Chapter 143
On the luxurious big bed, the man who was looking at the video with great interest was about in his early 20s, with brown hair, facial features with very obvious mixed-race features, very handsome.

It is a pity that he is emaciated, his skin is pale and lacks luster, and he is obviously suffering from a serious illness.And in his somewhat sunken eye sockets, there is a pair of childlike eyes, bright and clear.

At this time, what was played on the monitor was just the moment before the action started, and no matter the picture or the angle, it was better than what Song He saw in the command vehicle.

"Uncle Zhong! Look, look!" The mixed-race man suddenly pointed excitedly at the screen, and said with a smile, "They will also use wild dogs to distract the opponent! Ordinary special police would not do that! Haha!"

"The person who made the action plan is indeed very thoughtful." A middle-aged man with a good temperament was sitting on a chair beside the bed. Take a break, you've seen it many times."

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still find it very interesting." The man lay down on his back tiredly, without any intention of blaming Uncle Zhong, and let him arrange the pillows behind him, and said slowly: "Uncle Zhong, their lives , it won’t have this sick and rotten smell on me.”

A trace of regret and pain flashed in Uncle Zhong's eyes, and he said softly, "Go to sleep for a while, don't you still want to go to Le Kingdom?"

"Well, it's good to go to the capital of gambling." The man closed his eyes obediently, and whispered: "I originally wanted to see how those new gadgets in Wei country would make life wither, it's really disappointing..."

After finishing speaking, he stopped making a sound, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Uncle Zhong glanced at the man who was short of breath, picked up a book, and sat by the bed to read.

After Song He got tired of Fang Ming again in the club, he came to the Nancheng District Police Station refreshed, and sat directly next to Wu Xuerui at the station, watching her busy with nothing to do.

"Nothing to do?" Seeing this, Wu Xuerui ordered directly: "Master has gone to the Municipal Bureau. There are many follow-up matters in the drug-related case. Wang Zhiyuan was seconded to help. You can help Qin Yuan."

"Qin Yuan?" Song He was taken aback for a moment, then turned his eyes immediately: "That's right, it's also good to see the strange cases to change your mood."

After that, he supported Wu Xuerui's shoulders and stood up, and ran to Qin Yuan's side before the policeman glared at him, with a friendly smile on his face: "Xiao Qin, how are you doing now? Are you going to call the police? Take me with you."

"Consultant Song?" Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and was overjoyed when he heard Song He's words: "Great! There is an alarm call reporting the husband and wife hiding drugs, which happened to be the target we were following a few days ago."

"Let's go, take a few more people with you." Song He urged expectantly.

Soon, the two arrived at a community with four plainclothes police officers.

Leaving the police car outside the community, a group of six people quickly found the property, and under the guidance of the other party, they went outside the house of the accused.

Standing in the corridor outside the door, Song He sniffled, smiled meaningfully, and whispered to Qin Yuan: "I didn't run away."

After arranging the cheating plan, Song He asked the property manager to leave, and then hid against the wall with Qin Yuan and others.

Then a plainclothes police officer stood outside the target door and shouted in a unique voice: "Hello, is anyone home?"

"Who?" A man's voice soon came from inside the house.

"I'm the property inspection and access control phone." The plainclothes policeman looked at the cat's eye on the door and said calmly: "I just pressed your home number at the bottom, but there was no sound, so I came to ask to see if your access control phone is Something is abnormal."

After a while, a man's voice came from inside the door: "Another day, I'm inconvenient today."

"Oh, yes, please sign it." The police officer took out a piece of paper and shook it in the cat's eyes, "Prove that we have been here, and set a maintenance time by the way."

"Okay, wait a minute." After the man finished speaking, he opened the door after a while.


"do not move!"

Everyone yelled and opened the door and rushed in. They saw two men and one woman in the house, and they couldn't help but control them all.

After a while, the couple were identified, and another man in the circle was let go.

"Comrade policeman, what happened to him?" the man asked cautiously.

"Who are you?" Qin Yuan, who led the team, asked.

"I'm his brother." The man replied, a little worried: "Did my brother make any mistakes?"

"You'll know in a minute." Qin Yuan glanced at his colleagues who were searching.

Soon, the plainclothes police officers found smoke-like illegal drugs from the suspect's home, which were the same as those sold by Yang Huafeng.

"Did you see it? Hiding drugs." Qin Yuan said to the suspect's brother.

"Brother! What the police comrades said is true?" The man immediately had a heartbroken expression on his face: "How could you do such a thing! Parents still expect you to go home to see them, but you hide drugs!"

"It's fine if you make a mistake! But how can you drag your siblings into the water! let me down so much!"

Seeing this, Qin Yuan quickly persuaded: "It's okay, please keep calm and cooperate with us."

The man stepped back with a shocked and painful expression on his face, looked at the suspect squatting on the ground, and said earnestly: "Brother! Go in and reform, behave well, and try to come out as soon as possible!"

Song He looked at the suspect's brother from the side, and thought: Sure enough, with Qin Yuan's involvement, normal cases can become interesting.

After thinking about it, he walked up to the man who was still berating the suspect, and said with a smile, "Let's go, please accompany us back to the police station for an investigation."

"Me?" The man was taken aback.

"That's right, otherwise how would I give you a blood test?" Song He smiled meaningfully.

The man was startled, and ran out the door.

Unexpectedly, Song He had expected it a long time ago. He reached out and grabbed his wrist and twisted it around. The man squatted on the ground with a miserable cry, and shouted: "I surrender! I confess!"

When Qin Yuan and others saw this, how could they not know that there was something wrong with the man, so they hurried forward to control him.

Song He freed his hand with a smile and said, "When I go back, save the video from the law enforcement recorder, so that everyone can have fun."

Qin Yuan nodded dumbfounded when he heard the words, and escorted the three of them downstairs with his colleagues.

"I want a life in full bloom..."

Song He, who was walking in the corridor, was taken aback by his mobile phone, looked at the number and picked it up:
"Hello, Old Shen?"

"Toss? No, don't listen to Lao Zhao's nonsense."

"No! I swear on the freedom of all suspects."

"Haha! Tell me, am I listening?"

"Aid? What case?"

"You are too mysterious."

"Willing, willing, showing your face as your assistant, how could you not want to!"

"Really? Then I can choose my own person!"

"Alright, you're welcome!"

After hanging up the phone, Song He felt a little excited.And Qin Yuan, who was walking beside him, was also full of curiosity: "Consultant Song, why are you so happy?"

"There is a mean old man who wants to give me a gift." Song He said casually: "I said no, but after all, he is the elder of your Zhao Bureau. There is no other way, I can only reluctantly accept it."

Qin Yuan was a little stunned when he heard that, and after a moment he hesitated and said: "Consultant Song, Bureau Zhao and Brother Kai said you deserved a beating. I always thought it was just a joke..."

Song He: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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