I want to be a super cop

Chapter 44 Confrontation

Chapter 44 Confrontation
Seeing Ah Xiang's aggrieved eyes, Zhong Tianzheng suppressed a smile and took a sip of milk tea, and continued: "Is there anything unusual about Wu Meili recently? For example, her performance?"

"Yes, yes, that's what I want to say!"

Zhang Yueting nodded again and again, and leaned forward: "Lili has been restless in class recently, and she often looks at the blackboard in a daze. She can't respond when I call her. Several times, the teacher called her by name. After answering the question, she stood up in a daze."


Zhong Tianzheng frowned.

According to what I know, a girl like Wu Meili who studies well must be troubled by something more important than studying.

"Since when has she been like this?"

"I fully calculated, it will be exactly two months."

"That is to say, after the May Day holiday is over?!" Zhong Tianzheng quickly wrote it down in his notebook.

Facing Zhong Tianzheng's puzzled eyes, Zhang Yueting continued to explain: "Originally Meili was working part-time in a UW store like me, but at the end of April, she suddenly told me that she was going to leave her job to do other part-time jobs, such as tutoring for others." .”

"UW May Day has three times the overtime salary. The beautiful family's situation is not good, so I was curious, how could she go out to work part-time without the triple salary? I guess the company where she tutored must have a good salary. "

Zhong Tianzheng nodded. If a foreign company like UW wants to operate normally in China, it must strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations. For example, part-time jobs for college students are mainly in the service industry. Wu Meili gave up three times the overtime salary. higher wages?

"Sun Jun, president of the basketball club."

Zhang Yueting was very smart and said what Zhong Tianzheng wanted to ask first.


Zhong Tianzheng ordered his party to be in full swing, emphatically marking the word "Sun Jun".

"Since she had this situation, I kept asking her what she was doing after I found out. At first she always answered me perfunctorily, until one time, she told me that she was making up lessons for Sun Jun and his brother, out of curiosity, I opened her Alipay once, and saw the transfer records Sun Jun gave him, each time it was five or six hundred, and the highest was as high as eight hundred."

"Tell me about Sun Jun's situation."

Zhong Tian was estimating the current price of supplementary lessons in his mind. For college students like them, the price of supplementary lessons should generally be lower than the market price.

Why did Sun Jun give a price higher than the market price?
There are tricks.

Informed by Zhang Yueting, Sun Jun's situation appeared in front of the two of them.

Sun Jun, in addition to being the president of the club at school, has a great reputation, his family background is extraordinary, he has a lot of personal money, he has many supporters around him, and he has a lot of emotional experience. There are as many as fifteen girlfriends who just broke up. It can be said to be among the flowers.

Zhong Tianzheng couldn't help guessing: Sun Jun has a heart for Wu Meili, and in the name of his younger brother making up lessons, he further contacted Wu Meili, but Wu Meili's self-injury is not the result Sun Jun wants, right?

Or did Wu Meili hurt herself, and there was something else hidden?

Zhong Tianzheng got up and ended the questioning.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the door.

"Two cups of double-cannon in a medium cup, remove the ice and half the sugar."

Zhong Tianzheng turned his head to look, Yu Cheng and a man were standing at the door of the milk tea shop, their eyes met.

"Wu Meili's case? How did the investigation go?" Yu Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a contemptuous smile.

Zhong Tianzheng raised his eyebrows: "It's in progress."

"So there is nothing to discover?" Yu Cheng took the milk tea, turned around and handed it to the man beside him: "If there is no progress, go back and prepare to hand over the case to the Skynet team."

"Skynet team?"

Zhong Tian was squinting at Yu Cheng and the man behind him.

How could the Skynet team take care of such a case?

"Don't worry, I'm definitely faster than you."

Zhong Tianzheng walked outside without looking back: "Ah Xiang, let's go."


Yu Cheng looked at Zhong Tianzheng's back, nibbled on the milk tea and drank it, he pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, his eyes sparkled with brilliance: "Check this Sun Jun."


In the afternoon, the second team welcomed two guests.

"Leader Li, hello."

The person who came was Liu Yi, a member of the Skynet team, and then pointed to Yu Cheng beside him: "This is Yu Cheng, the consultant expert of our team."

The two sides greeted each other, but Yu Cheng kept looking at the second team, and couldn't find Zhong Tianzheng's shadow, which made him frown.

"It's like this. After our preliminary investigation into the case of Wu Meili at the Normal University, we found that there is another hidden story in this case. Given the bad nature of the case, we should restore the truth as quickly as possible."

Liu Yi spoke casually and concisely, but his tone was full of confidence.

It's not that he's high-spirited.

But the Skynet team is already qualified to speak like this, and their efficiency is indeed fast.

"Liu Yi, for this kind of case, your Skynet team is too big to use. How can you kill a pig with a sledgehammer?" Team leader Li showed a smile on his face.

Shi Xinyu, who was accompanying him, poked Team Leader Li's arm and whispered, "Ahem, Team Leader, you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife."

"It's almost like a pig." Team leader Li looked at Liu Yi without blushing and heartbeat: "Please rest assured, we have some clues now, and the truth of the case will be revealed in a short time."

Team Leader Li’s meaning is obvious.

They don't want to let this case go.

Now the reputation of their second team is gradually catching up with the first team. After a few days, the case was handed over again. It is not good for the second team.

"Everyone knows the reputation of the Second Criminal Investigation Team. It is almost as good as the Public Security Team. There is no progress in the case in your hands, and it is unintentional to leave it to you." Yu Cheng didn't want to say more, and said in a blunt tone: "This decision is also The above decision, hand it over."

Team Leader Li's eyelids sank and he looked at Yu Cheng.

There is still a difference between the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Public Security Brigade, right?
Isn't this kid talking too crazy?

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

"Oh, is it so lively here today?"

Zhong Tianzheng broke the silence and walked in from the outside. He stood on the right side of Team Leader Li, facing Yu Cheng: "May I ask how far you have progressed?"


"How far did the investigation go?"

Yu Cheng didn't hide it either: "Sun Jun, the president of the club who hired Wu Meili to make up lessons."

"Any more?"


The two spoke quickly, and everyone looked at them suspiciously.

These two know each other?
"I asked the security guard in charge of the building, and he said that he had never opened the door to the roof. In his memory, he locked the door after it was changed to a new lock, and he never opened it. Of course, these are just the security personnel. Description, there is no video in the corridor, so there is no way to prove the authenticity.” Zhong Tianzheng talked eloquently, sharing his own understanding: “However, according to his recollection, his key seemed to be lost, and was found later, so he didn’t take it back. thing."

"see this."

Zhong Tianzheng handed over the A4 document in his hand to Yu Cheng, and said unhurriedly: "After extracting the tumbler lock I brought back from the scene, I found that the fingerprints on it belonged only to the security guard, but these fingerprints have been detailed. Smudge marks."

"In other words, someone wearing rubber gloves or the like took the security guard's key, secretly opened the rooftop door, and then returned the key."

Zhong Tianzheng gave the final conclusion.

"Why the rooftop? Wouldn't it be too complicated to do so?" Liu Yi glanced at the extraction results, frowning and thinking.

"If our suspicions hold true, there is only one conclusion to this behavior."

"According to criminal psychology, this person has a certain degree of mental cleanliness, or this rooftop has special meaning to him."

"According to criminal psychology, this person has a certain degree of mental cleanliness and has a certain dependence on the roof."

Zhong Tianzheng and Yu Cheng said it almost in unison.

The two looked at each other.

Team Leader Li and everyone in the group were stunned.

"Hehe, I've heard that the second team has a good trainee policeman. It's really interesting to see you today." Liu Yi glanced at Zhong Tianzheng meaningfully: "Your name is Zhong Tianzheng, right? If you are interested, you can participate." Take a look at the selection of the Skynet team."

 Thank you for your recommendation votes. I found that some voted in the early hours of the night. Please pay attention to your work and rest, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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