Chapter 140
Because Song He forcibly linked the originally unrelated cases, the investigation pressure of the North District Police Station increased greatly, and the Anti-Narcotics Division of the Municipal Bureau also mobilized capable police forces as quickly as possible to provide support and launched an investigation into Fengtai Pig Farming. investigation of the field.

However, the police soon discovered that there was nothing suspicious about Fengtai Pig Farm from any angle!

If it weren't for the untraceable source of the informant, all the police officers involved in the investigation would have thought it was an ordinary pig farm.And when the initial investigation was fruitless, some police officers did doubt it.

Wei Zhihai got a bit of a headache when he got the investigation report. Yang Huafeng's situation was basically understood, including his drug trafficking network in Yucheng City. Only this Feng Tai and his pig farm had no clue at all to point to the associated with toxin production.

As for the smell Zhao Congjun mentioned, the anti-narcotics police also tried to search for it at night, but the result was that they did not smell it at all.

"Is it because of this case that has no beginning or end to delay the arrest of Yang Huafeng's drug gang?"

Wei Zhihai hesitated for a moment, then called Zhao Congjun.

"Hey, join the army."

"Have you received Fengtai's investigation report?"

"Since you have received it, let me explain. Yang Huafeng will deliver the goods in three days. Should I move or not?"

"I know that the identity of the informant needs to be kept secret, and I don't force anything. The key is that I need evidence."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

At the Nancheng Police Station, Zhao Congjun hung up the phone with a serious expression on his face. Looking at Song He who was sitting across from him, he said slowly, "Let me explain first, I believe you."

"Thank you very much." Song He smiled, feeling a little moved by Zhao Congjun's unconditional trust in his heart.

"There's no need to say polite words, what do you think now?" Zhao Congjun looked at him with a serious expression.

"There is indeed a smell of production poison at night, very faint. And I tried to touch it, but it didn't work." Song Heyun was calm, but what he said made Zhao Congjun's eyes twitch.

"Don't be angry, just listen to me." Song He knew what he was thinking when he saw the other person's eyes, and quickly persuaded him to continue: "I saw that there were anti-narcotics police following me, so I changed the direction. But on the wall A lot of monitoring has been set up, although there are blind spots, but there are many dogs inside, it is impossible to touch it quietly."

In fact, after Song He said that there was a problem with the pig farm, he secretly investigated it alone every night, but the result was that there was no way to get within ten meters of the pig farm.

Because once you get close, it will cause the barking of the guard dog that seems to be everywhere on the other side of the courtyard wall.

Moreover, the other party cut down all the trees within hundreds of meters around the pig farm, and there was no place from which to observe from a high position.

However, the irritating smell during the poison production process did exist as Song He speculated, but the other party covered it up very well, plus the smell of the pig factory itself, ordinary people couldn't detect it.

"To be honest, I didn't expect them to be so cautious." Song He spread his hands and said, "But this also shows that none of the people inside are innocent."

"But although I didn't touch it, I still got something to gain."

"What harvest?" Zhao Congjun asked.

"The flaw in the delivery of raw materials." Song He explained: "The toxin-producing raw materials are entrained in the car that transports the feed. Although it looks the same as the car that usually transports the feed, there are still subtle differences. This difference you If you don’t see it, I can help you identify it.”

"You mean to take action against the trucks transporting raw materials?" Zhao Congjun understood.

"That's right." Song He continued: "Where there is an entry, there is an exit. Although I haven't seen the delivery car, I believe I will recognize it when I meet it."

"The car with raw materials is enough. Tell me the number plate, don't say you don't know." Zhao Congjun didn't mean to let Song He participate in the action at all: "I promised to let you go to the scene, but the action is nothing."

Song He wanted to say something, but found that Zhao Congjun shook his head extremely firmly, so he said the car model and license plate number.

Then he said: "I suggest that you act before arresting Yang Huafeng, because there are indications that Yang Huafeng still doesn't know that Feng Tai is a higher-ranking poisonous leader than him. Moreover, Feng Tai chose to let Yang Huafeng transport pork. It may be by observing Yang Huafeng's situation to judge the situation of the anti-drug situation in Yucheng."

"Therefore, Feng Tai's arrest will not alert Yang Huafeng. But if Yang Huafeng is arrested first, Feng Tai, who is secretly following him, is likely to escape."

Zhao Congjun thought for a moment when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "Any other suggestions?"

Song He was also unambiguous, and expressed his thoughts one by one, regardless of maturity.

"Have you already thought about how to concoct a pig farm, kid? You dare to think about drone high-altitude reconnaissance!" Zhao Congjun was a little surprised. Song He had so many ideas and a deep understanding of human nature, which really surprised him. shock.

After finishing speaking, he called Wei Zhihai and quickly agreed on a preliminary action plan.

Two nights later, a medium-sized truck transporting pig feed drove into the northern district of Yucheng City and slowly drove towards the suburbs.

But just after the truck driver turned a corner, he was forced to stop the car after driving a few hundred meters, and the scene in front of him stunned him.

I saw a few police cars parked not far ahead, half of the originally spacious road was blocked, leaving only two lanes for traffic.

Several traffic policemen stood by the lanes available for traffic, stopped cars at random, and conducted alcohol tests on drivers.

The driver and the man in the co-pilot looked at each other, and the man asked, "Did you drink?"

"Fuck you! I've been driving all day, where can I drink?" The driver waved his hand, looking a little irritable.

In this way, the truck stopped and went, and soon it was their turn.

Outside the car window, a short black-faced traffic policeman saluted and motioned for them to roll down the car window. The driver complied and blew into the breathalyzer inserted into the car window.

"Di Di!"

When the buzzing sounded, the traffic police glanced at the index displayed on the breathalyzer, showed it to the driver, and said, "Please stop the car in front and show your driver's license and driving license."

The driver was taken aback, looked at the word "13" on the screen of the instrument, and denied: "I didn't drink alcohol, police officer, I don't smell at all."

The traffic policeman said unmoved: "Please cooperate with our work. If there is really no drinking, the index should return to normal soon."

"After all, some food or other reasons can cause the alcohol tester to be inaccurate, but please cooperate with us until the matter is clear."

Hearing this, the driver glanced at his companion in the passenger seat, and saw that he also looked hesitant, so he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

"What? Is there a problem?" The traffic policeman raised his head and looked at the driver with some doubts.

"Oh, no problem." The driver quickly replied with a smile, and winked at his companion covertly.

Seeing this, the co-pilot's companion turned on the radio as if nothing had happened while the traffic police were not paying attention, and seemed to have accidentally adjusted it to the loudest.

Note: It's on the shelves, Xiaozuo begs for the first order!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!In short, all kinds of requests ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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