I want to be a super cop

Chapter 327 Hello

Chapter 327 Hello

A three-star hotel in the city.

"Ding dong."

The elevator door rang, and the door opened in response.

The gentle and middle-aged Qin Zhanquan came out of the elevator with his ID room card in hand, and glanced at the room number sign at the door.

1018 is on the right.

He turned to the left.

"Dong dong dong."

The shiny leather shoes stepped on the carpet in the hotel passageway, making a dull sound.

Qin Zhanquan walked neither fast nor slow, walked forward for a long way, and then stopped.

His eyes stayed on room number 1032, and he reached out to press the doorbell.

"Ding dong ding dong."

inside the room.

In the 25-square-meter room, there was no one on a two-by-two big bed, and some change of underwear, black stockings and the like were placed on the messy quilt.

On the small table on one side, there is still a running computer.

After pressing it twice in a row, there was no sound of footsteps coming from inside.

Qin Zhanquan was not in a hurry, and continued to press it.

"Who is it?"

At this moment, a voice finally came from inside.

Chen Li put on her bathrobe, wiped her wet hair with a bath towel and came out of the bathroom. She looked into the cat's eye, but she didn't see anyone.

"We made an appointment, the person in charge of Xindi Media."

Qin Zhanquan stood outside the door holding his room card and ID card and said.

"Oh, it's you."

Chen Li suddenly realized that she arrived, and then pulled off the anti-theft chain and opened the door: "Sorry, did you take a shower just now?"

The door opens.

Halfway through.

Chen Li's voice suddenly stopped.

His eyes stayed on Qin Zhanquan's face, and his whole expression froze.


Qin Zhanquan bared his teeth and greeted him politely. His white teeth looked a little glaring at this moment.


next second.

Chen Li quickly reached out to close the door.


Qin Zhanquan had already put his hand on the door first, and with a push, he quickly got in.

"Help me."

Chen Li opened her mouth to shout, but before she could speak, Qin Zhanquan covered her mouth with callused and rough hands.

At the same time, the door was closed with his foot.

The surveillance screen captured this scene, but the front desk was checking in, and no one noticed it at all.

inside the room.

Qin Zhanquan hugged Chen Li's neck from behind, and put a shining utility knife directly in front of her, with a distance of three or four centimeters from her neck.

"Don't move around, don't shout, the utility knife is very fast, it can cut your skin easily, this knife is also the one that killed Chen Juhua, it's very sharp."

Qin Zhanquan lowered his body and scolded, then took out a plastic buckle tie from his pocket, tied her hands up, and let go of the person directly: "If you don't believe me, you can try it, I can give it to someone else. When you come, I will kill you first."


Chen Li nodded in horror, and quickly ran inside after being let go by Qin Zhanquan.

"I didn't expect that the person you're dating will be me."

Qin Zhanquan loosened the collar of his shirt and stepped into the room: "I know people like you too well. As long as I fabricate my identity a little, I can easily trick you out."


Qin Zhanquan had already contacted Chen Li privately a long time ago.

Chen Li is a self-media. It is very simple to ask her out. You just need to pack yourself a little bit, chat with her as the general manager of a media company, and say that you can help her operate the account and get traffic. It is very easy. You can gain her trust.

Chen Li curled up in the corner in horror, her eyes stretched out with fear: "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you still know me."

Qin Zhanquan answered the wrong question, pulled the underwear and stockings on the bed aside, and sat down on the bed with a big horse: "I thought it was just a daily behavior for you to deceive people, and you just forget everyone who has been cheated by you." , Unexpectedly, you still have a deep impression on me."


Chen Li faltered, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Qin Zhanquan took out a box of [-] yuan soft box from his pocket and lit it for himself. These cigarettes are very strong, very strong, and very cheap. Usually, people who are old and not very wealthy like to buy them. , but this kind of cigarette is also very popular, because there are relatively few shops selling this kind of cigarette in Shangnan City, the price is too low, and many shops are still fake.


Qin Zhanquan was wrapped in a cigarette butt, and the only sound in the room was the sound of tobacco burning. He exhaled the strong and bitter smoke, blinked his smoked eyes, pointed at Chen Li and said, "You, come here."


Chen Li desperately shook her head.

"come here."

Qin Zhanquan happened again, his tone was still unchanged, but he was a little bit calm, and he revealed a bluntness.

Chen Li quickly summed up in her heart.

Now there are only the two of them in the room, only [-] screens, and their hands are tied and they cannot break free. If they open their mouths to call for help, no one outside may be able to hear them, and even if someone outside hears them, they will not be able to enter. It takes a while to get in.

this time.

I definitely can't beat Qin Zhanquan, there is no guarantee for my life.

So, after hesitating for a few seconds, she moved over carefully.

Qin Zhanquan looked at Chen Li in front of him, his eyes kept wandering around her body, feeling his gaze, Chen Li shrank back subconsciously, but Qin Zhanquan's big hand grabbed her shoulder.

"You take good care of yourself!"

Qin Zhanquan showed a playful smile, and his eyes wandered over the fair skin exposed under the bathrobe: "Well, it's really good, I look very young, and my skin is also very good, but I am different, a person in his thirties, look It looks like a 50-[-]-year-old, well, that's the difference."

As he spoke, he directly reached out to pull the bathrobe on Chen Li's body.

"What do you want to do!"

Chen Li shrank back subconsciously.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just pulling your clothes back up, I'm only disgusting and not interested in you."

Qin Zhanquan really just helped her pull up the bathrobe, then pushed her body with both hands, sat down on the edge of the small table, reached out and fiddled with the computer interface: "Why did I come to you, do you know?"


Chen Li's lips twitched, but she didn't speak.

"Are you afraid of death?"

Qin Zhanquan asked again.

"No, let's talk about something."

Chen Li responded quickly: "Qin Zhanquan, don't get excited. Let's talk about the money. I can refund all the money to you, including the interest for these years. I will give you the highest interest rate, okay? I will give you back all the points, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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