I want to be a super cop

Chapter 776 Young people should pay attention to control

Chapter 776 Young people should pay attention to control
late at night.

Twelve in the morning.

Zhong Tian was lying on the bed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ah Xiang, who was falling asleep with his arms in his arms.

Ah Xiang is sleeping very soundly now, and her little hands are holding onto Zhong Tianzheng's arm tightly from time to time. Ever since Zhong Tianzheng came back from Tiannan City, Ah Xiang has developed this little habit.

According to her words, only by holding Zhong Tianzheng in this way can she feel safe, otherwise it will always feel unreal.

At the beginning, the rhetoric was like this, but gradually, she developed this habit, and Zhong Tianzheng also got used to her appearance.

Zhong Tian was looking sideways at Ah Xiang, the warm yellow bedside lamp illuminated Ah Xiang, under the light, Ah Xiang was sleeping very sweetly, her long eyelashes trembled a little from time to time, and she could not I know what a sweet dream I'm doing.

At this moment, Zhong Tianzheng felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.


This is the good life.

a while.

Zhong Tianzheng gently withdrew his arm from Ah Xiang's hand, stood up and leaned against the head of the bed, his thoughts entered the system.

After the virtual Zhong Tianzheng entered, Xiaotian immediately jumped out, wagging his tail and circled around Zhong Tianzheng, looking very happy.

Xiaotian's figure has not changed much from before, but the color of the fur on his body has begun to become darker.

Zhong Tianzheng squatted down, stretched out his hand to stroke Xiaotian's dog's head, the short soft fluff felt very comfortable to the touch, very good to the touch.

Xiaotian closed his eyes, enjoying Zhong Tian stroking his dog's head very much, wagging his tail and lying on the ground, turned his body over, with his belly facing him, allowing him to fiddle with him.

"Well, this fluff feels so good. If you take it off and make a coat or something, wouldn't it be very warm?" Zhong Tianzheng was stroking Xiaotian's dog's head while thinking in his heart: "It's just that Xiaotian's body size is too big. It’s too small, and the coat doesn’t seem to be enough, but it should be very suitable as a hat, and you won’t be afraid of the cold wind if you wear it.”

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiaotian seemed to have sensed Zhong Tianzheng's thoughts, jumped up from the ground with a flutter of short legs, bared his teeth and yelled at him several times in a row, as if to warn Zhong Tianzheng.


Zhong Tianzheng grinned, and stopped teasing it, and then said: "System, prepare to use attribute strengthening points."

"The system is always ready."

The sound of the system sounded, strengthening attribute points has nothing to do with Xiaotian, or it does not have this authority.

"it is good!"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and went directly to the topic: "I will use both reinforcement points. The first reinforcement point is for strengthening the brain, and the second reinforcement point is also for the brain."

"Please confirm with the host, are both of them used to strengthen the brain?"

The system did not question Zhong Tianzheng's decision, but reconfirmed for him: "Please confirm again, the host."


Zhong Tianzheng didn't hesitate at all.

Strengthen points.

He had already thought about how to use it, so he confirmed his choice again.

He has already experienced the power of the master-level spatial imagination, but this also has a side effect.

That is if the brain is not strong enough, or if the mental power is not strong enough.

Sometimes when using spatial imagination, it is easy to get lost in the space constructed by the master-level imagination, and then can't distinguish between reality and virtuality.

The last time Zhong Tianzheng was lost in the conceived space when he was investigating the case of his grandfather's comrade-in-arms in his hometown, he threw Ah Xiang to the ground and subdued her.

This made Zhong Tianzheng lament the power of spatial imagination, which is very comfortable and easy to use, and at the same time carefully control the time, so as to prevent him from accidentally conceiving for too long, mentally overwhelmed, and getting lost in it up.

and so.

This time, his two attribute strengthening points are both chosen to be strengthened in the brain. Although the second strengthening effect is not as good as the first one, although the effect is a bit worse, it can still maximize the improvement.

This way down.

Then I can use the master-level imagination for a longer time.

[Strengthen the brain]
[In progress..]
[Enhancement completed]
It was only a few seconds later that the system's series of broadcasts were completed. As for Zhong Tianzheng himself, he didn't feel anything at all, and then it was completed.


Zhong Tianzheng gave a thumbs up sincerely.

The strengthening of the system has always been very simple and unpretentious, just like the potion for restoring vitality last time. After drinking it, I didn't feel anything at all.

But what I experienced in Tiannan City is undoubtedly the best proof of its efficacy. I was able to drift so far without dying, and while my lower body was paralyzed, I gradually repaired the injuries in my body.

This thing is simply a plug-in existence.

If you can figure out the ingredients and proportions in the potion, and then make a portion according to its prescription, then it would not be too heaven-defying.

Of course.

This is just Zhong Tianzheng's own reverie, and it is impossible to copy this potion.

"System, the next time the system releases a task reward, shouldn't it be time to strengthen the skill upgrade point?"

Zhong Tianzheng was not in a hurry to leave, but tried to set the system's words: "After all, my devil's eyes and master-level imagination have not been upgraded for a long time. You are not going to update the version. Would you like to make my system experience more comfortable?"

These days, whether it's games or software, they all pay great attention to user experience. The system can't just say something, and then it doesn't care about itself.

"The system program has already been written, the host does not need to worry too much, the user experience provided by the system will always be the best."

The artificial intelligence level of the system is far stronger than Zhong Tianzheng imagined, and he said a set of very official words. As for what Zhong Tianzheng wanted to know, it didn't say anything at all.


Zhong Tianzheng nodded, but didn't think about asking any more questions, and played around with Xiaotian again, and then Zhong Tianzheng withdrew from the system.

Silent all night.

the next morning.

It's past seven o'clock.

Zhong Tianzheng was woken up by the mobile phone alarm clock, and he habitually delayed the mobile phone alarm clock. When he was about to squat for a while, he found that he had no sleepiness, not only that, but also full of energy.

"This is.."

Zhong Tianzheng got up from the bed with a bit of a tongue: "This is the benefit of strengthening the brain? Are you not afraid of sleepiness?"


He wasn't happy yet, and then he thought of a terrifying thing: What if he was still full of energy when he didn't have enough sleep, what would happen if he died suddenly after a long time?
But soon he was relieved.

Zhong Tianzheng didn't believe that the system would have such a low-level bug, if it boiled itself to death, wouldn't it have nowhere to go?

The two arrived at the police station after breakfast. Captain Li was already busy in the office. Can stand outside and wait.

"Team Lee!"

Zhong Tianzheng saw him stop, opened the door and went in.

"Hey, Ah Zheng, you came just in time, and I just happened to need you for something!"

Captain Li saw Zhong Tianzheng, and hurriedly beckoned him to come over: "There is a case this morning, and I need you to go out."

"Case? What case?"

As soon as Zhong Tianzheng heard about the case, he stood up a little straighter and cheered up: "Tell me about it."

"There was a case at the Anjia Apartment on Da Dao West Road. A woman died in her home. It wasn't long after the police were called here. You and Ah Xiang should go and have a look."

Captain Li gave the specific address to Zhong Tianzheng: "I heard from them that the door was locked from the inside, and it might be suicide. Go over and have a look."

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, turned and walked outside.


Captain Li stopped him from behind: "What did you come to see me for?"

Zhong Tianzheng shook his head: "Ah, it's all right now."


Captain Li became serious: "Comrade Zhong Tianzheng, I found out that you are hiding something from the organization now!"

"No, no, how dare I, but it's not important, so I didn't say anything."

Zhong Tianzheng waved his hand, stepped outside, still took the topic and said: "Actually, I just wanted to find you just now, and I brought some goji chrysanthemums to make tea with you."


Captain Li took a deep look at him when he heard the words: "It's good for young people to be in good health, this is capital, but you should also pay attention to control, the body is still very important."

"The goji berry and chrysanthemum are stored in the cupboard. The next time you want to soak them, go there and get them yourself. You don't need to tell me."

Team Leader Li's tone was serious.


Zhong Tianzheng froze on the spot when he heard the words, and noticed Captain Li's meaningful eyes. He was at a loss for words for a while, and it took a long time before he said quietly: "I just got angry these two days, so I just want to have a drink. Put chrysanthemum tea on the fire."

"Okay, okay, don't need to say more, I understand, I'm also from here."

Captain Li didn't listen to his explanation at all, waved his hands and urged: "Go and handle the case."

Zhong Tian was about to cry without tears: "No, Captain Li, listen to me."

"Okay, let's go to the case."

Captain Li raised his voice a little, not allowing him to explain: "It's useless to explain, go now."

"I'm so depressed!"

Zhong Tianzheng had black lines on his face, my reputation is gone, but he had no choice but to look at Captain Li's slightly bald head and walked out.

"Let's go, there's a case."

Zhong Tianzheng took the car keys and greeted Ah Xiang to go out: "There was a case on the west side of Da Dao Road, and there were casualties, but I don't know the specifics, let's go and have a look."

"it is good!"

Ah Xiang immediately got up and followed, chasing after Zhong Tianzheng's ass: "By the way, what did you and Captain Li say in there just now?"


Zhong Tianzheng turned his head quietly, and looked at her quietly: "It's nothing, it's just about the case."

"No, there must be something else!"

Ah Xiang had an expression that I had already seen: "You two definitely said something else just now, and I have seen your resentful expression, just like a wronged little daughter-in-law."

"Nothing really."

Zhong Tianzheng didn't want to say anything more to her, so he walked outside quickly to drive.

But Ah Xiang didn't intend to just let him go like this: "Let me tell you, there must be something between you and Captain Li. After a while, the police will come back, and I'm going to call out the surveillance just now, and let Sister Xinyu find a lip-synch Experts here, carefully interpret your conversation just now!"


Zhong Tianzheng staggered on the soles of his feet, almost fell to the ground, and looked back at her quietly: "I advise you to stop here, or I will silence you!"

"Oh, this is it from embarrassment!"

Ah Xiang smiled triumphantly, and followed quickly with brisk steps.

Avenue West Road also belongs to the Outer Ring Road. In order to hurry up, the two went directly to the Outer Ring Viaduct.This is much faster.

Two 10 minutes later.

The two arrived at the West Avenue Road and went straight to their destination.

The incident took place in a row of factory apartments: Anjia Apartment.

The reason why it is called a factory apartment is because it was a factory area many years ago, and then the factory closed down. sublet out.

This kind of dormitory is the same as the dormitory when everyone was studying in school.

In an international first-tier city like Shangnan City, apartments are often in short supply.

This kind of staff dormitory building has been rented out, as long as it is cleaned up a little, and the fire protection is improved, it can be rented out after completing the procedures, because it is a staff dormitory building itself, which is very convenient.

Anjia Apartment is a six-story old-fashioned house, and it is the only building in the surrounding area except for the factory building. After a long row, the appearance still looks very old, and the surrounding environment is not very good. .

The road from the road to Anjia's apartment is already full of potholes, and it's okay for people to walk over it.

But if it is a four-wheeled vehicle, it may be a bit difficult, and a slightly lower chassis will definitely not be able to bear it.

"It's a bit old here, why is it still in use now?"

Zhong Tian was looking at the surrounding environment, and his eyes moved away from the horizontal wires above his head: "From the outside to the apartment, it seems that there is only one surveillance probe here."

"Well, let's see."

Ah Xiang also learned about the situation in the car just now: "Who knows whether it was suicide or homicide."

There is no elevator in this old-fashioned house. The two climbed upstairs one after the other, and walked into the apartment, feeling a sense of coolness from the pavement.

The two scanned the corridors on each floor. Judging from the clothes hanging above, the occupancy rate of this apartment is still very high.

(End of this chapter)

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