I want to be a super cop

Chapter 740 Do it!

Chapter 740 Do it!

Brother Zha squinted his eyes, looked at Xiangzi who made the final judgment, and fell silent.

this judgment.

He didn't think of it at first.

But now, he suddenly felt that what he said made a lot of sense.

My group has been very cautious in doing things recently, and has not shipped a product for a long time. It makes no sense for the police from Shangnan City to come here to arrest them.

"Okay, let's not rush to do this."

Brother Zha made the final decision, and the other accomplices naturally had no objections.


If he really went against the police and everything was exposed, even if his group could run away, it would be a serious loss of vitality.

The base that has been here for many years can be regarded as a complete ruin.

He is unwilling to bear these losses, so he will not act rashly before he is absolutely sure.

10 minute later.

The fourth child came back with Ah Liang.

"How to say?"

Brother Zha was smoking a cigarette, looking at the fourth child in a black vest with flickering eyes: "Did you see them?"


The fourth child nodded very positively, and said quickly: "I can be sure that these people are indeed policemen, and they are with Zhong Tianzheng. There is only one new face that I don't know."

He had considered all these remarks in advance.

It is unlikely that the original team will come over.

So he specifically said there was one person he didn't know.

Don't say it yet.

He really didn't know Xiao Li, and the fourth child had never met him. During that operation, the two of them never met.


Brother Zha had already guessed what the fourth child said, so he wasn't too surprised. He exhaled the smoke and squinted at the fourth child.

"Then when do we start?"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the fourth child, and he urged: "I think Zhong Tianzheng, this kid, probably has some evidence. He called someone over this time, just to get us out of the way."

"It's urgent."

Speaking of the end.

He also added a sentence.

Brother Zha was unmoved, and asked again as if repeating: "Then what do you think is their purpose for coming this time?"


The fourth child was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Brother Zha to ask such a question, but he still didn't realize it all of a sudden: "Then how do I know, he must have come here after us."

"You do not know?"

Brother Zha laughed: "Do you think it is possible that they are here specifically for you?"

"You committed a crime in Shangnan City, and then they found your current trail, so they followed you. Do you think this is the reason?"

When it comes to here.

The younger brothers, who were still smoking and watching, couldn't help but took a step forward and surrounded the fourth child.

The fourth child looked at the surrounding movements from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help squinting: "How many brothers? Do you think this person is attracted?"

"Everyone knows exactly how Zhong Tian appeared here, right? This kid came here by accident because of the case at the top of Yufeng Mountain in Shangnan City."

"I didn't expect to meet us, get in touch with us, and know what we do from the rumors around me, so I have been collecting evidence secretly, and this time I am going to do something against us."

The old four are not stupid.

The reactions of the younger brothers around him are enough to explain a lot of problems.

Brother Zha and his group are planning to throw themselves out!
He had to come up with a perfect reason.

"Hehe, according to what you mean, there are only three of them, and there are only four of Zhong Tianzheng, so the four of them want to overthrow our entire team?"

The smile on Brother Zha's face gradually disappeared, and his tone was indifferent: "Or, do you think our team is trash, and they only need four people to uproot us?!"

"that's not what it means."

The fourth child opened his mouth and tensed his body: "Is it possible that they contacted the local police and are planning a joint operation?"

"Zhong Tianzheng and the others are just a bait. They know I'm here, so they throw them out specially to scare us!"

The fourth child was active and made a simple analysis of the matter.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Brother Zha curled his lips: "For a joint operation, they can bury people so long in advance? If they really came for us, they wouldn't choose to arrange Zhong Tianzheng with Sister Mei."

"If he really came for us, then our people must have their undercover agents!"

"Then tell me, who is this [-]-year-old boy? You can't tell, can you?"

Facing Brother Zha's repeated questioning, the fourth child fell silent again: "What's the matter? Brother Zha, what do you mean?"

He certainly wouldn't foolishly talk nonsense about who is an undercover agent here.

That would be so silly.

"I think they are here for you, that's why they specially arranged for four of them to come over, and four of them will catch you one, that's enough!"

Brother Zha hit the nail on the head and expressed his own judgment: "It's not without basis for me to say this. Think about it, although there is only one word difference between Shangnan City and Tiannan City, how far is the distance between the two places?"

"If Zhong Tianzheng is really the policeman who disappeared from the top of Yufeng Mountain, how could he float here from there? He hasn't died after floating in the river for so long?"

At the end of Brother Zha's speech, his tone became very certain: "So, he came after you. The case in Shangnan City was nothing more than a trick or another case of theirs."

Between people, sometimes it is so subtle.

It was originally a cooperative relationship, but once it breaks because of something, then you will have countless reasons to convince yourself.

"Ah ha ha"

Hearing this, the fourth child raised his head and laughed loudly, opened his arms and turned half a circle on the spot, looking at the people around him: "What's the matter? Brother Zha, are you going to tie me up now and give it to the other party?" ?”

As he said that, he grabbed Ah Liang's shoulder excitedly, and yelled, "See, this is your boss, your brother Zha, and whenever something happens, he immediately thinks of giving his brother to you." Launched!"

"Think about it, although I am a latecomer, how much effort have I done for you? How many dirty jobs are I to deal with?"

"If he really pushed me out!"

The fourth child looked around with deep eyes: "This kind of team, this kind of boss, what's the point of following!"

have to say.

The fourth child is indeed flexible in mind.

In a short period of time, after realizing that his situation was wrong, he immediately began to change his speech skills, trying to arouse everyone's sympathy.


He underestimated his position in the team too much.


Brother Zha directly interrupted his words with a loud roar, and looked at him with gloomy eyes: "Fourth brother, this incident was all caused by you, and you should bear the consequences of this incident."

"I think you should not show up for a while."

The fourth child looked at him: "So?"

Brother Zha said indifferently, "Go to the basement and don't come out."

The implication of this sentence is self-evident.

"Hehe, are you planning to put me under house arrest?"

The fourth child knows their tricks too well. After all, he was not a good character before: "Put me under house arrest first, and then wait and see the situation. If the situation is not right, push me out to them as soon as possible, right?"

"If you think so, then I can't help it."

Brother Zha saw that he was exposed, so he didn't bother to defend himself. He said in a warning tone: "You'd better cooperate with us, otherwise the scene will be too ugly and it won't be good for anyone."


The fourth child raised his eyebrows and squinted at Brother Zha, paying attention to the movements of the younger brothers around him from the corner of his eye.

next second.

He directly took the lead in attacking A Liang, who was beside him, and grabbed the other's throat with his left arm. He took out a dagger from his pocket with his right hand and pressed it against A Liang's neck: "Don't come here, or I will kill him!" !"

"Brother Zha, save me!"

Ah Liang shouted in a trembling voice: "I've been with you for so long, you can't abandon me, don't get excited, don't get excited!"


Brother Zha's mouth trembled angrily.

But A Liang said so, he couldn't ignore it.

Anyway, this is indeed the little brother who is following him. If he really doesn't care about him, what will the people around him think?

The stalemate lasted only three seconds.

"Ah Liang, don't blame me, I'm thinking of all of us, I can't put us all in because of the fourth child!" Brother Zha gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go up and press the fourth child!"


After all, the fourth child is a later outsider.

After all, Brother Zha is a desperado who manufactures and sells drugs.

In the face of the big situation, so what if a younger brother dies?What does it have to do with him!
The surrounding younger brothers immediately rushed forward, heading straight for the fourth child.

The fourth child looked at the people rushing up, his face was extremely ugly, he pushed A Liang out, and he took the initiative to attack the younger brother at the door, trying to rush out from the gate.

But he underestimated the reaction speed and physical fitness of this group of people too much.

As soon as the fourth child knocked down a person, someone rushed up and punched him in the back of the neck. The pain made him almost fall down, and his mind was dizzy.

When he recovered again, he had already been held back by the crowd.

"Fourth, don't blame me!"

Brother Zha changed his expression and said in a sad tone: "I can only wrong you, you should hide for a few days to avoid the limelight, okay!"


Instruct the attendant to imprison the fourth child in the basement.

in fact.

Now there is another headache.

What should the fourth child do?

These policemen really came here for the fourth child. If he sent the fourth child out, then the fourth child might reveal the things about his group of people.

But it would be unrealistic not to hand over the fourth child.

It is not appropriate to hand over the living.

It would be even more inappropriate if the fourth child was done and handed over to a dead person, and it would definitely arouse their suspicion.

and so.

He had to think of a way to create an accident and let the fourth child die unexpectedly.

Brother Zha, who was thinking about it, suddenly rang his cell phone in his pocket. He frowned and picked it up, only to see that the other side spoke quickly: "Brother Zha, why are there so many unfamiliar faces in this difficult-to-pronounce position?" Where? And still looking at us?"

"Unfamiliar faces?"

Brother Zha frowned all of a sudden: "What's the situation?"

"Three men, one woman, and took pictures of my location with their mobile phones." The situation was described over there.

"Three men and one woman?!"

Xiangzi next to him heard this sentence, couldn't help repeating it, then suddenly remembered something, and directly took the phone over: "Three men and one woman? Is there such a person?" WeChat photos in the past.

This photo is exactly the backup of Zhong Tianzheng's previous photo.

"Yes, yes, this is the person!"

"It's over!"

Xiangzi exclaimed: "Zhong Tianzheng and his group are here after us! The other two men and one woman should be the so-called little boss and his party from the capital!"

Xiangzi quickly summed up the information he had so far and made a judgment. In fact, his judgment was correct.

The fourth child's judgment before was also correct.


The fourth child who was being carried to the basement suddenly turned his head and shouted excitedly: "Look, I'm right, they are here for you!"


Brother Zha scolded and became irritable.

Things are more complicated than he imagined.

"Brother, by the way, this group of people took out their phones and made a call."

The voice on the phone rang again. This time, he seemed to speak much faster: "Look at their posture, it seems to be calling for someone! They walked down, but they didn't disappear from my sight. It seems to be waiting for someone, stop!"

"I fucked your mother!"

Brother Zha slapped the ashtray on the table and smashed it to the ground: "How could the horse-riding people come at us! Where did we miss it! How did they find that place?!"

Speaking of this, Brother Zha glanced at everyone with a gloomy expression: "There is a ghost!"


When he said this, all the eyes of the people present looked at him.

This is a very sensitive topic.

"Brother, stop guessing!"

Xiangzi stood up in good time and took out a big plastic bag: "Everyone, hand over your mobile phones to me!"

After collecting everyone's mobile phones, Xiangzi didn't check the mobile phones, but looked at Brother Zha: "What should we do now? We have to make a decision."


Brother Zha's face was gloomy, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

If Zhong Tianzheng and his party really planned to go to Liyu Cave to see the situation, then their base would be completely over.

The first thing to do is to make a decision.

run away?


He has to make a decision.

"Copy guy, prepare to act with me!"

Brother Zha yelled, and personally ordered six good players: "You go with me to see the situation before making any plans. The others stay here."

"it is good!"

Everyone responded one after another.

Just when Brother Zha and his gang were about to go out.

The fourth child suddenly shouted: "Brother Zha, let me go with you, I have more experience than you in doing this kind of thing!"

Brother Zha paused for a moment, then nodded, "Let him go!"

In this regard.

The fourth child is indeed more experienced than them.

(End of this chapter)

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