I want to be a super cop

Chapter 372 Witnesses

Chapter 372 Witnesses
Zhong Tianzheng had planned the route the two of them would take today.

Ask Zhang Yifei first.

Then ask the witnesses, who were the first people who discovered that Lao Zhang had committed suicide by drinking medicine.

At last.

They need to go to the place where the incident happened, which is where Lao Zhang drank the medicine.

The reason for this planning.

It is because the scene of the incident has basically been destroyed, and the clues that should be left will still be on the scene, and there will be no clues if there are no clues. It is better to ask the relevant people first, and then compare it with the scene according to their description.

They asked about the little girl's details at the canteen last night. If there is no accident, someone will help to reach Zhang Yifei's ears, so Zhong Tianzheng needs a night of precipitation time.

He needs to give Zhang Yifei a process of self-struggle and panic.

But in today's inquiry.

Zhang Yifei didn't show anything abnormal.

There is also this chapter, and there is no abnormality in the performance.

His reaction was intense enough though.

But if you think about it in another way, his performance is reasonable.

If this kind of thing happened to anyone, they would be excluded from investigation.


10 minutes later.

Zhong Tianzheng and Xiang appeared in front of a row of old houses.

The houses in this row are indeed very old, and they are still the kind of mud houses with a long history.

The walls are all made of large squares made of rammed earth, layer by layer, two layers above and below, and tiles on the top.

Not to mention, this kind of house has a great advantage, that is, keeping warm.

But if there are disadvantages, there are a lot of them.

Not sturdy enough, etc.

Like the old houses in the countryside, when they were built, they were all built next to each other.

There are four families in this row of houses, one by one.

Now that the policy is getting stricter, it is less and less common to use farmland to build houses, and the homestead is tight. Logically speaking, this kind of house should have been demolished long ago and rebuilt on the original foundation.

A big reason why this row of houses has been preserved to this day is the way they were built.

When the houses were built, they were built one next to another.

If you want to unilaterally demolish a household, it is untenable.

If you demolish one house, the walls of the other house will surely fall down as well, so you don’t dare to demolish them either.

There are four families in this row.

The other three houses have long been abandoned and no one lives in them at all. Most of them are utility rooms used for collecting dry firewood and the like.

Zhong Tianzheng is the reason why Xiang came here.

Because the person who discovered Lao Zhang at that time lived here.

The door didn't close.

There are still red firecracker debris left at the door, it should be that someone came to pay New Year's greetings.

A tall and thin old man was sitting inside, covered with a quilt and warming himself around the stove. The whole person was in a very quiet state, silently staring at the front in a daze.

I asked about it before coming here.

The person who lives here is an old man who must be over 80 years old, and he is also a long-lived old man in the village.

When the village was first formed, everyone was somewhat related by blood. As the branches became more and more open, the blood relationship became weaker and weaker.

Based on kinship, Zhong Tianzheng should call him grandpa.

Grandpa has four sons, who separated out independently a long time ago.

He lives here by himself now.

"Grandpa, hello."

Zhong Tianzheng walked in with Ah Xiang, saying hello.

Zhong Tian was greeting him, but Mr. Peng didn't give any response, probably he didn't hear it.

It is estimated that two people came in and blocked the light at the door. The grandfather felt it, so he turned his head and looked at the two of them.

Grandpa was wearing a black wool hat and a thick jacket. His face had many age spots, and his cloudy eyes looked a little dim. He nodded at the two of them: "Who are you?"

He spoke in a dialect, but fortunately Zhong Tianzheng had heard some from Comrade Xiong Xiaocai, so there was no big obstacle in communicating.

It is fragrant.

Can only be on the side, like a silly sister silently accompanying the smiling face.

"Grandpa Peng's grandson."



The old man's hearing was a little degraded, so he just turned his head sideways and asked again.

Zhong Tianzheng had no choice but to lean closer to his ear, speaking a little louder, and exchanged several sentences in a row, finally explained his relative relationship clearly, and then directly asked about the situation at that time.

"Ah, you're talking about Lao Zhang!"

As soon as the matter was mentioned, the grandpa adjusted his sitting posture, and said to Zhong Tianzheng again: "That's what happened, that afternoon, I was free and didn't know what to do, so I went out for a stroll, and then When I saw Lao Zhang in the field, I started calling for someone, and then others came over when they heard it.”

Zhong Tianzheng was taken aback for a moment. Originally, he was going to listen carefully, but who knew that the grandfather would finish the matter in one sentence.

"Well, Lao Zhang is also a hard-working person. When he came to our village, he had nothing and built a house with his own hands, but he didn't expect to commit suicide by drinking pesticide in the end."

The elderly rarely have the opportunity to speak, and generally no one will come to talk to them, so the grandfather expresses his emotions for a while.

"Yes Yes."

Zhong Tianzheng took out a cigarette, handed one to the grandfather, and helped him light the fire.

He organized his language a little bit, and then asked: "When you found Lao Zhang, did you see any other people? It was nearby or around, or there were other people passing by."


Grandpa took a small puff of cigarette and shook his head: "When I found him, I saw that he was already dying, and he was probably quite far away from me. He fell down behind the haystack, howling. .”


Zhong Tianzheng was taken aback again.

Although the pesticide Lao Zhang drank did not kill him on the spot, it was enough to half-dead him.

To be reasonable.

Even if he did not lose consciousness after drinking the pesticide, human instinct prompted him to make a painful sound, but the wailing sound should not be loud. If the sound is loud enough, it should be discovered by others.

Then the problem is coming.

Grandpa is a person who can't hear you clearly when you speak in front of him. How did he hear this painful wailing?

In order to confirm this small problem, Zhong Tianzheng asked again for confirmation: "How far were you two at that time?"

"More than 20 meters."

The grandpa stretched out his hand and gestured: "At that time, I just came down from the back mountain and walked on the topmost field ridge. He was behind the haystack in the middle of the field."

As soon as he said this, a picture appeared in Zhong Tianzheng's mind.

Grandpa stood at the highest position and saw Lao Zhang in the rice field at a medium height.

Doesn't his perspective have a good vision?

(End of this chapter)

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