Chapter 127 Two Fools
Hucheng Fujia Community is considered an upper-mid-range community in Hucheng, with convenient transportation and a superior environment. Most of the people living here are families with a good income level.

Wang Facai lives in his outer room on the twelfth floor of a high-rise unit building, which is a pretty good location.

And because this concubine has always been very caring, so Wang Facai is also very good to her.Buying a house and decorating it is all in accordance with her wishes, making the house extremely delicate and comfortable.

However, no matter how good the location was, no matter how exquisite the decoration was, and no matter how considerate the outer room was, it could not make Wang Facai feel better at this time.

Just because at this moment, there are two masked fat men blocking the door of their house, shouting non-stop!

"Fat Cai, what should we do? Yang Yang was almost frightened." Wang Fa Cai's outer room sat beside him, with a worried expression on his face.

"What can I do?" Wang Facai said angrily: "I went out and let them chop me down? Where did these two gangsters come from? Their minds are full of mush!"

Ten minutes ago, when Wang Facai was teasing the children with the outside room, a sudden knock on the door startled them both.Immediately afterwards, the two men shouted, saying to seek revenge on Liu Erniu.

Out of caution, Wang Facai glanced through the cat's eyes, only to find two masked fat men standing outside the door, waving the kitchen knives in their hands in excitement, yelling that Liu Erniu greened their confession. Brother, come to ask for an explanation.

There were women and children in the house, so Wang Facai dared not open the door. He could only say through the door that he was not the person they were looking for.

But these two people didn't believe it, and said that Wang Facai was fooling them, and when they got excited, they even smashed the door with a kitchen knife!

Wang Facai was very fortunate at once, because security issues were installed during the decoration, so as long as he didn't take the initiative to open it, the two fat men couldn't get in anyway.

But after all, they can't be stuck at home like this, who knows when those two people will leave.

While thinking about it, the outer room suddenly said, "How about we call the police?"

"Why call the police?" Wang Facai directly rejected the suggestion of calling the police outside, and then said angrily: "The property can't be called either. If the property comes, it will call the police. Can I stand up to the police station's interrogation?"

"Then what should we do?" The outer room was a little timid.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of a kitchen knife smashing on the door, followed by a fat man's angry voice: "Liu Erniu, you won't come out, right? I won't let you out today!"

Wang Facai frowned, and leaned in front of the cat, and saw two fat men took out tubes of strong quick-drying glue from their backpacks, and glued them all over the door!

"I told you I'm not Liu Erniu!" Wang Facai said angrily, "I warn you to get out of here! Otherwise, you'll look good to me!"

"Brother, look at him treating us as fools! He's still denying us! He's still threatening us!" a fat man yelled angrily.

After finishing speaking, he opened the backpack wide, and the mouth of the bag flicked, and a dozen rolls of strong adhesive tape immediately rolled to the ground.

Without further ado, the two fat men picked up the tape and pulled it open with a snap, and immediately began to seal the anti-theft door.

All of a sudden, the two fat men stopped clamoring and kept pulling out pieces of tape, sealing Wang Facai's door tightly in the blink of an eye.

At first glance, there is no door to be seen, only the tape all over the wall!
This immediately made Wang Facai very angry, and the peephole of the security door was quickly sealed, so that the outside situation could no longer be seen.

"What the hell are these two things!" Wang Facai cursed angrily, and picked up his phone to speed dial.

In the interrogation room of the Xiaolin District Police Station, a stern-faced middle-aged police officer sat facing Li Shengdong, while Li Shengdong looked depressed and bowed his head in confusion.

"Li Shengdong, since we asked you about the casino, we have already understood the relevant situation. So you'd better cooperate and take the initiative to explain, so as to win the chance of leniency. Speaking of your two cases, fortunately, they didn't come out. Human life, if you have a good attitude, there is no possibility of a reduced sentence, understand?"

Li Shengdong raised his head when he heard the words, his heart was in a mess.

Since he was brought to the police station, he thought that the casino could not be hidden, and he was ready to take the initiative to explain.

But the police officers didn't ask about the casino, but instead asked about the two wounding cases on his body, which made him feel a little lucky.

But at the end of the interrogation, when he thought the casino would not be exposed, he was quickly brought into the interrogation room again.

The interrogating police officer directly asked him about the casino and asked him to cooperate with the investigation!

What should I do.
At this moment, Li Shengdong, who didn't take any chances anymore, had a second thought, and said, "Officer, let me tell you."

Only halfway through his words, a police officer knocked on the door and entered, holding Li Shengdong's mobile phone and whispered something in the ear of the interrogating police officer.

The interrogating police officer glanced at the vibrating mobile phone, calmed down and looked at Li Shengdong, and said solemnly: "Since you are willing to cooperate with the investigation, that's the best thing. First, see whose phone number this is?"

Li Shengdong looked at the number, and immediately cooperated: "Wang Facai, he is the owner of the casino."

"Well, you answer the phone now and deal with it normally. Then find a way to find out where he is." After the interrogation police officer said, he connected the phone, turned on the speakerphone and placed it in front of Li Shengdong.

Li Shengdong leaned his head into his phone: "Hello, Brother Fa Cai."

"Where are you?" Wang Facai on the other end of the phone seemed irritable.

"I'm at home, and I'm about to go to the venue." Li Shengdong tried his best to keep his tone as usual.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Facai didn't seem to have time to feel if Li Shengdong felt anything strange, so he said directly: "There are two idiots blocking the door of my house and sealing the door, you bring a few people to deal with it! Hurry up, don't let them run away !"

As soon as Wang Facai finished speaking, the interrogating police officer nodded to Li Shengdong, so Li Shengdong said seamlessly: "No problem! Brother Facai, are you at the second sister-in-law's house?"

"Nonsense! Where can I be if I'm not here? Hurry up!" Wang Facai said and hung up the phone.

Li Shengdong breathed a sigh of relief, and said proactively, "Now he's in Fujia District, on the twelfth floor of Unit [-], Building [-]."

"You performed very well." The interrogating police officer's expression softened a lot, and there was even a slight curve in the corner of his mouth: "You will take a few of us plainclothes there later and identify the address. Then we will record your performance in the file Here, fight for you."

"Thank you, officer." Li Shengdong, who was extremely domineering in front of his subordinates, was like a rabbit at this moment, very obedient: "There is another situation, that is, there is a casino on Bar Street."

Outside Wang Facai's door, Song He, wearing a mask and gloves, pressed against the door panel. With his extraordinary hearing, he could clearly hear every word Wang Facai said during the phone call, and he suddenly felt happy.

Zhou Kai, who was on the side, was holding his throat and kept shouting: "Neighbors, don't be afraid, we are only looking for Liu Erniu, and we will not disturb everyone."

Seeing this, Song He smiled, left the door and patted Zhou Kai on the shoulder, signaling to retreat.

Zhou Kai nodded, shouted twice more, and then he and Song He packed up their things and left along the stairwell.

"What did you hear?" Zhou Kai took off his mask and handed it to Song He.

"Wang Facai asked Li Shengdong to come over and clean us up." Song He shrugged and threw their masks and gloves into their backpacks.

When Zhou Kai heard this, he immediately thought of Li Shengdong who had been arrested, and said with a smile, "It's pretty fast, but not as fast as the criminals under our hands."

"Aren't they all like this? The commonality of criminals." After Song He finished speaking, he suddenly laughed and said, "And I think there is no need to compare things like criminals confessing their love."

After putting on their backpacks again, Song He and Zhou Kai quickly left the unit building and slipped over the wall to avoid community surveillance.

Not long after they left, a group of police officers in plain clothes appeared outside Wang Facai's door.

And when the plainclothes policeman saw the anti-theft door completely sealed with tape, he was speechless.

In particular, the words "human scum and two bulls" were written with spray paint on the door, which made several police officers unanimously raise a question:
Is this something that humans can do?
(End of this chapter)

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