I want to be a super cop

Chapter 660 Overthrow and rebuild, stealing the sky and changing the day

Chapter 660 Overthrow and rebuild, stealing the sky and changing the day
The simple refrigerator used by Wang Jue's family to hide the corpse is actually a container with the function of freezing the refrigerator, and it does not have the shape of a refrigerator.

The wooden edge around the entire bed cabinet acts as the outer wall of the freezer, and the inner layer is covered with a thick layer of silver heat insulation, and the refrigerator box is considered to be formed.

On this layer of insulation, on the left and right sides, two cooling copper pipes are distorted, extending and connecting to the position on the head of the bed.

Here is used to place the motor, and then connect a terminal to control the control switch of the motor, then set the sliding guide rail on it, and lay two large pieces of glass.

This simple refrigerator is complete.

Put a mattress on it, and the whole room is no different from the normal situation.

This not only ensures cooling, but also ensures that the cold air does not leak out.

If you don't feel this cold feeling at close range, most people won't notice it at all.

(Note: This is a fictitious form, for reverie only, please do not actually operate, there is a life-threatening electricity safety! You must not use it yourself, right!)
"Look carefully at the structural diagram of this refrigerator."

Zhong Tian was holding this blueprint, and tapped several key parts on it: "Although this modification is simple, he has solved several core problems. If you don't know electricians, most people can't do it got up."

"Wang Jue is just an ordinary HR employee in a small company, and he himself graduated from a normal university. He studied economics and management, a typical liberal arts. He shouldn't be so proficient in circuits."

Zhong Tianzheng reached out to light a cigarette, squinted his eyes and said his guess.

Ah Xiang stretched his neck, scanning the simple circuit diagram: "So, you suspect that this simple refrigerator was not made by himself?"

"Yeah, who do you think it is?"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, unable to deny it.

Ah Xiang shook her head: "Did someone do it?"


Zhong Tianzheng shook his head in denial, and his eyes met Ah Xiang: "Wang Jue, his brother Wang Jue, is the perfect candidate to make this simple refrigerator."

"You make such a weird refrigerator at home, and you put it under the bed. A normal electrician will definitely murmur in his heart when he receives this kind of work. It's easy to think of what this thing is for, and he can't go out. Just report the case and let outsiders do it, the exposure factor is too high."

Zhong Tianzheng rubbed his thumb and index finger slowly, and analyzed: "Although his elder brother Wang Jue is only engaged in the installation of TV sets, he can repair electrical appliances. He just needs to learn a little and make a modified refrigerator. It's not difficult, he should have this hands-on ability."

"That's really the case!"

Ah Xiang suddenly realized and nodded, and then asked again: "But is it a bit too far-fetched to bring Wang Jue in just by relying on this conjecture? When the incident happened, Wang Jue had alibi. They were transported to the garbage dump after being attacked by others, and these are all proved by surveillance.”

Since Wang Jue participated in Bian Panpan's body hiding process, he must know what happened to his brother.

Since he has chosen to help his younger brother Wang Jue, there is no reason why he should not continue to help his younger brother when killing Li Yiguang.

"Your suspicion is very reasonable, but you have overlooked a very important point!"

Zhong Tianzheng took a puff of cigarette and exhaled a puff of strong smoke. Amidst the smoke, his eyes flickered: "Your entire reasoning process did not regard yourself as the center point. Your inferences were all based on the existing situation." The inferences made in front of these clues!"

"Clues are an indispensable part for us to find the murderer!"

"Similarly, the clues can also be used by the murderer to mislead our attention, accuse ourselves of the crime, and remove the accomplice!"

"For example, Wang Jue, he is both a murderer and an accomplice!"

"I even suspect that the person who killed Li Yiguang was Wang Jue, not Wang Jue!"

Zhong Tianzheng spoke loudly.


Ah Xiang's brows were erected all of a sudden, her eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"That's it! All our previous conjectures will be overthrown and rebuilt!"

Zhong Tianzheng flicked the cigarette ash, put the unburned half of the cigarette on the ashtray, crossed his fingers and rested his elbows on the table.

in mind.

The master-level spatial imagination ability instantly shattered all the pictures he had constructed before, and re-formed a re-conceived picture.

"The relationship between Wang Jue and Bian Panpan broke down. The two sides tore off the last disguise, and Bian Panpan's fangs were exposed. By chance, Wang Jue checked her mobile phone and saw the text message between him and Li Yiguang."

"This feeling of being plotted made him feel very aggrieved. When all the truth was exposed in front of Wang Jue, his mentality completely exploded, and this honest man fell into madness!"

"At that moment, Wang Jue just wanted to verify whether his guess was true, and he already had a crazy idea in his mind: kill Bian Panpan, kill Li Yiguang!"

"Through his own means, he found out that the person who was in contact with Bian Panpan was Li Yiguang, and it happened that his brother had the opportunity to get in touch with Li Yiguang, so Wang Jue told his brother Wang Jue about the matter and asked him to go to Li Yiguang's house to install With the opportunity of the TV, I helped to get something from Li Yiguang's house that can be used for paternity testing."

"During this process, Wang Jue had already figured it out. If Li Yiguang was really the biological father of his two children, he would kill him! So when the TV was installed, Wang Jue specially asked Wang Jue to do it, leaving An opportunity to enter Li Yiguang's house next time!"

Having said that, Zhong Tianzheng stopped and tilted his head to look at Ah Xiang: "On the day when the incident happened, that is, the day when Wang Jue came to repair the house, he was not attacked by any so-called murderer, all of this was just pretended by him. According to the normal itinerary, he came to Li Yiguang's community, passed the inspection of the security guards downstairs, entered Li Yiguang's home smoothly, and committed a crime, brutally killing him!"

"The murderer is Wang Jue! Not his younger brother Wang Jue!"

"He helped his brother kill this man!"

Zhong Tianzheng has the final say!
Ah Xiang heard Zhong Wenze's final judgment, and goosebumps on her body couldn't help standing up, showing a look of horror: "But, how to explain the monitoring of the garbage dump? We really saw Wang Jue walking out of the garbage dump! How do you explain these things?!"

"They are brothers!"

"They are twin brothers. They are about the same height and appearance. People who don't know each other face to face. At first glance, they may not be able to tell their true identities. Quality!"

"The person who went to the garbage dump that day was not Wang Jue at all, but Wang Jue!"

"Wang Jue had already thought about what to do if the incident was exposed when he set up these crimes. He had to get his brother out, so he had already planned the process of the matter. Wang Jue went to the room to carry out the crime. Wang Jue himself went to the garbage dump to do the rest of the scene."

"They are trying to steal the sky for another day!"

Zhong Tianzheng restored the whole process loudly and loudly.

Ah Xiang's voice trembled slightly: "What about the most critical evidence? How do you prove everything you said?!"

If all this is really the same as what Zhong Tianzheng said, then it is simply too terrifying to think about it.

Thinking hard!
It's not too much to use here.

"It's still those shoes!"

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang looked at each other: "The pair of shoes we went to Wang Jue's house for the first time, and the pair of sneakers that he threw away later, are the most important thing. As long as he has been to the garbage dump, the soles of the shoes must be old. There will be residual material components unique to garbage dumps."

"I found the shoe, just make a simple comparison between the data of the sole and the data analysis of the garbage dump!"

"As for the investigation of Wang Jue, I have basically completed the investigation. Soon, all the evidence will be in front of us."

Just then.

There was a sound at the door.

"Brother Zheng, I found Wang Jue's online shopping records you wanted."

"Brother Zheng, we also found the shoes"

 The new book is miserable, with 0 recommendation votes, it is very thorough, and it is very cool. I don't know where the problem is. I need to reflect, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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