Chapter 623

"Roger that!"

Zhong Tianzheng was squatting in the corner, grinning at the mountain forest, his whole body relaxed a lot.


Look back.

in the forest.


"Pu Chi, Pu Chi!"

The sniper abandoned the sniper rifle in his hand, controlled his breathing, lay motionless on the spot, and slowly touched the pistol on his thigh with the palm of his right hand, adjusted his state to the best, and tried his best to capture Listen to the sounds of the surrounding environment.

He could feel that someone not far from him must have quietly touched him. As long as he shot again, he would be the next to die.

He slowly scanned the places he could see in front of him. The terrain of these places was already familiar to him when he chose the commanding heights for sniping. He silently observed the plants and trees in front of him, and his spirit level was high. concentrated.


At this time, Du Qi, who was hiding on the ground, was also trying to observe the plants and trees in front of him according to the shooting angle of the bullets before.

A qualified sniper must be a certain pile of soil or a certain pile of grass or a certain tree at this time. His eyes are focused on the plants and trees in front of him, silently identifying them.


in the forest.

The only thing left was the sound of raindrops falling.


The sniper noticed that in the field of vision behind the corner of his eye, in a pile of grass, there seemed to be a clear sound of raindrops hitting. This was different from the sound of raindrops hitting the ground or leaves. This sound seemed to be crisper.

His right index finger on the pistol jumped and landed on the trigger.

at the same time.

According to the position of the previous gunshot, Du Qi locked the area in front of him, searched for every plant and tree, and he noticed that at ten o'clock in front of him, there seemed to be a slight bulge on the flat ground covered with leaves. , extending into a cluster of large bushes.

The downpour continued.

The raindrops slapped on the ground, that is, at such a moment, a raindrop hit the fallen leaves, knocking the fallen leaves into the air, and then fell, the sound of the raindrops also began to change.

Du Qi's eyes narrowed all of a sudden, he tightened his grip on the pistol in his hand, and put his index finger on the trigger.



Du Qi pressed the trigger without any hesitation towards the pile of bushes in front of him, the pistol was blazing and ejected bullets, and after firing a shot, he immediately rolled behind a tree trunk he had found earlier .

The moment Du Qi pulled the trigger.

The sniper, who had been hiding in place all this time, twisted his body without hesitation, pulled the trigger to aim at Du Qi's hiding place, and fired continuously.




Harsh gunshots sounded one after another.

In this short moment, the two had already moved the firing of the pistol to the extreme and shot at each other.

After the brief shooting session ended.

Blood sprayed from several places on the sniper's body, and the scarlet blood soaked the surrounding leaves.

"Puff puff!"

Du Qi gasped heavily, threw away the empty pistol in his hand, and pinched his bleeding thigh with a painful expression. The severe pain almost made people's eyes go dark, and he almost fell into a faint.

He shook his head, held another pistol in his back, slowly crawled towards the motionless sniper, came to his side to confirm that the sniper was dead, then pulled out the dagger pinned to the opponent's thigh, gritted his teeth Cut the opponent's neck, and then pinch off the opponent's headset.

After finishing all this, he continued to search for the dead sniper, took out a potion from his breast pocket, glanced at the English label on it, and skillfully took out the attached needle tube, put it The potion hit his thigh.

Du Qi lay on the ground in relief, looking up at the sky. The feeling of the raindrops hitting his face was so refreshing. Nothing could compare with this feeling of rebirth after death.

Just now.

The moment of confrontation.

If he hadn't insisted on the opponent's position and shot first, and rolled a position at the same time at the same time, then maybe he was the one lying here now.

After resting for four to five minutes, Du Qi, whose pain disappeared a lot, began to check the opponent's firearms. After some calibration and inspection, he dragged the facing gun and looked for a favorable shooting height.


"Brother Zheng, there is one hiding in the corner of the wall directly in front of you. You put up a gun, and I will help you shoot him out!"

in the forest.

Du Qi lay motionless on the muddy ground, perfectly hidden in the grass, looked at the villa in the magnifying glass, and said slowly: "Ah Xiang, Yu Cheng, you two pay attention to avoiding, the remaining two Not in my field of vision, I can't deter, they should be watching my position now, once I shoot again, they should be able to detect my position."


"it is good!"

The voices of Ah Xiang and Yu Cheng sounded.


Du Qi took a deep breath, focused his eyes on the magnifying glass, pointed at the corner of the wall, and pulled the trigger.




Three shots in a row.

Du Qi kept pulling the bolt of the gun and fired. The bullets hit the corner of the wall where the opponent was hiding. One shot after another, the thick stone bricks were on the verge of breaking.

This scene.

It's a bit similar to the scene of the wolf warrior in the movie.

The man hiding behind the corner squinted at the gradually loosening stone bricks in front of him, before the stone bricks were pierced by bullets, he quickly jumped to the other corner to hide.


"Brother Zheng!"

Du Qi's voice sounded in the headset.

Zhong Tianzheng had been paying attention all the time, and immediately leaned out, the butt of the AK gun was firmly pressed against his shoulder by him, and he fired directly.

"Da da da!"

There was a burst of flames.

A bloody mist exploded on the man's body. He shook a few times and fell directly to the ground.


The bearded man finally became irritable.

Less than 2 minutes.

Only two of them died on my side, and the situation was out of my control. Maybe several of them would be here today.

His eyes fell on the jeep behind him, but he gave up on the idea of ​​the third child in that car being a hostage.

The sniper sets up a position on the mountain. Once he goes out, he will be exposed to the opponent's gun. If he goes out, he will undoubtedly wait for death.


The bearded man made up his mind for a moment, and the only breakthrough was still in the room.

The only remaining teammate put on a shuttle of bullets, aimed at the door, and crazily fired. The flying bullets swept the room to pieces, and Ah Xiang and Yu Cheng didn't even dare to probe.

This is the moment.

The bearded man took aim, jumped in from another window, and pointed his gun at Yu Cheng who was hiding under the window.

"Da da da!"

A cruel smile appeared on the bearded face, and he pulled the trigger on Yu Cheng without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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