Chapter 145
Soon, the police officers sent by the Ning County Police found Shen Jianghe and others.

"Professor Shen, it's finally your turn." In the driver's seat of the police car, a middle-aged police officer said while driving, "All the data you want are ready in the bureau, and you can see them when you get off the car."

Song He in the co-pilot shook his head secretly. The officers of the Ning County Police Station obviously only knew Shen Jianghe's identity, but didn't understand him as a person.

Otherwise, it is normal for the information to come with the car.

Shen Jianghe had a kind smile on his face: "Thank you for your hard work, this case is on your shoulders, it's uncomfortable."

"Isn't it?" The middle-aged police officer sighed and said, "Now when the people in Jiucheng talk about Ning County, they will talk about Ning County where the murder case happened. It makes us ashamed to go outside for business."

Listening to the middle-aged policeman chatting with Shen Jianghe, Song He glanced at another police car that was following closely behind, and remembered what Zhou Kai said to himself.

"Song He, teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish. No matter what Professor Shen needs you to do, I hope you can do your best."

Case detection supervisor...

Song He thought about it, and subconsciously took another look at Shen Jianghe: You old man, you have such a big heart, you dare to entrust this kind of thing to me.

In this way, on the way to Ning County, Song He kept thinking about what Shen Jianghe said, and made a preset action plan.

And after Shen Jianghe talked about the relevant ideas outside the train station, he didn't reveal anything anymore.As for how he will arrange it in the future, it depends on the performance of Song He and others this time.

Compared to Song He, who was thinking hard, Zhou Kai and the three in the other police car were much calmer, chatting and laughing along the way, as if they didn't take Shen Jianghe's idea to heart at all.

However, this seemingly indifferent attitude is entirely based on his trust in Song He.

As a group of people who know Song He best, no matter who they are, they can clearly feel that Song He handles the case with ease.

In other words, counting from when Song He appeared half a year ago, until now when he handles the case, he hasn't put in all his strength!
Therefore, if there is really someone who can perfectly execute Shen Jianghe's plan and vision, then it must be Song He.

Therefore, after the three of them stated that they would do their best to assist Song He, they handed over all the brain-making matters to him, and did not pay any attention to the resentful expression on Song He's face at that time, and his very personal (shameless) complaints.

"Is my ingenuity exposed so thoroughly?"

Complaining again in his heart, looking at the Ning County Police Station getting closer and closer outside the car window, Song He calmed down and looked at the police officers standing at the gate of the police station to welcome Shen Jianghe.

And just a few glances before getting out of the car, Song He quickly had a basic judgment on the Ning County Police Station:

If you don't pick up green and yellow, you will be powerless.

"Hello, Professor Shen."

As soon as Shen Jianghe got out of the car, all the police officers at the gate of the police station saluted together.It wasn't until Shen Jianghe, whose police rank was much higher than theirs, returned the salute that the leaders relaxed and walked forward with smiles on their faces.

One of them was in his fifties, with forehead lines deeply etched on his forehead, and was guarded by everyone. He was obviously the chief of the Ning County Police Department.

He was the first to speak and said, "Professor Shen, I'll leave this case to you. If there is no progress, the Ning County police officers will really have no face to meet their colleagues."

Shen Jianghe nodded, without being too polite, and said directly: "I won't say much about the scene, let's take us to look at the case information."

The Chief of the Ning County Police Department stepped aside to get out of the way, stretched out his hand and said, "Go this way."

Soon, everyone came to a small conference room, where the relevant materials were neatly placed on the conference table, and a policeman was standing beside the projection that had been prepared, looking at the sudden Shen Jianghe and others walked into the conference room.

After everyone was seated, the director said, "Xiao Zhang, let's start."

"Yes, Director." The police officer standing next to the projector responded and quickly turned on the corresponding device.

"The case of extermination in Ning County happened in October five years ago. The deceased was a family of three. In addition to the host and hostess, their 12-year-old son was also brutally murdered."

"It was the owner's younger brother who found out that the entire family of the deceased had been killed and reported the incident immediately. But when the police arrived, 48 hours had passed since the incident occurred."

"We conducted a detailed on-site inspection at the time, but unfortunately we did not find any valuable clues."

"The ashtray at the crime scene contained ash, but no cigarette butts."

"The ground has been cleaned meticulously, and there are no footprints left."

"No stranger's fingerprints were collected at the scene, so we judged that the suspect was always wearing gloves."


Song He flicked through the case materials while listening, his brows were slightly frowned, not because of the lack of clues in the case, but because of the criminal's brutal methods.

The fatal injuries of the three deceased were all puncture wounds, and the most suffered more than ten stab wounds.Moreover, each of them was tied hands and feet with ropes, and their mouths were blocked with cloth strips by the criminals, apparently to prevent them from calling for help.

Before each of the deceased died, the criminals covered them with a sheet before killing them, in order to prevent the blood from splashing on themselves.

After killing a family of three, the perpetrator did not leave immediately, but stayed in the deceased's home for several hours.During the period, he even cooks and cooks, and leaves after eating and drinking, which shows that he has a strong psychological quality.

"After visiting more than 100 nearby households and nearly a thousand people in the surrounding area, we still have little to gain. It's just that the deceased's brother once responded that a passbook worth nearly [-] yuan disappeared from the deceased's home."

"Afterwards, we quickly launched an investigation at the relevant bank outlets and found that two men had gone to the bank to withdraw the money in the passbook of the deceased. This is the relevant image provided by the bank."

As the police officer spoke, he turned on a video, and then paused on a frame.

I saw two men in gray suits appearing on the screen. They are neither fat nor thin, but their facial features are extremely blurred. Even if they want to restore their faces, it is very difficult.

Shen Jianghe frowned slightly when he saw this, and before he could speak, the police officer explaining the case had already explained: "The monitoring equipment in the bank branch is too simple, and this is already a video that best reflects the physical characteristics of the suspect."

"Continue." Shen Jianghe nodded and talked.

"Yes, Professor Shen." The explaining police officer hastily turned off the video, opened several pictures of the scene and said, "Because the time when the suspect withdrew the money was before the time of death of the deceased, we judge that there is still No. 3 suspects on file. The scene of the discovery, responsible for guarding the dead who have not been killed."

"Because the suspect was skilled and ruthless, the scene was cleaned very cleanly, showing a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness. Therefore, there is a high probability that the released laborers collaborated in the crime, so we investigated the relevant released laborers. But no suspects were identified."

"Professor Shen, the case is basically like this."

The explainer policeman bowed and stood aside.

"I saw that in the process of pursuing the suspect, you indirectly solved some old cases, which can be regarded as gaining. As for this case..."

Shen Jianghe glanced at Song Hedao: "The suspect's methods are brutal and sophisticated, leaving very few clues, so it's normal to be difficult. Let's take the next step step by step, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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