I want to be a super cop

Chapter 404 Closing

Chapter 404 Closing

Zhong Tianzheng's lips twitched, wanting to say something, but he had nothing to say.

Since it is a lottery.

There is definitely a certain chance of not winning.

It’s just that you should at least write a “do it again” or thank you for your patronage. If you didn’t win the lottery, should you be so direct.

For an instant.

Zhong Tianzheng thought in his heart that the system programmer must be a straight man of steel, and his speech is simple and rude.

"Mr. Mahuateng, you are a bit weak."

Zhong Tianzheng silently greeted Ouhuang Mahuateng in his heart and muttered in a low voice: "You can't lose once."

Adjust your attitude.

Zhong Tianzheng reached out to touch the turntable again.

After a flashy turn, the speed of the turntable slowed down again, and under Zhong Tianzheng's expectant gaze, it stopped again.

"No win!"

Still a few words without emotion.


Zhong Tian looked at the turntable blankly, and touched the turntable again.

"No prize."

"No prize."


With the end of the eighth draw.

Not winning a few big characters has always been the final result.

Zhong Tianzheng was completely speechless, and immediately stopped smoking in a frenzy: "I'm so stupid, you're done teasing me!"

at this time.

His original enthusiasm has long been exhausted.

This ten consecutive draws is just for fun.

"Don't try anymore?"

Xiao Tian saw Zhong Tianzheng walking outside and shouted behind him.

"You play with themselves."

Zhong Tianzheng waved his hand and left the system without looking back.

Going back to reality.

Zhong Tianzheng got up, opened the back door of the bedroom on the second floor, went to the balcony, and lit a cigarette.

In the sky.

Cotton-like snowflakes are eloquent.


It's quiet around.

The whole village was covered in white snow, and from time to time a dog barking could be heard in the distance.

Zhong Tianzheng looked into the distance and was lost in thought, only the sound of cigarette butts burning remained.

It's not that he was in a bad mood because of the lottery draw just now.

In this respect, he still has his own very good cognition.

Some things do not belong to you in the first place, so there is no need to worry about gains and losses.

Just like this system.

The emergence of the system has changed the trajectory of his life to a certain extent, but he doesn't feel that there is anything else. Without the system, what should happen will still happen.

of course.

There are many things in life that you still need to fight for yourself.

at this time.

He remembered Ah Xiang.

When I met Ah Xiang for the first time, it was because of a murder case in a car accident. At that time, the communication between the two of them was just a communication between colleagues. In the blink of an eye, the two had become lovers.

thought here.

He couldn't help grinning.

"Really, I don't know how to wear a coat when I go out to smoke."


The voice of Ah Xiang Anger sounded.

Ah Xiang woke up at some point, took Zhong Tianzheng's down coat and draped it over his shoulders, covering him carefully, her pretty face was full of seriousness.

"Okay, thank you, little cute classmate."

Zhong Tianzheng bared his teeth and smiled. He stretched out his hands to fasten his clothes tightly. He put his arms around Ah Xiang's thin waist and held her in his arms: "I was still thinking about our affairs just now."

"Our matter? What matter."

Ah Xiang tilted her head to look at Zhong Tianzheng, and said with a small mouth: "Be honest."

Zhong Tianzheng sighed, and teased, "I was thinking about how you usually bully and bully me."

"I'm not bullying you!"

Ah Xiang immediately pursed her mouth in displeasure, and responded angrily: "Obviously it's you who is hot or not, every time you either despise me for this or that, and say I'm simple-minded, hmph!"

"You can't blame me, it's because you can't keep up with the rhythm."

"That's it, obviously you bullied me."


Zhong Tianzheng smiled dumbly, and rubbed her smooth forehead dotingly: "You are the only one who can secretly change concepts."

"A little bit!"

Ah Xiang proudly stuck out her pink tongue at him, very naughty.

"OK OK."

Zhong Tian was snuffing out the cigarette butt in his hand, and carrying Ah Xiang into the house: "It's too cold outside, don't catch a cold later."


The two turned back to the house.

Ah Xiang was still hugged domineeringly by Zhong Tianzheng, and soon, Ah Xiang fell asleep breathing evenly.

in sleep.

Two small hands grabbed Zhong Tianzheng's arm, hanging directly on his body like a little bear.

"Little girl."

Zhong Tianzheng stuck out his chin, rubbed the top of her head lovingly, reached out to turn off the light, and went to sleep.


The real culprit of Zhang Lao's poisonous murder case, Zhang Zhang, was also arrested, which made the villagers even more lively.

Although the real culprit is Zhang Ye.

However, Zhang Yifei's attempt to replace the crime should also be punished by law.

Moreover, after Zhang Ye committed the crime, he happened to see that scene through searching, but he chose to cover it up. Instead of reporting and exposing him, he chose to take the blame for him. This choice was even more wrong.

The two main men in the family are both in the detention center.

There is no point in continuing Zhang Lao's funeral. His two daughters and son-in-law took over to organize the funeral. Two days later, Zhang Lao was buried.

Burial day.

Grandpa got up very early, boiled water and hot water by himself, brushed his teeth and washed his face, took out the prepared razor, wet his face, and meticulously cleaned the white beard and beard on his face in front of the mirror Neat, looks like a few years younger.

After you are done.

He opened the cabinet under his bed again, put on his military uniform, looked at the mirror on the wooden cabinet, and tidied it up meticulously, with a very serious expression on his face, and he didn't want anyone to help him.

After putting on his military uniform, he put on his military coat, carried Mr. Zhang's box, and walked out.

In the rural areas of Hunan Province, most of the burials are done in burials.

The same is true here in Pengjia Village, Zhang Lao was buried in the cemetery on the top of the mountain.

Originally, grandpa insisted on carrying Mr. Zhang's coffin, but was stopped by everyone, and it was changed to Zhong Tianzheng and his uncle taking turns.

There were a total of eight people in the first four and the last four carrying the coffin, all of whom were young and strong middle-aged people.

The process of burial is actually very laborious. Although the custom of kneeling to deliver is canceled in many places, there is still a necessary ceremony in the middle, and the action is slow and takes a long time.

Especially the road up the mountain is even more difficult, not to mention the narrow road, and the steep slope of the mountain, and with the snow, the manpower in the later stage was increased to twelve.

Grandpa, who is in his 70s, insisted on sending him to the top of the mountain. As Zhang Lao's coffin fell, the crowd gradually dispersed.

He bent down and put the box in his hand on the ground, opened the box, and Zhang Lao's military uniform, medals and certificates were neatly placed inside.


Grandpa shouted angrily, paid a standard military salute, and then put the box into the cemetery together, and buried it with the dust.

the whole process.

Grandpa didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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