I want to be a super cop

Chapter 437 Eight Surnames

Chapter 437 A Surname

"There is still no clue."

Ah Xiang shook her head helplessly: "Until now, we have only found out that someone transferred a sum of money to Wang Yanbing's account from a foreign bank. , we don’t have permission to know the other party’s account number.”


Zhong Tianzheng nodded, glanced at the document quickly, and then used the function of taking pictures to mention words, and forwarded the above things to Di Ruyun.

After they met by chance in Fenghuang Ancient City last time, the two of them exchanged contact information. From the time they came back to now, they would keep in touch from time to time.

of course.

The topic of their conversation was naturally about the case of Wang Yanbing.

The extra money in her account must be investigated no matter what.

"Would you like to play the video?"


Di Ruyun gave the answer.

Zhong Tianzheng glanced at Ah Xiang beside him, Ah Xiang shrugged indifferently, and Zhong Tianzheng connected to the other party's video.

Di Ruyun expressed a very unrealistic idea: "You said it is possible, let's ask Wang Yanbing face to face, is it possible that she will tell us the matter?"

"What do you think?"

Zhong Tianzheng tapped his fingers on the keyboard: "Since she has resisted the matter by herself, she must have made this decision a long time ago. If she asks again, she will get the same answer, which is meaningless."

He paused for a moment, and went straight to the topic: "Did you see the account I sent you? Can you ask your foreign friend to check it now, so I can check it here."

What Zhong Tianzheng said was very straightforward.

The reason why he told Di Ruyun these things was because of the resources in her hands.

Her foreign friend, Zhong Tianzheng specially asked her to investigate. He is indeed a bit tricky in the local area, and he is also a high-ranking person. The relationship in the local area is very complicated. Through him, it may be better than Zhong Tianzheng and his own investigation. much easier and faster.

"I've already sent it to him, just wait."

Di Ruyun was typing on the keyboard quickly: "I hope he can bring us something useful."

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and hung up the video after exchanging a few pleasantries.

It must be half an hour later.

Di Ruyun sent over a series of screenshots of chat records.

Zhong Tianzheng clicked on the picture to have a look, and browsed quickly, and the mouse finally stopped at the last paragraph of the picture.


This friend of Di Ruyun gave the information of the user who sent money to Wang Yanbing's account.

The message is simple.

Only one surname.

Even so, it is enough to prove how powerful her friend is.

Zhong Tianzheng frowned when he looked at this surname. Ah Xiang, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but look at Zhong Tianzheng, his eyes full of questioning.

Ah Xiang's tone was a bit unbelievable: "Could it be? Probably not."


Zhong Tianzheng looked at the surname on the screen with a frown, paused for a few seconds, and looked at Ah Xiang: "How did you check the call records of Wang Yanbing's phone number that I asked you to check?"

"I have asked the relevant departments to cooperate, but this case has been closed, so the progress is not too fast. I will screen out the phone numbers in detail." Ah Xiang quickly explained.

"Remember to compare it with those few anonymous calls."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and instructed again: "Also, check the phone numbers of those people involved in the cases in the middle, and pull out the detailed call records for comparison."


Ah Xiang nodded in agreement.

"Also, keep it secret!"

Zhong Tianzheng looked at the picture on the screen, and directly deleted the picture: "Don't leak the news for now, so as not to startle the snake, everything is still unknown now."

"I understand this, don't worry."

Ah Xiang's confidentiality regulations are naturally easy to learn, so she agreed and went down.

Zhong Tianzheng picked up the cigarette case on the table and went outside, lit a cigarette and watched the traffic outside, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.


A blink of an eye.

It was time again for Zhong Tian to be on guard at night.

Actually it can't be said.

Their department is usually based on the case. If there is a difficult case, it will be day and night.

The reason why it was his turn to watch the night.

The main reason is Team Leader Li's side.

Team Leader Li is much busier than Zhong Tianzheng, but recently, he couldn't bear to see Team Leader Li's poor spirits and his thinning top of his head.

Especially once when he went to the bathroom with Team Leader Li, Team Leader Li was swollen all over the floor, weak and weak, and completely lost the drive of a young man.

Zhong Tianzheng really couldn't bear to let team leader Li continue to ruin his kidney.

everybody knows.

Staying up late hurts the liver and kidneys, as a responsible young man, how can Zhong Tianzheng not help Team Leader Li to share more.

One o'clock.

Zhong Tian was busy with the work at hand, and came to the courtyard outside with a bucket of instant noodles, ready to finish his instant noodles, then smoke a cigarette, and get off work.

"Come, come, come, add a ham sausage to our deputy team leader Zhong, and a marinated egg!"

Ah Xiang also came out with a bucket of instant noodles, and a bag of convenience bags on the table in her hand, and took out a jar of Feizhai Happy Water from it: "Here, I bought iced ones for you."

"I thank you old man."

Zhong Tianzheng bared his teeth and was not polite. He unscrewed the can and raised his head to drink, while Ah Xiang added marinated eggs, sausages and other things to his instant noodle bucket.

Then start eating.

"By the way, how's the call history check going?"

Zhong Tian was lowering his head and putting instant noodles in his mouth, looked up at Ah Xiang: "Do you have any eyebrows?"


Speaking of this, Ah Xiang couldn't help sighing a little: "I pulled out all of Wang Yanbing's call records, and found that there are indeed some entries in her call records, which is very strange, but these numbers can't be found for follow-up Houses without owners, and they are all one-time calling cards, once used, there will be no follow-up."

"As for the other suspects implicated in several cases, their call records do have records of calls with Wang Yanbing, and the records are exactly the same as Wang Yanbing's call records."

"In other words, Wang Yanbing is just a middleman."


Zhong Tian was finishing his instant noodles and lit a cigarette.

There is no doubt that Wang Yanbing is the middleman.

The money coming in from her account is the best illustration.

It's just that the person who made the money couldn't find a breakthrough point at all.

Now it seems.

We can only start with this surname.

The surname that sent money to Wang Yanbing's account.

(End of this chapter)

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