Chapter 402


Zhang also poisoned his grandfather, Lao Zhang.

The scene of the poisoned killing was roughly consistent with what Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang had inferred, and the investigation of the two was basically the same as what he said.

When Zhang also recalled the entire poisoning scene.

Zhong Tian was looking ahead, or looking at Zhang Ye, and he seemed very lost in thought.

in mind.

The master-level space conception ability diverges thinking, and the digitalized Zhong Tian is jumping into the space.

A complete scene of the crime is presented in the space, whether it is a plant or a tree or the thickness of the snow on the ground, it has become a one-to-one restoration, and the murderer Zhang at this time has also become Zhong Tianzheng himself, according to Zhang Ye's description, and then he carried out the entire poisoning process almost simultaneously.

"Really, don't blame me!"

The digitalized and virtual Zhong Tianzheng was clamping Zhang Lao's chin hard, pouring pesticides into it desperately, and his eyes were wide open.

And in his heart, many emotions were mixed for a while.



Can't bear it?


In the short process of poisoning, Zhong Tianzheng himself didn't know how many mental and emotional changes he had.


Chapter is also the end of the interrogation.

Peng Li, who instigated the murder, was also interrogated.

Peng Li's motive for committing the crime was basically selected from the wedding gift money. When she was making a description, in Zhong Tianzheng's mind, the master-level imagination still conceived the scene at that time, and the digitalized Zhong Tianzheng made the whole process. Substitution, according to Peng Li's description, the emotional fluctuations in my heart are almost one-to-one.



High above?


The onslaught of various emotions even gave him the illusion that Peng Li was himself.

The interrogation will soon be over.

It is embarrassing that the real murderer of this case has come to an end.

It is unacceptable for the grandson to poison his grandfather no matter what the reason is, but they can only condemn him from a moral point of view.

The case of Mr. Zhang being poisoned has come to an end at this stage of investigation and evidence collection, and what awaits them is the next follow-up process.


After finishing these things, it was already five or six in the afternoon.

When the two returned home, my grandfather specially opened a bottle of Wuliangye that had been treasured for many years, and Zhang Lao also poured a glass and began to drink.

This meal took a long time.

Grandpa got a little drunk, and was helped down by Comrade Xiong Xiaocai to rest.

"Stinky bastard, why do I look at you as if you have something on your mind?"

Ah Xiang moved her position and sat next to Zhong Tianzheng, blinking her big eyes and looking at him curiously: "It's the weird kind, you know."

"It's a little bit."

Zhong Tianzheng put a pig's blood ball into his mouth, and chewed it: "I found that I seem to have a dual personality, or a third personality."

Why did he say that.

In fact, when Zhang Ye and Peng Li were interrogating just now, his spatial imagination completely substituted him, and even the emotions between the two seemed to have been copied onto him.

"No way!"

Ah Xiang exclaimed, and looked at him with concern: "Why is it like this?"

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Zhong Tianzheng smiled and picked up the wine glass, took a sip himself, then lit a cigarette and took a sip. He transferred the cigarette to his left hand, picked up the chopsticks and ate slowly in front of him.

"It must be because of this case, Mr. Zhang is grandfather's comrade-in-arms, you are under pressure, and it is caused by overworking your brain and being too tired during the investigation of the case."

Ah Xiang frowned and comforted, took the disposable cup on the table, and poured herself half a cup of white wine: "Come on, I will accompany you to have a drink today, so that you can drink happily , completely relax."

"Wow, are you so scary?"

Zhong Tian was looking at the half glass of white wine in Ah Xiang's hand, at least in twos and threes: "I've never seen you drink before, don't be scary, just sit with me, I'll Just drink it yourself."

"Don't worry, I'm the kind of person who doesn't know what to do."

Ah Xiang patted her chest and said, "Come on, let's go, good partner."


He also understands Ah Xiang's personality, she is definitely not the kind of person without thinking, so Zhong Tianzheng also picked it up, and the two of them clinked a glass and took a small sip.

Take a sip of white wine.

Ah Xiang picked up the bacon in the bowl and put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and nodded in affirmation: "Well, it's delicious, and the bacon made by myself is pure."

The bacon made by the villagers all has a pure firewood flavor, which is very unique.

"That is."

Zhong Tianzheng was quite proud: "The old man did it himself, it's an old skill."

"Oh, I don't think this happy and harmonious situation is very good. Why there are people like Zhang Ye and the others, it's just a big deal." Ah Xiang couldn't help but sighed about Zhang Lao's case.

"Behind the case, how do you understand it is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, I hope some people will learn from it." Zhong Tianzheng waved his hand and changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's continue drinking. "

"This cup, let's celebrate the one-month relationship we've confirmed as a couple."


(third tone)

Ah Xiang sighed full of disgust, but still raised her wine glass, blinking her big eyes, her pretty face full of seriousness: "However, I hope we will have one year, two years, five years, ten years... or even a lifetime."

"Oh, our Miss Xiangxiang is expressing her affectionate confession."

Zhong Tian was teasing and snickering, and was immediately provoked by Ah Xiang's eyes. He quickly had a drink with Ah Xiang, and said seriously: "I believe, there will definitely be."


Ah Xiang proudly snorted, and drank with Zhong Tianzheng.

The two chatted a lot, talking about all kinds of things, and talking about everything, and their laughter and sighs sounded from time to time on the table.

About half an hour later.

After drinking half a glass of wine, Ah Xiang is really fine, and thoughtfully poured a basin of hot water for Zhong Tianzheng and brought it over for him, and when he put his feet in, he didn't forget to go around behind him and squeeze his shoulders.

Zhong Tianzheng naturally saw this high-level hospitality and was very moved in his heart.

Ah Xiang is probably a delicate being at home.

I casually said something about multiple personalities just now, and Xiao Nizi immediately became worried. She drank with her to relax, and even soaked her feet, squeezed her shoulders and massaged her.

Although it was just some small details, it was enough to reveal all her feelings for Zhong Tianzheng in her heart.

But in fact, the same is true between relationships.

The emotions of ordinary people may not be as vigorous as those in novels or TV dramas. Some are just bits and pieces in daily life, and they give everything to each other.

"Bell! God! Right!"

Main room door.

Comrade Xiong Xiaocai, who was coming out of the shower, said fiercely: "What are you doing! You even asked Xiangxiang to soak your feet and massage you. He is a guest, how did you entertain him!"

As she said that, she walked up quickly and brought over the footwashing water that Ah Xiang was holding out of her hand: "Leave it there, Auntie will pour it, you should pack up and take a shower to get ready for bed."

"How embarrassing that is."

"go quickly."

Zhong Tian was looking at the two of them with a smile on his lips.

This has to be the best scene of my life.

At this time, he was very satisfied, and even his heart became more and more intense. He hoped that this would always be the case, but the roulette wheel of fate was always turning, and no one knew where it would go.

Zhong Tianzheng had no idea that what he would face next would be extremely difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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