I want to be a super cop

Chapter 349 Choice

Chapter 349 Choice
Apart from him, Brother Tao and Ah Xiang were not wearing watches, so where did the voice come from?

There is only one conclusion.

That's the big man in the vest.

"He's nearby."

Ah Xiang raised her head slightly, glanced at the tall and lush weeds all around, and whispered: "Maybe he is very close to us."

The sound of the hands of the watch is very small, and it can indeed be heard in some metaphysical quiet situations. Judging from the magnitude of the sound, the other party is only a few meters away from here.

even closer.

It is very likely that the big man in the vest just ran to the right for a certain distance, then got down on the ground, crawled back to the vicinity next to the ground.

This is a very ethereal sound that cannot be given a specific location.

The reason why he guessed that the big man in the vest was nearby.

Because Zhong Tianzheng and the others had come to search this area, once Zhong Tianzheng and the others did not find him, the special police probably would not come to search this area again, and he would most likely escape.



The sound of the pointer continued to sound.

Like a hammer, it struck heavily on the hearts of the three of them.

Now how to do?
Their actions just now, if the big man in the vest is nearby, then he must know their current location. Once they make a move, the gun will go off in the next second.

The black gun went off.

They are bound to hit, there is no possibility of escape.

At this moment.

The three of them were like prey, and were stared at by the big man in the vest hidden in the grass.

Zhong Tianzheng was holding his breath and concentrating, and the devil's eye was used to the extreme. He kept scanning the surroundings, trying to discover the other party's existence, but the devil's eye did not give any hint.

"How to do how to do?"

There was cold sweat on Zhong Tianzheng's forehead.

If they didn't find out that the big man in the vest was hiding nearby, that's fine. The first purpose of the big man in the vest was to run away, and he definitely wouldn't shoot them to expose himself, so nothing happened.

But they had already sensed his existence, and the movement of lying down to avoid him obviously shocked the other party.

He can guarantee that the muzzle of the black hole must be aimed in their direction now.

So the current situation is a bit embarrassing.

There are only two choices left for them.

The first choice is to continue to lie on the ground, but this is not a clear choice. One of my own people has been exposed. If the stalemate continues, the situation will be difficult to control.

The second option is to pretend that the big man in the vest has not been spotted and move on, so they may still run away.

But this faces another problem.

What they did just now must have shocked the big man in the vest, he found that his purpose might have been noticed by Zhong Tianzheng and the others.

So how strong will his psychological quality be?
If Zhong Tianzheng and his party pretended to be a false alarm, would the big guy in the vest believe them?

If you don't believe it, then they stand up and are living targets.

a time.

Various thoughts floated in Zhong Tianzheng's mind.

It's not that they are afraid of death.

This is a very real issue, and no one dares to make a rash decision in the face of life-threatening danger.

Minutes passed by.

"Ah Zheng, Ah Xiang!"

far away.

Leader Li's voice was heard calling them.

There was a sound.

That means they have to make a choice.

If they don't respond, the next second the gun will go off.

If they responded, would the other side shoot?
How to do?

Zhong Tianzheng took a deep breath, and turned his head to look at Brother Xiangtao and him.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang met each other's eyes, their eyes were looking at each other, and the light in their eyes was shining: "Crawl around."

In fact, this is a very stupid idea.

Once they move.

That completely shows that they have discovered the existence of the big man in the vest.

The big man in the vest will most likely shoot.

No matter how fast the crawling speed is, it can't match the speed of the howling bullets.


Brother Tao immediately began to crawl.



at the same time.

Zhong Tianzheng stood up immediately.

right hand side.

Ah Xiang also stood up.

The two are almost in sync.

The eyes of the two of them turned to one side, bent over and started to trot quickly.

The moment Zhong Tianzheng got up, he noticed that Ah Xiang behind him was also getting up.

His purpose from the beginning was to attract the attention of the big man in the vest and give them time to switch positions. Who knew that Ah Xiang had the same idea.

"Where! Where!"

Zhong Tianzheng glanced around anxiously, trying to find where the big man in a vest was hiding.

Ah Xiang also scanned the surroundings alertly, frowning tightly.

Three o'clock direction.

The big man in the vest lay motionless on the ground, his eyes narrowed into a slit, staring straight at Zhong Tianzheng.

The black barrel was pointed straight in the direction Zhong Tian was moving.

The distance between the two was no more than three meters.


In the grass, hurried footsteps sounded.

Under the bright moonlight.

The two move quickly.


right hand side.

Ah Xiang, who was moving rapidly, suddenly stopped.

When she was moving quickly just now, she found that right in front of Zhong Tian's moving direction, a bright spot reflected by the mirror flashed past her eyes, which was extremely faint.

If the guess is correct, this should be what the watch reflects from the moonlight at a certain angle.

If you don't remind him, they will collide head-on.

"Ah Zheng!"

Ah Xiang yelled, seeing Zhong Tianzheng who was close at hand and about to collide with the big man in the vest, and rushed over immediately.

The moment Ah Xiang's voice sounded.

Zhong Tianzheng's heart "thumped", his heart beat violently, and he felt extremely uneasy, and he subconsciously adjusted his direction and rushed to the side.

The big man in the vest subconsciously pulled the trigger.




in the dark.

A tongue of flame sounded.

A series of rapid gunshots rang out, hitting Zhong Tianzheng directly.


The moment Zhong Tian was flying away, he felt a burning pain in his right arm.

next second.

He hit the ground hard.

at the same time.

A warm palm tightly grasped his wrist, Ah Xiang appeared in front of him, and threw herself directly on his body, the two of them hugged each other and rolled over on the spot.

"Grass mud horse!"

Three o'clock direction.

The mentality of the big man in the vest was completely broken, and he stood up directly from the pile of weeds where he was hiding, and continued to pull the trigger at Zhong Tianzheng Ah Xiang's position with a roar.



The muzzle flame sprayed.

not far away.

When the special police who were searching heard the gunshot, they followed the sound and looked over immediately. They looked at the big man in the vest who stood there and pulled the trigger, and squatted on the spot holding the gun.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The sound of the Type [-] automatic rifle was sprayed out like firecrackers.

(End of this chapter)

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