I want to be a super cop

Chapter 780 It's Not Me

Chapter 780 It's Not Me


When Zhong Tianzheng heard this, his fingers trembled unconsciously. He almost couldn't hold the autopsy report firmly in his hand. He frowned: "What's going on here?!"

Huang Shanshan found remnants of male penis on her lower body. She thought it was left by Huang Wentao, but she didn't expect that there was a family planning product inside Huang Shanshan's body. This is too perverted!
Ah Xiang, who heard it from the side, also came over, clenched her fists tightly, and scolded angrily: "Bah, scumbag, you are simply inappropriate!"

As a female comrade, upon hearing this kind of news, I undoubtedly feel a sense of anger in my heart. This kind of hurtful practice makes people unable to calm down.


Shen Mengxi is much calmer than Ah Xiang. As a forensic doctor, she has dealt with too many dead people, whether they are men or women. She has also encountered many situations similar to Huang Shanshan's. , there are many more serious than Huang Shanshan, so she is not surprised: "This is my first discovery."

"and then?"

Seeing that Shen Mengxi didn't leave immediately, Zhong Tian knew that she must have said something to him, so he didn't bother to read the autopsy report. With her around, all clues are the most intuitive.

Shen Mengxi nodded, and didn't give a shit, and then said: "I took out that family planning product and tested it separately. This is a new family planning product."

"What's the meaning?!"

Ah Xiang frowned, not understanding.

"It means that this family planning product has never been used. It was just unpacked and stuffed into Gao Shanshan's vagina. Do you understand?"

Shen Mengxi looked at Ah Xiang, and continued: "I didn't detect any residue of male penis on this family planning product, and there is no trace of use."


Ah Xiang opened her mouth, but didn't continue: "Bah, perverted scumbag!"

"Let's ignore him for now."

Shen Mengxi waved his hand, but did not accept her, and continued on his own: "We have also tested the remaining male sperm in Huang Shanshan's body, and compared it with Huang Wentao's DNA. The two are the same Matched."

Zhong Tianzheng thought for a while and made a judgment: "That is to say: Huang Wentao did have something happened with Huang Shanshan that night, these things were indeed left by him, but this family planning product was not used by Huang Wentao, because there is no Nothing remains."


Shen Mengxi nodded, and continued following his words: "That is to say, after Huang Wentao left, there was a third party who appeared. If there is no accident, he was the one who stuffed this family planning item into Huang Shanshan's* *in."

"If this is the case, then the scene may not be a suicide!"

Shen Mengxi added a sentence, expressing her judgment after the autopsy as a forensic doctor: "A third person appeared at the scene after Huang Wentao left, regardless of the truth of the matter, but what is certain is that we cannot jump to conclusions about this. It's a suicide case!"

"Of course, this is my inference. As for whether it was a suicide or a homicide, you still need to combine the situation at the scene."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and agreed: "Don't worry, I will know this in my heart."

"Of course, I just reminded you casually, I still know the ability of Team Leader Zhong."

Shen Mengxi twitched the corners of her mouth, her expression still cold and gorgeous: "Besides this discovery, I have another discovery."

"You old man can say it all at once."

Zhong Tianzheng rubbed his forehead helplessly, he couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Your old man said it once, and I can digest it."

"It's not a step by step process."

Shen Mengxi folded her arms with her hands, leaned on the door frame, rolled her eyes and said, "I brought her bed sheet back, and by extracting the things on it, I found out the identity of a third person besides Huang Shanshan and Huang Wentao." Hair, curly."


Zhong Tianzheng raised his eyebrows: "The third person's curly hair?"

Curly hair, adults all understand, this hair can appear on the sheets of Huang Shanshan's house, it means that it is definitely not as simple as ordinary friends.


Shen Mengxi nodded, and made his own guess: "Currently, the third person's DNA data is still being compared in the system. If there is any matching data, then the situation may be much clearer."

"it is good!"

Zhong Tianzheng's expression suddenly became serious.

According to Shen Mengxi's findings, then things are not so simple. It seems that this scene is worth analyzing more.

Curly hair, if it can appear on the bed sheet, it means that the relationship between this person and Huang Shanshan must be very close. From this, it can also be inferred: If this is not a suicide in a secret room, then it may be a love murder.

"Well, if there is any news over there, you will inform me as soon as possible."

Zhong Tianzheng thought about it briefly, and made a preliminary work plan: "Ah Xiang, you summon that Huang Wentao here now, we need to ask him about his situation."

After speaking, he tilted his head and looked at Shen Mengxi: "You are also speeding up the progress of the comparison, let me know as soon as there is any progress."

"Okay, Team Leader Zhong."

Shen Mengxi nodded, turned around and went out.


Zhong Tianzheng looked at Shen Mengxi's back, and grinned. She was in the forensic team, and it was already a great honor to cooperate with him like this.

Ah Xiang next door has already started to get busy. First, she tried to contact Huang Wentao, but when she couldn't get through the phone number, she took the car keys and called Xiao Zhang to go out with her to summon Huang Wentao.

Zhong Tianzheng sat on a chair, frowned and looked at the map of Shangnan city on the wall not far away, thinking deeply.

If these conjectures of Shen Mengxi were true, on the night of Huang Shanshan's death, a third person really appeared after Huang Wentao left.

Combined with the curly hair of the third person found at the scene, if this is the third person who appeared that night, then it is possible that he killed him.

If it was a homicide, there was no clue pointing to it being a homicide at the scene. Moreover, the scene fit the characteristics of a suicide in a secret room. Even if it was a homicide, how did this person get in?How did you leave?

in mind.

The master-level spatial conception diverged, and Huang Shanshan's home appeared in the small space in her mind again, and the digitalized Zhong Tianzheng appeared in Huang Shanshan's home.

He walked to the window of the bathroom, frowning and looking at the window sill, which was full of dust. The dust on the window sill was very smooth without any trace of friction.

Zhong Tian was trying to twist the stainless steel anti-theft net. The screws were very tight and could not be unscrewed easily. Following his figure, he appeared directly outside the window, carefully observing the window sill, and there was no rope friction trace.


The digitized Zhong Tianzheng landed directly outside the window of the room directly below the fifth floor. After careful observation, there are still no traces, which means that no one has ever come down here, and there are no traces.

In a flash, Zhong Tianzheng appeared in Huang Shanshan's room again, this time, he appeared at the door of the room.

The door of the room is locked from the inside of the room at this time, not only the door lock is locked, but also the push bolt is also locked.

Zhong Tian was trying to observe carefully at the door, trying to find any clues, but found nothing.


He turned his head to look at Huang Shanshan who was curled up dead in the corner of the bed, his brows were all frowned: "Anyway, if someone kills Huang Shanshan, then he won't be able to get out at all!"


Zhong Tianzheng retreated from the system, turned to the outside, took out a cigarette, lit one, and took a heavy gulp: "Could it be that these discoveries are all coincidences?"

Feeling the taste of nicotine in his mouth spreading along his taste buds, Zhong Tianzheng fell into deep thought again and made his own judgment.

"Although Shen Mengxi has made other discoveries, is it possible that things are not that complicated?"

Zhong Tianzheng exhaled smoke, held a cigarette between his fingers, and muttered to himself: "If the curly hair of the third party found at the scene simply shows that Huang Shanshan's private life is chaotic? She came back with other people Overnight, or the hair of a woman, the woman brought back by Huang Wentao stayed here overnight."

"This has nothing to do with Huang Shanshan's death. These are just traces left behind. On the day of Huang Shanshan's death, after Huang Wentao left, she was the only one in the room. After she locked the door, she swallowed medicine and committed suicide."

"As for the unused family planning product in her body, maybe it was Huang Wentao's perverted sex when he was making out with her?"

Zhong Tianzheng frowned, this inference was quite in line with his expected judgment.

The reason why he made this judgment was because he really couldn't find out, if it was a homicide, how did the other party arrange this secret room.

Of course.

This is just one of his many inferences.

Before a conclusion is drawn, any inference is possible, as long as you have a basis for inference.

5 minute later.

A police car drove in from the yard.

Xiao Zhang pulled Huang Wentao out of the car: "Be honest with me."

"Fuck, I've said it all, it has nothing to do with me, there is something wrong with you!"

Huang Wentao cursed at Xiao Zhang, trying to struggle with his wrist which was held by Xiao Zhang: "Release me! You are sick! Hold on to me."

"Give me in!"

Xiao Zhang reprimanded softly: "You have the obligation to cooperate, follow me in!"

"what happened?!"

Zhong Tian was stubbing out the cigarette butt in his hand, looking at the backs of the two: "This Huang Wentao?"

"He is simply a hopeless Internet addict. I really don't know how this kind of person finds a girlfriend!"

Ah Xiang curled her lips in disdain: "We found him in an Internet cafe. He was playing games at that time. We asked him to go with us and said that we would ask him about Huang Shanshan again. Who knew he said he wanted to play games?" , as soon as I thought about it, I would ask on the spot, but he ignored me at all."

"So I had no choice but to bring him back. On the way, he kept talking to us about the game not being finished and not being able to cheat teammates. It's just plain."

Ah Xiang shook her head speechlessly: "He has no feelings for Huang Shanshan at all. I don't know why people like them are together."

"Okay, okay, don't be a cynic!"

Zhong Tianzheng patted Ah Xiang's shoulder with a smile: "Maybe he just has the spirit of e-sports, let's forget about that and ask him."

3 minute later.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang entered the interrogation room one after the other.

Ah Xiang sat in front of the computer blankly and prepared to take notes. She didn't even want to look at Huang Wentao now. This kind of person is simply too much.

"We have some questions for you!"

Zhong Tianzheng propped his hands on the desk, looking down at Huang Wentao who was sitting: "You must take it seriously, we have found a very important clue."

"Hehe, anyway, it's what you say, so it's what you say!"

Huang Wentao snorted coldly with some disdain, took out the crumpled cigarette case in his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it: "You guys are awesome, what do you want to do, bring me back if you want, what can I do !"

"This matter has something to do with you. Huang Shanshan is your girlfriend, and you have an obligation to cooperate."

Zhong Tianzheng said that he didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore and went straight to the point: "Two days ago, that is, the night when Huang Shanshan died, you came back, right?"


Huang Wentao responded angrily: "Didn't I say it before! What's going on with you, how do you keep records, and your work efficiency is so low?!"

"Okay, you went back that night."

Zhong Tianzheng didn't pay attention to him, and continued to ask: "That night, the two of you had sex, did you take safety measures?!"

Huang Wentao paused, and looked at him vigilantly: "What do you mean?!"

"answer me!!"

Zhong Tianzheng's tone was serious.


Huang Wentao looked at him, gritted his teeth and said, "There is no way."

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded again: "We found a man's sperm residue in Huang Shanshan's body. According to analysis and comparison, this coincides with your DNA."

Huang Wentao questioned confidently: "So what?! Now your police still want to control whether we take safety measures? Your family planning office?!"

Zhong Tianzheng ignored him and continued to ask: "During the autopsy on Huang Shanshan, we found a complete contraceptive pill in her body. It was stuffed into her body. Did you do it?!"

"What? Impossible!"

Huang Wentao retorted subconsciously.

Zhong Tian was looking at him covetously: "Answer me, did you do it!"

"I did not do that!"

Huang Wentao looked at Zhong Tianzheng cautiously, and then at Ah Xiang who was typing on the keyboard beside him: "I didn't do it, I didn't."

(End of this chapter)

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