Xupu Bridge, which crosses the river. There is a lot of traffic on the bridge.

On both sides of the hanging river, on the sightseeing belt along the river, morning joggers in twos and threes ran past one after another.

Although it is still early in the morning.

But there was a restless heat in the air.

Under the piers of the Xupu Bridge.

The cordon on the inclined ladder along the river has been pulled down.

A small fishing boat was requisitioned by the police and is being salvaged on the water.

Morning joggers quickly noticed what was going on here, stopped running, leaned on the railings and became a melon-eating crowd, commenting a lot, or taking out their mobile phones to take pictures.

This move was immediately driven away by the assisted law enforcement assistant police.

On one side of the road, Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang pulled over the car, went down the stairs to the sightseeing belt along the river, climbed over the locked guardrail door, and continued down the steps.

Ah Xiang showed his documents to the law enforcement assistant police, and the two crossed the cordon and reached the river.

"How's it going?"

Zhong Tianzheng looked at the group leader of the street police station who was waiting on the shore.

"It's being salvaged, but it hasn't been fished out yet."

The team leader put his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes on the river: "The control here is not strict. Someone was fishing in the river this morning. Who knew that a female corpse was dragged out. The owner of the boat was frightened and immediately handed over the net to the river. Dropped it."

"Catch the net?"

"In progress."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded and turned his head to look around.

The Hanging River runs through the entire Shangnan City and flows into the sea in the east. However, since the flow of water is not very large and is controlled by the gate, there is no dry season.

The water surface is neither deep nor shallow, which brings a certain degree of difficulty to salvage.

The incident occurred downstream, opposite the residential area along the river. This side was a deserted area, overgrown with rocks and weeds, and had not been developed.

After looking around for a while, Zhong Tian turned back to the shore.

The owner of the fishing boat is sitting on the steps of the sightseeing belt in shock, frowning and smoking cigarettes, one after another.

"Tell me about your situation."

Zhong Tian was taking out a cigarette, and the flint rubbed it into flames: "I want to hear more details."

"Someone just asked."

The captain replied with panic and a little resentment in his tone.

This kind of thing will happen to everyone, and this kind of thing happened in the early morning.

"say it one more time."

Zhong Tian was leaning on the railing of the sightseeing belt, squinting at the river.

"I'm 48 today, local."

"I'm not asking about your personal situation, I want to know what happened to you in the morning." Zhong Tianzheng reminded.

"At seven o'clock in the morning, I came out of the house"

The owner of the ship crackled and said, after about [-] words, he entered the topic: "When the net was pulled up, the net was quite heavy. I thought I had caught something good. Who knew there was a female corpse inside. I stepped on the horse..."

"What did the body look like?"

"I don't know, I just saw that her hair is very long." The captain fell silent after finishing speaking.

Zhong Tianzheng asked as straightforwardly as possible: "Is the corpse rotten?"

"No, the foam is very white." The owner thought for a while: "By the way, the body is not swollen."

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng flicked the cigarette ash and did not speak again.

His eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

With the blessing of the upgraded version of the devil's eye, with itself as the center point, straight-line distances are presented in the eyes.

Zhong Tian raised his wrist to look at his watch from time to time.

At fifteen and a half minutes, the salvage team emerged from the water, climbed onto the fishing boat, and pulled out a fishing net.

The two members of the salvage team on the fishing boat dragged the body onto the boat with great difficulty.

Soon, the ship docked.

A group of people moved the corpse to the cordon that had already been laid out.

The forensic team immediately stepped forward.

Zhong Tianzheng, Ah Xiang and other staff were checking the appearance of the corpse from the side.

From top to bottom, the line of sight is slow.

As the owner said.

The corpse was a woman, whose face was covered by wet hair, and the head could not be seen clearly. The five fingers of both hands were spread out into claws, and the nail grooves were embedded with mud and sand.

This should be due to the violent struggle before death, the physical memory has not been erased, and it has remained the same until now.

The female corpse was wearing a white T-shirt with a simple pattern printed on the front of the T-shirt, and a corduroy knee-length narrow skirt on the lower body.

Under her feet is a pair of black high heels, about eight centimeters high.

For her age, it seems a bit exaggerated.

The exposed skin of the body was white and swollen from the river blisters, and even wrinkled like chicken skin, but there was no similar or exaggerated swelling.

From this, it can be judged that her death should not be long.

The most eye-catching thing is her feet tied up with ropes.

Her feet were bound from the ankles with nylon ropes.

Along the middle of the legs, the nylon rope passes across.

the end of the rope.

Five spherical spheres are chained together and tied together with rope.

Judging from the welding traces at the connection between the surface of the sphere and the iron chain, the material of the sphere should be a metal such as iron.

The iron ball is solid, which can be seen from the struggling expression of the salvage team and the owner's description just now.

As for the purpose of attaching the iron ball.

It must be the dead body.

Zhong Tian was standing at the head of the female corpse.

Devil's Eye gave her height data as 1.6 meters four.

Judging from the well-proportioned figure of the female corpse, the weight was about one hundred and five catties.

He took out disposable rubber gloves, squatted down on the woman's head, and reached out to brush her hair.


The moment when the woman's hair was pushed back.

Zhong Tianzheng's body trembled subconsciously and took a step back.

Although he has already investigated a few cases, there are very few murder scenes. The moment he saw the woman's face, he subconsciously made a conditioned reflex.

Quickly adjusting his mentality, Zhong Tianzheng squinted again.

The woman's facial expression was extremely ferocious, and her facial features struggled and twisted together.

Nothing hits her eyes more than her eyes.

The eye sockets are staring wide open, both eyes are blood red, and the eyeballs are covered with dense bloodshot eyes, which should be caused by the bursting of blood vessels in the eyeballs under extreme hypoxia and drowning.

Zhong Tian stood up with no expression on his face, took off his gloves and stopped looking at the female corpse.

"The woman died of suffocation, so I don't need to say the nature of the death."

Shen Mengxi squatted next to the corpse, and quickly made her own judgment: "When the corpse was salvaged, there was no *-like foam leaking out around the mouth and nose, indicating that the process of her death was very short."

"Under the impact and pressure of the water flow, coupled with the stimulation of cold water, the capillaries of the skin contracted, and the corpse spots appeared sluggishly, but the small amount of corpse spots that had appeared were light red."

Zhong Tianzheng asked: "Can the time of death be determined?"

"Judging from the corpse plaques, the corpse plaques no longer shift. After death, the body is stiff and there is no obvious muscle contraction response. The cornea is cloudy, which lasts about eight hours to one day. The specific follow-up anatomical analysis is needed."

"Okay, I understand."

Zhong Tianzheng raised his wrist and wiped his dial.

It is [-]:[-] now, judging by the lowest time, it should have happened around the early morning.

 1: The number of chapters is wrong, please apply to the editor to change the permissions, please wait a moment.

  2: There is a promotion exam on Thursday. If you pass the exam, you will get extra money. You will have to make up for it. You may ask for leave tomorrow.

  3: Thanks to Yan Zhaoxing for the 6000 starting coin reward, and congratulations to Hall Master Yan for being promoted to protector.

  I would also like to thank Fu Chengming for the monthly ticket for the chopper and the reward. Thank you very much.

  Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket.

  It's been a long time since I added a change.

  Sunday birthday, I think of a way, add more!

(End of this chapter)

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