I want to be a super cop

Chapter 69 Search

Chapter 69 Search
There is a time limit for filing a case for missing persons, but you can call the police as soon as possible and seek help from the police to assist in the search, especially for children.

The matter was urgent and there were too many clues, so Zhong Tianzheng reported it directly to Team Leader Li.

Team leader Li brought Xiao Zhang to the scene, first checked the surveillance video provided by Zhao Han, and the analysis he made coincided with that of Zhong Tianzheng and Yan Zhaoxing.

"You two help to assist in the investigation, is it okay?"

Team Leader Li took a deep breath, and quickly made arrangements: "I asked Xiao Zhang about Zhao Han, Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang to visit the community, and at the same time asked the security guards to assist, and searched the community again, not letting go of any corner."

Team Leader Li has been in the police force for many years and has rich experience in handling cases. If a child is missing, it’s okay if he wants to play.

"You can go."

Team Leader Li's eyes fell on Yan Zhaoxing.

"It doesn't matter."

Yan Zhaoxing is not an insider, so he is naturally not interested in participating in the detailed investigation of the case, so he told Yan Zhaoxing: "Pu Tizi is a point, I will go to a friend to find out if there are any players in Quantangwan."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded and left first.

According to his thinking, if the person who took away Yaya in a high-end community like Quantangwan is really an antique lover, then it must be relatively high-end. Yan Zhaoxing may be able to provide some useful information.

The first place Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang visited was the relevant staff responsible for maintenance, upgrade and monitoring today. When they found them, these people were already in the wiring room downstairs of Building 88.

Zhong Tianzheng had already prepared the draft, and when asking questions, he only focused on the key points, and Ah Xiang was in charge of recording.

"Did any of you leave the site during construction?"


"Does anyone else know about the maintenance of the monitoring system line?"

"This is for sure. Every maintenance will notify the owner a few days in advance."

"Is the key of the circuit room the same as the key of the weak current room?"

"Of course not, that's the job of the electrician."

"So are you going to cut the power line to the whole building?"

"Yes, the power outage time of the 36 buildings is 5:[-], about [-] minutes, and it was notified in advance."


Zhong Tianzheng frowned, looked at Ah Xiang, and motioned her to record it.

"Last question, when you were repairing Building 36, did you ever see people leaving with children?"

"Did not notice."

The workers talked with their mouths, but their hands didn't stop.

After asking the maintenance worker, Zhong Tianzheng turned his attention to the security guard downstairs.

The focus is still on whether there are any suspicious people coming in and out. The security guard’s reply is very simple. As long as people entering and leaving the community, no matter whether it is a car with several wheels or a person with two legs, they must register without a pass, and the phone number left behind must be registered. It must be verified on-site. If you do not come out within the specified time, you will call to inquire.

Zhong Tianzheng took the registration form. During the time period when Yaya disappeared, there was no information about the registration of personnel entering and exiting, that is, all people entering and exiting at this point must have a pass.

Then they screened the surveillance video and the access control system, and all the cars entering and exiting were fine.

That is to say, there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility: Yaya walked out by herself, but the community only has two gates with strict security, and it is obviously impossible to find it without security surveillance.

The second possibility is that people inside the community committed crimes.

This is also unlikely. The people who live there are all reputable businessmen. They are never short of money, and they have no motive for committing crimes.

The third possibility is that something happened to Yaya?But the neighborhood has been searched all over, but she was not found.

The case suddenly became anxious.

An idea came to Zhong Tianzheng's mind: Could it be that someone has a pass?
"Do you think Yaya will hide somewhere to play, and fell asleep after playing." Ah Xiang held a tone of anticipation, biting her lips and said: "I will find her in a while, little auntie must hit her hard. Her ass."

"I also hope that what you say is true."

Zhong Tianzheng frowned into the word Chuan, and took out the cigarette. Just after he lit it, several wet spots appeared on the cigarette.

Look up.

It's raining.


The thick smoke spewed out in a straight line before Zhong Tianzheng's eyes and then spread in all directions, covering the entire Quantangwan community in Zhong Tianzheng's sight.


The security captain took the photos distributed by Zhong Tianzheng, shouted, and launched a security community search again.


Building 36 on the eighteenth floor.

Zhong Tian was returning to the house, and team leader Li was questioning Zhao Han in great detail, including Zhao Han's interpersonal relationship and the company's recent possible competitors, and many other issues.

Zhong Tian was standing behind him and scanning the inquiry records. There was nothing unusual about every inquiry and answer.

Zhao Han's Chenglian Real Estate Group has an excellent reputation. It has many real estate projects in Shangnan City, Shanghai. It has never caused public outrage due to demolition issues under its name. The existing community has strict security and good reputation. The property team It is also first-class, whether it is in the industry's reputation or in the eyes of consumers, it has always been excellent, and Quantang Bay is one of the best examples.

Team leader Li stopped writing, looked at Zhong Tianzheng who was hesitant to speak: "You ask."

"Ms. Zhao, I want to ask, where is your husband now?" Zhong Tianzheng sat down with a sharp question, but followed his own train of thought.

He asked this question before when the police were dispatched to Yaya's house last time.


Zhao Han didn't care so much at this time, and was very cooperative: "I have been married to him for seven years, and I gave birth to Yaya in the fourth year. At that time, our business had just started to improve. The next year, because he and his younger brother They colluded, cut corners, and got caught when something happened on the construction site.”

"I'm from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. When the company started, we invested all the funds. After an accident on the construction site, it brought serious adverse effects to the company. My parents kicked him out of the group in a fit of anger."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded. He had read the news before. There was a lot of commotion at the time, and he asked again: "Property division?"

"Although it was his fault, when we divorced, we also gave him a lot of compensation, and all the shares were bought back without any price reduction."

Team leader Li was a little puzzled, not knowing the purpose of Zhong Tianzheng's question, but he still acted as a qualified recorder and recorded it verbatim.

"That is to say, you broke up peacefully." Zhong Tianzheng nodded: "Then after you divorced, do you still have contact with his family? Has their family expressed dissatisfaction with the division of property." According to Zhong Tianzheng's guess, Yaya was killed The neighbors around did not hear the crying when the person was taken away. Is it possible that an acquaintance committed the crime?

"The compensation money is enough for their family to spend normally for a lifetime, and his parents are not dissatisfied." Zhao Han nodded affirmatively: "Yaya has never seen Dad since she can remember, and basically has no relationship with his dad, so The two families have nothing to play with."

"No contact?"

Zhong Tianzheng frowned into the word Chuan, and if there was no contact, then her ex-husband's relatives would not have a pass to enter and exit the community. How did Yaya disappear?

"Which prison is your ex-husband in?!"

(End of this chapter)

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