I want to be a super cop

Chapter 716 It's Him

Chapter 716 It's Him

Yan Zhaoxing's expression froze.

This answer greatly exceeded his expectations.

Did you come here for the baby in Xiang’s belly at first?

"Why do this?"

Ah Xiang walked in at some point, her delicate face showed no expression, and her tone did not carry any emotional fluctuations, revealing a coldness: "Who ordered you."

On this small face with a calm expression, the heart is already full of anger. This kind of feeling is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the sense of urgency to find the real culprit is also unmatched.

"I don't even know who ordered me!"

The young man shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

"You do not know?"

Yan Zhaoxing raised his brows, stood up, pushed Ah Xiang out, closed the door of the ward with his backhand, returned to the bed with a gloomy face, grabbed the young man by the collar, and lifted him out of the bed He got up, pushed open the window and pushed the upper body of the man out.

The young man with plaster casts on his hands and feet couldn't resist at all. Just a little movement of his hands and feet would hurt like cutting flesh. He dared not move and looked at Yan Zhaoxing in panic.

"This is the seventh floor!"

Yan Zhaoxing looked at him in a deep voice, his right hand was firmly stuck on his neck, and the blue blood vessels were prominent: "It may be worse to die if you accidentally fall from the building!"

"Really, I really don't know!"

The young man shook his head desperately. His hands and feet are broken now, and he doesn't even have a chance to reach out and grab the opponent. It is equivalent to life and death in the opponent's hands: "Brother, dear brother, you believe me, I really am I don't know anything."

"Then accidentally fall down!"

Yan Zhaoxing lost all strength in his palm, and let go of the man's collar, and his upper body fell down.


The young man exploded in an instant, screaming and roaring, his voice was full of despair.


Yan Zhaoxing leaned against his lower body, grabbed him again, and pulled him in: "Say!"

of course.

He wouldn't really throw the other party downstairs, if that was the case, he would go in too.

"I say I say I say!"

The young man who survived the catastrophe burst into tears, sitting on the bed trembling, and after a few seconds of relief, he adjusted his state: "I really don't know who this person is!"

"Are you playing with me?"

"No, no, dear brother, can you let me finish my sentence?"

The young man almost cried, Yan Zhaoxing's irritable temper made him feel desperate, and he wailed and said: "I really don't know who he is, because we have never met, you know, I don't know this either Who is the person!"


Yan Zhaoxing glanced at him expressionlessly and hummed deeply.

He had actually guessed this result. If the person behind the attack on a criminal police officer didn't do anything to hide his identity, it would be a bit brainless.

This time he was not in a hurry, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself, wrapped it heavily, got up and opened the door to let Ah Xiang in.

Ah Xiang was standing outside. The sound insulation in the ward was very good, so she didn't know what was going on inside, so she opened the stool and sat down beside it.

"Tell me, I'll listen. If you let me hear anything tricky, you will know the consequences." Yan Zhaoxing cast a cold glance at him, turned to the window, and smoked.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's my fault that I was lost in my mind for a while, and I didn't figure it out for a while, so I did this kind of thing. I'm sorry."

After the young man had the experience of brushing shoulders with the God of death just now, his desire to survive was quite strong, so he didn't say anything directly, but first apologized to Ah Xiang.

Of course.

Ah Xiang ignored him.

The meaning of a child to oneself is extraordinary, no mother can accept what has happened, no one can be such a holy mother.

"I'm short of money, very, very short of money."

Seeing that Ah Xiang didn't pay attention to him, the young man noticed Yan Zhaoxing's stern look in his eyes, and wisely didn't mention his attack on Ah Xiang, and began to talk about the cause and effect.

"Do you know about borrowing money on the Internet? I was short of money when I was short of money, and then I came into contact with loans. Who knew that the expenses in my private life were a bit high, and there was no good job, so I borrowed slowly. There are more and more, and if they are not online, they will go to another platform to borrow money to make up the gap, and the account will become bigger and bigger."

Ah Xiang raised her eyelids and said nothing.

Is it because of a loan?
"I owe about 12 yuan in total."

Seeing that Xiangyan Zhaoxing was looking at him, the young man hurriedly continued in fright: "What I said is true, true, it's because of the money."

Yan Zhaoxing looked at him coldly, and took a mouthful of a cigarette: "You did this for only 12 yuan? You didn't know she was a criminal police officer? Do you know what crime you have committed? You are provoking the authority of the state agency." How dare you hurt a public official!"

"I didn't want to do it at first!"

The young man sighed very annoyed: "In the beginning, my debt was only about 3 yuan. I was still working at that time. I was young at that time. I didn't know how fierce online lending is. I thought about emergency Just use it, and who knows if you can’t pay it back at all.”

Seemingly seeing the disdain in Yan Zhaoxing's eyes, the man then explained: "It's not that I'm lazy, I also go to work normally, but the money is really paid more and more. According to a salary level of 6000 yuan, If you don’t go out when you are commuting, otherwise it will be really difficult to repay, and it will go up and down to 12.”

"Without further ado."

Yan Zhaoxing interrupted him. He had heard this kind of thing countless times. If you are willing to step in, there is nothing you can do.

"One night half a month ago, at about three or four o'clock in the evening, a phone call came to me suddenly, and he asked me if I wanted to earn 20 yuan, something easy."

The man recalled for a while, and organized the language to say: "I was surfing the Internet all night in an Internet cafe and was playing games, so at first I thought it was a liar, and after scolding him, I hung up the phone and continued playing my games. "

"Guess what?"

The man asked back.

Yan Zhaoxing greeted him with a big mouth, and gradually lost his patience: "You think you are telling us a story? Are you funny?"

This is just a stupid criticism, there is no normal thinking in his mind, and he can't tell his current situation.


The man became honest after being slapped, curled his lips and continued: "When I played in the Internet cafe until after five o'clock, I was sleepy, and then fell asleep on the table, who knows when I wake up , I found a yellow snakeskin bag in my arms, which is the kind of urea bag used for fertilizer."

Seeing that he was about to be beaten again, the man spoke a little faster again: "I was quite surprised at the time, I thought it was something, so I opened it, and it was full of bright red banknotes. I can smell the fragrance of money from the banknotes inside."

"I swear, I have never seen so many cash at one time in my life. The money was ordered and tied in bundles with rubber bands. I counted it carefully, and it happened to be twenty. Well, I didn't believe it at first, but after I checked the authenticity of a few money cards, I knew that the phone call in the early morning was real."

"But I don't understand. Why did he just give me the money? Isn't he afraid that I will run away?"

Yan Zhaoxing snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand on the window sill, and strode over: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you!"


The young man was speechless again, and quickly followed up: "I looked around and didn't see where the person was. I was the only one in the entire Internet cafe at that time. After thinking about it, I took out my mobile phone and called that number back. After passing by, I knew he definitely hadn’t left, he must have been staring at me secretly, and I didn’t dare to take the money and run away, for fear that I would be intercepted and killed if I went out like in the TV drama.”

Ah Xiang frowned and asked, "What did he say?"

"He asked me if I believed it was 20 now, and I said I did, and asked him what I was going to do."

This time the young man knew to get straight to the point: "He told me about your current situation, and asked me to find a chance to kick the child out of your belly. I said I couldn't guarantee it would work, and he said that as long as I did it Just do it, the 20 yuan will be mine after finishing it, it’s as simple as that.”

"I found that you are really looking for a fight when you are riding a horse!"

Yan Zhaoxing became agitated again, and looked at him with a frown: "You shouldn't have said it in such detail. When it's time to go into detail, did you tell me a sentence?"

They asked him to question him in order to find out from his mouth the whole process of the murderer's contact with him, and see if they could find any clues. This kid told it in one sentence.

The young man almost cried: "Brother, I don't know what you want! I don't know what is important and what is not."

"Actually, you said so much just now, just to win sympathy, right? Thinking that the sentence will be less?" Ah Xiang saw the man's careful thinking at a glance: "How to judge is a matter for the court, and it has nothing to do with us. Do you know the relationship? If you can provide us with useful clues to help us catch the instigator behind the scenes, you will be performing a meritorious service. I may also issue a written letter of understanding to help you with the sentencing. .”

As soon as the man heard this sentence, he subconsciously asked, "Is it true?"


Ah Xiang said very calmly.

In her heart, she really wanted to know who was behind the scenes.

"it is good."

The young man nodded and looked at Yan Zhaoxing: "Brother, can you give me a cigarette, I will recall what happened that night and try to retell everything I said."

Yan Zhaoxing took a deep look at him, but did not refuse, and stuffed the wrapped cigarette into his mouth.

At first, I thought this person was just a brain-dead person, but who knew that this kid had been acting all the time, with deep thoughts.

The young man is smoking a cigarette, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, lost in memories.


"The money is real!"

After the young man inspected the bundled money in the snakeskin bag, he excitedly went to the front desk of the Internet cafe to buy a bag Zhonghua returned to his seat and smoked it happily. He took out his mobile phone and called the number in the early morning.

The phone rang three times and got through.

"Brother, did you give the money?"

The young man got straight to the point: "The 20 yuan seems a bit hot to me now, tell me what you want me to do."

The voice on the other side of the phone is very low, it should be a middle-aged man, and he is talking in a low voice: "There is a woman who is three months pregnant. You help me kick her stomach. The money is yours."

"It's that simple?"

The young man caught the clue at a glance: "You spend 20 yuan to help me do such a simple thing? Can't you just make any accident and fix it yourself? Accidents are also lost money, right? "

"You're smarter than I thought."

The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback and smiled: "Then let me tell you straightforwardly. This woman is a policeman and now works at Tianxin Police Station. She now has a dedicated person to deliver the goods directly to her every day when she goes to and from get off work. Those who arrived at the door of the police station had no chance of causing an accident."

The young man lit a cigarette again, thinking clearly: "If you know this much, then don't I have a chance?"

"So I need your help."

The middle-aged man paused and explained: "That night I will create something to delay her and then create something for the person who came to pick her up. You will stay at the door when the time comes and just watch the opportunity. After finishing the money It's your own, how about it?"

"Hehe, it's as simple as that."

The young man took a breath of smoke and resolutely refused: "She is a policeman, brother, assaulting a policeman is a serious crime! I have already entered the inside, what do you need the money for? Don't joke with me, you must be watching me in some corner now , I will hide the money in a place and tell you where it is, and you can take it yourself."

"Hehe, you kid."

The middle-aged man grinned, shook his head and said, "Isn't it normal to kick someone casually these days? You just need to say that you're broken in love, and if you see a woman upset, just kick her casually. You don't even know that he or she is a policeman." Isn't it over?"

"Not worth it!"

The young man shook his head: "Do it yourself."

"I'll add money." The middle-aged man threw out his chips: "I'll give you another [-], and you help me get this done."

"You are so rich, why don't you find an opportunity to create an accident yourself?"

"Do you remember a shooting case caused by reselling cultural relics two years ago?" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "In that accident, there were a total of four people, but only three were killed at the scene, and one Run away, haven't been caught until now, I'm the one who ran away."

"The policeman who caused the trouble is dead, but I found that his girlfriend seems to have a child. I have to get rid of this child. There will be another person who betrayed us. He must die to pay for my three brothers. .”


Hearing this, the young man swallowed, and suddenly felt that he was playing a bit too big.

"I don't have a chance to leak, so I have to find someone to do it for me. I have been paying attention to you for a long time. You are short of money. You owe a lot of money. The money keeps rolling in. Even if you work hard, you are just giving to others It’s just earning interest, you’ve lived this kind of slavery for more than four years, don’t you want to get rid of it?”

"This is your chance."

"The person who gave you the money is not me, I dare not show up."

"This money, do you accept it or not?!"

There was silence on both ends of the phone.

The young man thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and agreed.

The other party really got the point. He has too many accounts, and now he is a slave to others every month to earn interest money, and he can't get out. This is his chance to turn around.

"That's fine, you take the money, and you can handle it for me."

The middle-aged man nodded, and then began to explain to him.



Ah Xiang frowned subconsciously when she heard this.

She remembered this incident very deeply. She was also shot in that incident. The man who ran away was the fourth child in the gang. There was no news about him in the country. She never thought that he would seek revenge.

Yan Zhaoxing frowned, and continued to ask: "Then why are the things that happened later different from what you talked about?!"

"Fuck me!"

When the young man heard this, he was immediately excited: "At the beginning we agreed that I would do it, but when I was about to act that night, he suddenly changed the script for me, asking me to rob a convenience store at that time, by the way Made people up."

Ah Xiang raised her eyebrows: "Do you want to?"

"He kept the bottom line. He said that he recorded all the conversations between us. I took the money and I agreed. If I don't do it, then he will report me. When the money is gone, I have to go. Going to jail, do you know how uncomfortable I am in this kind of situation? It's like eating shit."

"And he also told me that if I kick you directly, the sentence for assaulting the police may be more, but if I just kicked you inadvertently for a simple robbery, then the sentence will be less."

"So in the end I simply gritted my teeth and did it."

The young man sighed, very angry at the middle-aged routine.

"Don't you have any common sense?"

Ah Xiang frowned: "These two things are very serious, but do you think robbery will be given a light sentence?"

The man asked naturally: "Isn't this how it is played in Hong Kong Island movies? If anyone offends the police, the police will definitely kill him, don't you?"

"You use your own brains."

Ah Xiang glanced at him, took photos of several key points that she had recorded, and sent them to Team Leader Li, asking them to bring this matter up for an internal briefing.

Although the young man said that the fourth child had never met or contacted him, and he didn't know if the other party was in this city, he couldn't take it lightly.

The fourth brother of the gangster has murder cases in his hands. If such a dangerous person reappears, innocent people may be injured, so he must be found as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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