I want to be a super cop

Chapter 786 Chapter 817: Deciphering the Illusion of the Secret Room

Chapter 786 817: Deciphering the Illusion of the Chamber of Secrets

"Let's go."

Zhong Tian was walking ahead.

"Why so long?"

Ah Xiang turned around and followed behind, taking small steps: "Didn't he just say that there is a ready-made nylon rope? Why did you spend so much time looking for the string on the rice bag?"


Zhong Tianzheng stopped suddenly, with a smile on his lips: "Are you teaching me how to do things?!"


Zhong Tianzheng stopped suddenly, Ah Xiang didn't pay attention, and put her head directly on Zhong Tianzheng's back. She exclaimed and covered her forehead: "Wow, Ah Zheng, what are you doing! I didn't Make a mistake, how can you talk to me in such a fierce tone?!"

in a blink.

Ah Xiang turned into an aunt and went online, and became arrogant.


Zhong Tianzheng was caught off guard by her: "I didn't kill you!"

"How dare you say you didn't kill me!"

Ah Xiang looked at him aggrievedly, and Kazilan's big eyes seemed to become foggy, and she just looked at him aggrievedly: "You said that about me, and they just asked you, and you said I was teaching You do things!"


Ah Xiang proudly raised her chin, looking sideways at Zhong Tianzheng from the corner of her eyes.

That posture.

As if to apologize to the old lady.


Zhong Tianzheng knew her very well, and he knew what rainbow fart she wanted to fart as soon as he pouted his butt, so he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Actually, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just a stalk, don't you know that Cao Dahua is hard on soft rice? "

"Hmph, I don't know."

Ah Xiang raised her jaw proudly, but there was a hint of cunning in the corners of her eyes.

"Ah, this"

Zhong Tianzheng was completely speechless, don't girls watch Hong Kong dramas?

"Hee hee, I'm kidding you!"

Seeing that Zhong Tianzheng was serious, Ah Xiang stretched out her hand to hold his arm: "Let's go, let's go, actually I know, I just deliberately teased you."

"Hmph, it's time to fight!"

Zhong Tianzheng snorted softly, and raised his palm as a gesture to hit someone: "During working hours, you are joking with me here! Go back and deduct your salary!"

"Hmph, that's what you started first."

Ah Xiang retorted unconvinced: "Obviously I was the one who asked you first, but you didn't answer well! If you want to deduct your salary, you have to deduct it too. You are the team leader, so you have to deduct more."

"I'll go, you are too vicious!"

When Zhong Tianzheng heard what she said, he was immediately speechless: "Please, aunt, isn't my money your money? If you deduct my salary, aren't you deducting your own cosmetics?"

"It's great that you can still fight your own cosmetics, that's great"

"Ha Ha, I laughed!"

Not to be outdone, Ah Xiang also sneered at Zhong Tianzheng: "That's great. You can also deduct your girlfriend's salary. That's great."

"I laughed!"

"I laughed too!"

The two of them looked like old yin and yang families. If you want to talk about yin and yang's strange tone, one is stronger than the other.

"Alright alright!"

Zhong Tianzheng was defeated: "Well, if you don't report me, I won't report you, so neither of our salaries will be deducted, how about it?"


Ah Xiang snorted softly, like a victorious little hen: "Okay, stop making trouble, you are so happy, did you find anything?"

How could Ah Xiang not know that Zhong Tianzheng's appearance just now must have discovered something, otherwise he wouldn't have played tricks on him for no reason.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

Zhong Tian was joking on purpose, so he must have discovered something.

Ah Xiang deliberately chatted with him for a few words to relax her mood. She didn't want Zhong Tianzheng to be too anxious. Sometimes, the genius of solving a crime and the madman can only be separated by a thought.

"You're such a clever little devil."

Zhong Tianzheng gave Ah Xiang an expression with the original expression: "I found it, I found it, but I can't tell you yet."

"You man!"

Ah Xiang's Kazilan's big eyes widened, like a vicious Yasha: "Say it quickly! Say it halfway and then stop it. Are you trying to whet people's appetite?"

"I'm not trying to whet your appetite."

Zhong Tianzheng lifted the string in his hand, took out a room card given by the apartment manager, and opened the vacant room next to Huang Shanshan's room.

A house that has not been rented out for a long time, the air is filled with a faint musty smell.

"Let's do a demonstration. What I can't figure out now is how the murderer arranged a secret room."

Zhong Tianzheng reached out and fanned the front of his nose, stroking the string in his hand: "The door latch in Huang Shanshan's room is broken, so it's not suitable for experiments."


Ah Xiang walked to the door panel and looked at the door lock.

During the renovation of this apartment, the service life was taken into consideration. In order to maximize the cost optimization, the wooden door of the dormitory building was simply used, and an extra door bolt was added, with the same safety performance.


The entire building is configured with this facility and equipment.


Zhong Tianzheng lit a cigarette, wrapped it around his mouth, and put it in his mouth. He held the string with both hands, and kept wrapping his index finger around the string, squinting to look at the door lock.

"I have to stay away from you."

Ah Xiang joked: "Don't put your rope around my neck in a while."

"It's not funny at all."

Zhong Tianzheng rolled his eyes and started to act. He threaded one end of the white string into the latch of the door bolt, and then passed the other end around the upper window, letting Ah Xiang stand inside and himself outside the door to start simulation.

As Zhong Tianzheng conceived in the master-level space concept before, this method can work, but it takes too long, and if people don't step on the walls on both sides of the threshold, it is basically impossible to succeed .

"No, no, definitely the method is wrong."

Zhong Tianzheng shook his head, denying his restoration of the scene: "First: This method takes too long. As a crime scene, the murderer definitely doesn't want anyone to see him appear at the crime scene."

"Second: If people step on the walls on both sides of the threshold, they will leave very clear footprints without slippers, and a lot of dust on the windows will be wiped off when fiddling with the door bolts. If slippers are used, the white walls There will also be some friction marks left on the windows, and the dust on the windows will inevitably be wiped off, but neither of these cases."

Zhong Tianzheng Ah Xiang appeared at the door of Huang Shanshan's room.

Zhong Tianzheng took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit it for himself. He squinted at the traces on the wall at the door and looked very carefully: "No, there are no traces at all, so it must not be the method we simulated."

"So how did he do it?"

Zhong Tianzheng shook his head, took a heavy puff of cigarette, and spit out the slender smoke lines on the wall, then hit the wall and spread out in all directions.

"What method did the murderer use to do it? How did he arrange the secret room?"

Zhong Tianzheng was muttering to himself, squinting his eyes and looking ahead, lost in thought.

Ah Xiang didn't answer his words, she stood at the door by herself, reached out to fiddle with the wooden door, and fell into thinking, both of them were silent for a while.

There was only the sound of burning cigarette butts, and Xiang Ahxiang fiddled with the wooden door, making a "creaking" sound.

In Zhong Tianzheng's mind.

The master-level space conception ability diverged, and a miniature version of Huang Shanshan's death scene was constructed time and time again, and then collapsed and collapsed again and again.

He still couldn't find a suitable point to make up for the vacancy in this secret room.

"so annoying!"

Ah Xiang couldn't help complaining, tilted her head to look at Zhong Tianzheng and complained softly: "Why do you have to go through the window?!"


Zhong Tianzheng's fingers holding the cigarette suddenly froze, his eyes were shining brightly on Ah Xiang, and his tone was a little hurried: "What did you just say?"

"I said, why do you have to wrap the rope around the window?!"

Ah Xiang took the string from Zhong Tianzheng's hand: "Look, this string is so thin, and this is a wooden door with such a big gap, it's not as tight as an anti-theft door, so, Why does it have to come out of the upper window?"

As Ah Xiang spoke, she wrapped the thin rope in her hand into the lock of the door bolt, and then closed the door: "Look, in this way, although the door is closed, the gap in the wooden door is so tight. Big, I can pull this thread very easily and freely!"


Zhong Tianzheng was so refreshed when he heard this, he threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, hugged Ah Xiang into his arms with radiant eyes, held her face, and pointed at her smooth forehead. Kiss went up.


Why do you have to be obsessed with running the cord around the upper window and then pulling it? !Wouldn't it be enough to just pass through the gap between the door panel and the door lock? !
"Ah, what are you doing!"

Ah Xiang muttered softly, and stretched out her hand to push Zhong Tianzheng away: "It's working time now, why are you so happy, you haven't found a way yet."


Zhong Tianzheng wiped his mouth, grinned and said, "Didn't you just tell me the method?"

As expected of Comrade Ah Xiang.

Every time she was by Zhong Tianzheng's side, she could always provide some inconspicuous and crucial information, pulling Zhong Tianzheng out of a dead end and finding the right direction.


Ah Xiang's eyes glowed with ignorance: "I have found a way, but how can I close the door like this?"

"too easy!"

Zhong Tianzheng took the string from Ah Xiang's hand, first bypassed the door bolt, pushed Ah Xiang into the room, and then closed the door, keeping the length of the two wires the same.

"Pay attention!"

Zhong Tianzheng stood outside the door and shouted, then firmly grasped one end of the string with his left hand to keep the string in place, while his right hand began to pull the other end of the string.

under the action of force.

Since this end of the wire rope has been fixed by Zhong Tianzheng, the other end starts to move under force, and the door latch between the two wires is the point of force.

Because the bolt is not fixed, it means that the force point is not fixed, so under the action of the force, the bolt is carried by the wire rope and starts to move, and it is directly stuck into the lock head of the bolt.


With a crisp sound.

The door bolt accurately entered the lock, completing the situation where a person stood outside the door but locked the room.

the whole process.

It took less than three seconds.

After the door was locked from the inside, Zhong Tianzheng let go of one end of the string, and then pulled the string off: "Ah, classmate Xiang, do you think the current situation is accurate?!"

"Wow, that's it!"

Ah Xiang stood inside the door, witnessed the scene of locking the door, and couldn't help but be speechless: "How did you think of it!"


Zhong Tianzheng bared his teeth and smiled: "You just prompted me and made me suddenly enlightened."

Ah Xiang also smiled: "Brilliant!"

"Okay, open the door."

Zhong Tianzheng greeted him.

Now that the problem of the secret room has been solved, both of them are in a better mood.

"The murderer must have done the same!"

Zhong Tianzheng simply wound the string and put it in the evidence bag: "There is only this way, which can allow him to leave the scene easily and calmly after killing someone, and create the illusion of committing suicide in a secret room."


Ah Xiang's eyes fell on Zhong Tianzheng who was loading the string into the transparent evidence bag: "What are you doing with this string?"

Halfway through.

Ah Xiang suddenly thought of something, looked at him with wide eyes, and said in a low voice, "Could it be."

"Yes, that's what you think."

Zhong Tian was making a "shh" gesture around his mouth, sealed the evidence bag and put it in his pocket: "This is not a definite matter now, let's not talk about it, we can go, and take this thing back later Let the technical department do a compositional analysis and comparison, and first determine the crime tools."


Ah Xiang nodded seriously: "Then let's go, now we can go downstairs and have a look, the secret room in this room has been broken."

"As expected of you!"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded, and took Ah Xiang down the stairs one after the other. The two of them did not go to the room where Huang Shanshan died.

Now that the illusion of the secret room has been cracked.

So what they have to do now is to find the way the suspect left after committing the crime. After all, they didn't find any useful clues at the scene of the crime, so they can only find out if there is anything useful left on the way the suspect left. clues.

Even a footprint is a major discovery for them.

Although Zhong Tianzheng is not very proficient in footprint science, there are many footprint science experts in the bureau, and these are minor problems.


The two came downstairs.

Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang first scanned the room on the first floor to make sure that there were no surveillance cameras on either side, then started from the left, walked through the open space in front of Anjia Apartment, and came to the back wall of the apartment.

Because there is a fence behind, no one usually walks around, moss grows on the ground, there are a lot of garbage thrown from upstairs, there are some daily sundries such as family planning supplies, etc., exuding a faint smell taste.

(End of this chapter)

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