I want to be a super cop

Chapter 788 Ah Xun

Chapter 788 Ah Xun
Just when Zhong Tian was thinking about checking the surveillance from the entrance of the apartment to the road, the latest news came from Xiangshi Xinyu team.


Ah Xiang frowned and reported: "Three hours before and after the night of the incident, we have checked all the surveillance cameras on the roads around the apartment, but no suspicious person was found."


Zhong Tianzheng frowned all of a sudden: "Impossible, right? Obviously we have found out the way he left."

"Okay, no!"

Ah Xiang shook her head with great certainty, took out her Ipad and released the satellite version map of Anjia Apartment: "Look at its geographical location, this area used to be a factory, but now it has been demolished, and it itself is in the In the industrial park, there is no dense jungle around."

"The surrounding area is empty. No matter where he runs from, he will eventually appear on the road, but we have read all the surrounding roads and found no one coming out of it. He seems to have disappeared out of thin air. It's average."

"Is it?"

Zhong Tianzheng leaned back against the back of the seat, tapped his fingers on the table, and after a brief deliberation, he gave an order: "You arrange a few people to continue to watch the surveillance to see if he has not climbed the wall Did not leave immediately after coming out."


Shi Xinyu nodded and turned around to do it.

"What new discoveries have you made here?"

Ah Xiang looked at Zhong Tianzheng who was thinking: "What did you find out?"

"You help me find these people, or ask them about their situation that day."

Zhong Tianzheng handed out a note, which gave Ah Xiang the list of the three people who left around the time of Huang Shanshan's death on the night of the crime: "Ask where they were that day? Which room, and where did they go after leaving?" .”


Ah Xiang took the list and called Xiao Zhang and the two to go out.

Zhong Tianzheng turned and went outside, took out a cigarette and lit it.

All he has to do now is wait.

Waiting for further progress on all the clues currently in hand.

in the afternoon.

The technical department was the first to hear the news.

Based on the clues found outside the apartment wall, a basic judgment was made based on a series of verifications by the technical survey department and footprint experts.

"The suspect's height should be about 1.7 meters five, male, about 25 years old, weighing about 130 to 42 kilograms, and thin. According to the footprints, it should be a European size [-] shoe. According to the pattern of the sole, through It can be judged by comparison that they are Nike sports running shoes.”

For those who are proficient in footprint science, many things can be judged through footprints, such as age, age judgment is relatively complicated, and it needs to be inferred based on a series of things such as foot shape, step characteristics, gait characteristics, etc. of.

Zhong Tianzheng looked at the information listed on the report sheet.

in mind.

The master-level space conception ability is divergent, and an adult male is perfectly restored in front of him, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

There was another report before him.

Identification report on the cord.

Zhong Tianzheng's eyes stayed on this detailed report.

There are two reports.

first set:
The thread that Zhong Tianzheng gave to the technical department was tested, and its composition was found to be exactly the same as the thread fibers found on the door bolt at the scene of Huang Shanshan's death.

In other words.

At the death scene of Huang Shanshan, the tool used by the suspect was made of this material, or in other words, this kind of rope.

Second copy:
The fiber residue found on the fence was similar to the fiber residue on the upper of the mesh shoes. After analysis, the results were consistent with Zhong Tianzheng's guess.

This is a very important clue, which coincides with the imprint analysis of the sole.


Zhong Tianzheng's eyes did not stay on the second test report, but kept staring at the first test report, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a few seconds.

Zhong Tianzheng sent a message to Shi Xinyu: "Comrade Shi Xinyu, help me investigate this person's information."

After the message was sent, Zhong Tianzheng looked at the computer screen and thought for a moment, then continued typing: "Not only do I need information that he can find in the system, but it is also best to get some of his information that has not been registered, such as personal information. Relationships, etc. If it doesn’t work, just give me his personal social security payment company information.”

"no problem."

Shi Xinyu quickly responded to the message, and sat at her desk to look at Zhong Tianzheng. The two looked at each other, and Zhong Tianzheng made a gesture of OK, signaling her to hurry up.

As the information in hand gradually increased.

Zhong Tianzheng thought briefly, and took Huang Shanshan's mobile phone in the evidence bag. They had obtained the mobile phone password from Huang Wentao earlier, unlocked the mobile phone and placed it on the table.

At the same time, he also summoned Huang Wentao to the police station. During this waiting time, he planned to check Huang Shanshan's mobile phone first.

"If it's you, then there must be some intersection between you, right?"

Zhong Tianzheng muttered to himself, took out his phone and flicked it casually, he already had the general information in his mind, he first checked Huang Shanshan's personal mobile phone WeChat and other social accounts.

As Ah Xiang said before, many of the software on this site appear to be very clean. There are no social records, and there is not even any normal subscription account push. It is obvious that the murderer deliberately cleaned Huang Shanshan's phone after killing her. pass.

The wallet in WeChat is also very clean, with few traces of payment. It seems that Huang Shanshan uses Alipay more.


Zhong Tianzheng was not in a hurry, after scanning all the software, he took out a cigarette to light it, and then reached out to open Huang Shanshan's Alipay.

"If I'm not wrong, you must not have deleted the Alipay record."

Zhong Tianzheng seemed to be muttering to himself, and seemed to have expected it. When he entered Alipay, he clicked on the Alipay bill, and then started to check the monthly bill.

There are many details in the monthly bill.

Zhong Tianzheng did some bill screening very purposefully, this kind of daily consumption was excluded by him, he only needed a transfer record.

Not in the month.

There is no annual bill either.

"Huang Shanshan and Huang Wentao have been dating as boyfriend and girlfriend for three years, so in the past two years, they must have had nothing in common."

After Zhong Tianzheng made a simple analysis in his mind, this time his purpose became stronger, and he jumped directly to the first year when Huang Shanshan and Huang Wentao first fell in love, and said to himself: "Generally speaking, if If a person's last relationship didn't go out quickly, then maybe they might still meet a few months before they broke up."


The reality did not surprise Zhong Tianzheng.

In this year's bills, Zhong Tianzheng saw several large transfers, six in total, the first four transfers were [-] each, the fifth was [-], and the last was [-].

This is the transfer record of the two parties this year. It seems that the last transfer of [-] is somewhat similar to the end of the last one.


Zhong Tianzheng looked at the hidden name on the screen, the corners of his mouth turned up, and then continued to flip the bill forward, the more he flipped forward, the transfer records between Huang Shanshan and this person named ** Xun became more and more frequent, There are large and small, as small as 51, reaching one or two thousand.


Mostly Huang Shanshan inquires about transfers to the other party.

Zhong Tianzheng looked at the transfer record with a gloomy expression, and roughly guessed what it was.


Huang Wentao is here.

Zhong Tian saw him in the reception room.

Huang Wentao was still the same as before. He looked like he couldn't wake up, his hair was messy and greasy, and his dark circles were still thick. It seemed that he still struggled a lot in Internet cafes these days.

"Smoke a cigarette."

Zhong Tian was reaching out his hand to find out the cigarette box, and handed him one.

"Ha ha."

Huang Wentao was stunned for a moment, then took it, wrapped it in his mouth, and then said: "What's the matter? The case has been found out, and I know that I didn't do it. Now come and say something nice to me, and let me not complain to you." ?”

He took another mouthful of his cigarette, and exhaled a slender puff of smoke: "Don't worry, we are not as boring as those so-called people who make complaints every now and then. You are all here to solve the case. I can understand this feeling. "

"If the case is solved, we will notify Huang Shanshan's family, not you. I don't think you care much about Huang Shanshan, and you are not her immediate family."

Zhong Tianzheng refuted him without saving face, and then said: "I called you here this time, there are two things."

"First: Give me your mobile phone. I'll check your Alipay and WeChat. I need to see your personal transfer and consumption records."

Huang Wentao shrugged his shoulders disdainfully: "Hehe, I am a hanging silk, what's so good about my consumption records, it's just a small matter."

"give me."

Zhong Tianzheng stretched out his hand.

"I'll give it to you."

Huang Wentao glanced at Zhong Tianzheng, then took out his mobile phone and handed it over: "Look, look, look, whatever you want, I don't have much money in it, and I still owe several thousand to Huabei."

"It's better to use things like Huabei overdraft sparingly."

After Zhong Tianzheng said a word, he stopped looking at him, put his mobile phone and Huang Shanshan's mobile phone together, and then checked his personal consumption records and compared them with Huang Shanshan's.

Insert a voiceover.

have to say.

Huang Wentao was very nice to Huang Shanshan before. Many consumption scenes in Alipay are related to Huang Shanshan, and there are many records of paying for Huang Shanshan.

The consumption records of the two are compared.

There is nothing unusual about the back.

The most controversial point is still the first year when Huang Shanshan and Huang Wentao first got together.

Zhong Tianzheng found out several transactions in Huang Shanshan's payment records and placed them in front of Huang Wentao: "Do you still remember the three hotel orders in the past three days?"

These three transactions are the consumption records of an express hotel in Shangnan City.

However, during the three consumption periods in these three days, Huang Wentao did not have any consumption records on his mobile phone. At most, there were consumption records from a tobacco and alcohol convenience store, all of which were fixed at 15 yuan. They should have been for buying cigarettes.

"How can I remember this!"

Huang Wentao raised his eyelids and glanced: "It happened several years ago, I don't remember."

"I'll help you remember."

Zhong Tianzheng didn't care too much, it would be a bit abrupt if he just asked, even Zhong Tianzheng himself couldn't remember the consumption three years ago: "The three consumption records in these three days are all in one I checked the time, and it was about forty days in the first month when you and Huang Shanshan confirmed your boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

Huang Wentao gave him the white of his eyes: "And then?!"

Zhong Tianzheng didn't beat around the bush: "Let me put it bluntly: when were you together, when did you first open a house?! You don't have to tell me that you don't know. Judging from your consumption records, you should have spent money on Huang Shanshan. A lot of money, you must care about her."

"You must remember this matter very clearly."

Zhong Tianzheng said this, and didn't speak any more. He leaned against the back of the chair, took a mouthful of a cigarette, and tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, waiting for his answer.

Huang Wentao looked at Zhong Tian for just a few seconds, and grinned: "Well, I do remember that I had a relationship with her in the third month I was with her."

"As expected of a police officer, you have such strong discernment."

Speaking of this, Huang Wentao paused: "It's just that, don't you think it's too boring to use your observation skills on this? You are very happy to sprinkle salt on other people's wounds?"

In his opinion.

What Zhong Tianzheng said just now was undoubtedly telling him indirectly: when Huang Shanshan and you, Huang Wentao, were just together, they were still having a room with another man.

"I'm not that boring!"

Zhong Tianzheng spread his hands indifferently: "I'm just investigating what I want. From your answer, I already know the information I want."

"Ha ha."

Huang Wentao sneered, wrapped his cigarette heavily and said nothing, but his face had become a little ugly.

"My second question: Among the people you know, is there anyone named Xun? The last word in the name has Xun."

Zhong Tianzheng raised his second question.

As soon as he said this question, Huang Wentao's face on the opposite side changed again, and his facial expression obviously froze for a while.

"It seems that we know each other."

Zhong Tianzheng read his expression: "This person is Huang Shanshan's ex-boyfriend, right? Have you met him?"


Huang Wentao looked at Zhong Tianzheng, and after several glances: "Yes, I've heard of it, but I don't know his name or what he looks like, I haven't seen him before."

"I only found out from Huang Shanshan, she called him Ah Xun!"

"And every time she gets sick, she will call Ah Xun, Ah Xun!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhong Tianzheng stood up from his seat at once.

(End of this chapter)

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