I want to be a super cop

Chapter 778 She Killed Herself

Chapter 778 She Killed Herself
"As expected of our boss Shen Mengxi!"

Zhong Tianzheng said that, after getting Shen Mengxi's permission, he folded himself into the room and looked at her expectantly: "What's going on?"

Shen Mengxi ignored Zhong Tianzheng's flattery, and bent over to pack her things: "My preliminary judgment, from the stiffness of the body and the body spots, shows that the deceased has been dead for more than 72 hours, and there is no obvious trauma on the body surface. "

"Combined with the drugs found at the scene, the possible cause of death of the deceased was caused by taking a large amount of sleeping pills after drinking."


Zhong Tianzheng frowned: "That is to say, this is suicide in a secret room?"

This is somewhat inconsistent with my guess.

"It seems that Team Leader Zhong has different opinions?"

Shen Mengxi looked up at Zhong Tianzheng, and took off the disposable rubber gloves in her hand: "I checked her body, and there was no trauma, and when I checked her lower body, I found Removed the remaining stains of the man's **."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded: "Does this mean that this man is the last person to see her?"


Shen Mengxi stood up and met Zhong Tianzheng's gaze: "I'm going to take him back for a further autopsy."


Zhong Tianzheng responded, but didn't say anything more. It is still impossible to make a final judgment on the nature of the case.

The police officers were cleaning up the scene in an orderly manner, searching for any possible clues. Zhong Tian was standing inside the house, his gaze slowly sweeping across the room.


His eyes fell on the door.

If it was a suicide, then there would be no second person in the house, and the door lock must be locked if it meets the condition of being alone, which is consistent with the findings at the scene.

If it was a homicide and the door lock was locked, then the door lock would be the most favorable evidence point, because there was no way to get out from the balcony, so the door became the only passage.

Zhong Tianzheng stroked his chin with his index finger: "Remove all the door locks, and take them back to the technical department for appraisal."

15 minute later.

Huang Wentao rushed here.

Huang Wentao's mental state doesn't look very good. He has non-mainstream long hair, which is so long that it covers his eyes, his eyes are silent, and his complexion is dull. He should be a person with a very irregular life schedule.

Looking at his standing posture again, his waist is bent down unconsciously, and there is a small obvious hunchback, which is probably caused by the bad habit of sitting in front of the computer for a long time.

"Huang Wentao?!"

Zhong Tianzheng withdrew his eyes from looking at him, and began to ask: "You must know everything about Huang Shanshan, right?"


Huang Wentao didn't see too much sadness on his face, as if he knew about it a long time ago, or he didn't care much about Huang Shanshan's death: "I'm very sad that such a thing happened, but I think That said, it has nothing to do with me."

"We didn't say anything about you."

Listening to his words and his expression, Zhong Tianzheng had guessed the relationship between them to some extent: "Huang Shanshan's sudden death, we need to ask you something, whether she committed suicide or homicide, you as a Her boyfriend should cooperate."

"Of course."

Huang Wentao nodded: "I just want to say that her death has nothing to do with me. We haven't been together for a long time."

"Oh? Is it?"

Zhong Tianzheng frowned, and didn't say much: "Tell me about it."

"It's true that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but we haven't lived together for more than a month, and we've been together for three years. I found that I don't love her that much, so I've been controlling my relationship with her recently. her contact."

Huang Wentao took out the crumpled soft pack of cigarettes in his pocket, and handed one to Zhong Tianzheng, who was rejected by Zhong Tianzheng. I only come to look for her when I need it, and I usually leave the same night or the next day after I'm done, anyway, it's intermittent."

"Bah, scumbag!"

When Ah Xiang heard this, she spat softly on the sidelines in a voice only she could hear, and looked directly at the sky outside, not wanting to look at this person again.

Zhong Tianzheng said subconsciously: "Since you don't like it, why did you want to be together? Why didn't you break up earlier?"

But then he realized that his question seemed a bit inexplicable. His job was to be responsible for this case, not to pay attention to other people's private emotional life.

"Oh, how the hell can you blame me?! Who let Huang Shanshan lie to me all this time? You know she is sick, right? Who knows where she got it before!"

Huang Wentao held a cigarette in his mouth and curled his lips disdainfully: "She never told me before, but then I bumped into her once, and she told me the truth after I pressed her, you know? Since then, I have been very Annoying her, the more time goes by, the more annoying she becomes.”


Zhong Tianzheng considered his words: "You mean she needs to take sleeping pills for a long time?"

"Hehe, it's just a little bit!"

Huang Wentao sneered, took a big mouthful of cigarettes, and said in a low voice, "I don't know what's wrong with her. Every time she gets sick, she has a very painful abdomen, you know?! At first she didn't want to go to the hospital, but then I Forcibly dragged to the hospital for an examination, all the indicators are very normal, and there is nothing wrong with the body."

"But every once in a while, she will get sick, and she still has abdominal pain, and then goes to the hospital for an examination, and there is still nothing wrong with it, and all the indicators are very normal, which is very weird, you know. ?!"

Speaking of it.

Huang Wentao also frowned: "Do you think this situation scares me to death? She obviously has a physical problem, but she doesn't want to go to the hospital for an examination. Later, I took her there, but nothing was found. The doctor asked Does she have any medical history, she also said no!"

"I'm sure there's something wrong with her, but she's been hiding it from me and refusing to tell it, you know?! There's definitely something wrong with her!"

As he spoke, his emotions gradually became more and more excited: "That's it, I became more and more suspicious. What happened to her before she met me was definitely not a good thing. Anyway, slowly, I became more and more suspicious. I'm starting to hate her."


Zhong Tianzheng responded calmly, and quickly recorded it in the notebook with his fingers. This is his habit, and even now, he still maintains this good habit: "That is to say, there is something wrong with her. Some periodic ailment."

What Huang Wentao said was the same as what he saw at the scene. Huang Shanshan still kept grabbing her head with both hands when she died. Although the painful expression on her face was not so obvious, there were still traces to some extent.

She may have had that so-called pain that didn't know what went wrong that night.

After recording it, Zhong Tianzheng did not continue to dwell on this topic.

"Boss Shen, what do you think might be causing this pain?"

Zhong Tianzheng turned his head to look at Shen Mengxi who was tearing the sheets inside: "Could it be caused by smoking? The so-called pain is just the manifestation of drug addiction?"


Shen Mengxi said with certainty: "I have already seen her body, and there are no needle holes on her body. If she is a smoker, there may be needle holes in her hands, feet or thigh veins."

"All right!"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded without interest.

Shen Mengxi has already denied this possibility, and Huang Wentao has already made it very clear, they have been to the hospital but they did not find anything, so they will definitely not find anything if they ask him, they have to go to the hospital to ask.

Then Zhong Tianzheng asked him for the specific information of the hospital they had been to, and then got to the point.

"Tell me about you. According to our inference, the time of Huang Shanshan's death should have been two days ago. Where were you during this time period?"

Zhong Tianzheng was asking questions, waiting for Huang Wentao's answer.

When Shen Mengxi performed an autopsy on Huang Shanshan, she found remnants of a male penis in her lower body, which meant that she was not the only one in the room that night, or that the owner of the male penis was the last person who had contact with Huang Shanshan that night people.

in reality.

Unless this kind of jumping off a building kills itself, the police can quickly make a judgment of suicide and death if the surveillance camera captures the full picture. Otherwise, ordinary life-related cases need to be well understood before a final conclusion can be drawn.

"I was actually here that night!"

Huang Wentao threw the almost burnt cigarette on the ground and stamped it out: "Two evenings ago, I came here and had a meal here, and we drank some wine on the way. After drinking, we just went to work. gone."

"She also knows that I usually come when there is a need. After I finished, I simply took a shower and left. When I left, she was lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone, and she didn't come out to see me off. I Just go straight away."

He spread his hands, indicating that he had finished speaking.

Zhong Tian was watching him: "Where did you go?!"

"Internet cafe!"

Huang Wentao shrugged again: "In the Internet cafe three kilometers away, I have an ID card online record and the monitoring of the Internet cafe. That can prove it for me. You can check it."

"What time did you leave here?"

Zhong Tianzheng glanced at him with his eyelids raised, and then turned his eyes back to his notebook: "I can't remember the specifics, but it's okay to say roughly."

"Ten p.m!"

Huang Wentao said a very specific time: "This is the time."

Zhong Tianzheng's pen paused: "You remember what happened two days ago so clearly?!"


Huang Wentao nodded, and said somewhat complacently: "That night, I made an appointment with my teammates to play a black game together. The appointment was at 10:30. I left from here to buy some cigarettes, drinks, etc. that I need for the night. Time Just right."

"okay, I get it."

Zhong Tianzheng stopped writing: "In other words, when you left, Huang Shanshan was still fine, and everything was still very normal."


Huang Wentao nodded affirmatively, and added: "It has nothing to do with me!"

"If there is a need in the future, we will find you again!"

Zhong Tianzheng glanced at him, then looked at the two callers beside him: "Do you still remember what happened two nights ago?"

They live next door, so maybe they can hear something.

"Can not remember!"

The caller shook his head and looked up at the ceiling: "That night, it seemed that we were also playing games. We turned on the stereo, but we didn't hear any sound, but we seemed to hear the sound of the door opening. There was nothing unusual, it was normal. switch."


Zhong Tianzheng turned to look at the police officer at the side: "Go and pull out the surveillance video from the apartment, and see when Huang Wentao left."

Two 10 minutes later.

The entire apartment has been dealt with, and all the things that should be extracted have been extracted. The scene has also been temporarily taken over by the police, and Huang Wentao needs to do a DNA test with the police.

After all, he was the last one to touch the deceased, and the male sex in the deceased's body needed to be verified.

There is no specific conclusion yet on Huang Shanshan's death, so no conclusions should be made hastily.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang went back indoors again.

at this time.

Many things in the room were taken away, especially the bed sheets and the cushion cover outside the sofa. She also packed them and took them away, saying that she might be able to extract something from the bed sheets.

Zhong Tian was walking around the room, standing in the corner, presenting the whole room in sight.

in mind.

Master-level space conception diverges.

A reduced version of the scene emerged in the space. The digitalized Zhong Tian was standing at the top of the space, looking at Huang Shanshan and Huang Wentao on the bed, and then jumped in.

After Huang Wentao left.

Huang Shanshan put on her white translucent pajamas and sat on the small round stool in front of her. She didn't go to the bathroom to clean herself. She picked up the chopsticks on the table and continued eating with the leftovers.

The digitalized and virtual Zhong Tianzheng was standing beside her, watching her silently. After a while, Huang Shanshan pushed away the folding table in front of her, pushed the latch on the door, and lay down on the bed.

After a few minutes.

Huang Shanshan's body lying on the bed suddenly curled up, and she looked very painful, struggling on the bed like this.


She got up and got off the bed, took the sleeping pill bottle on the bedside table, poured out the pill and stuffed it into her mouth, curled up at the corner of the bed, buried her head in her arms, and grabbed her hair vigorously, trying to relieve the pain.

"its not right!"

The digitized Zhong Tian was standing on the sidelines watching, frowning: "Since she has been taking this medicine for a long time, she naturally knows that she should not take too much of it? How could she give herself so much at one time? Could it be that she wanted to die? "

Zhong Tianzheng couldn't think of a reason why.

He withdrew his thoughts, looked around the room again, and looked at the locked door.

Could it be.

Really suicide? !
She killed herself? !
(End of this chapter)

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