Chapter 173
It turned out that when several police officers first entered the club, Song He and Zhou Kai noticed something was wrong, and after a little identification, they found that they were a group of people pretending to be police officers.

"You said they were fake?" Hao Yuqing's eyes widened, feeling that these "police officers" were no different from what he usually saw, so he asked in a low voice like a barrage of fire: "How did you find out? What's wrong with them? Are the charges serious? Tell us quickly!"

"Your tuberculosis is already at an advanced stage..." Song He complained, and slowly explained: "The shoes they wear are wrong, if one has a problem, it's justifiable, but if everyone is like this, it is doubtful .”

"Also, their police ranks are a bit exaggerated. For a police rank of this level, the heads of the district police stations are considered small."

Zhou Kai nodded and said, "There are no rules for standing and walking, there are no rules for talking and talking, and the armbands have irregular alarm numbers. If you continue to extort money..."

However, before he finished speaking, several fake police officers had already begun to imply that Feng Zhihui had spent money to reduce disaster.

"...More than three years." Zhou Kai shook his head and finished the second half of the sentence.

"These people pretending to be policemen are not trying to cheat money." Song He suddenly said, "Or cheating money is just a side effect, not the main purpose."

Zhou Kai thought for a while when he heard the words, and looked carefully at the fake police officers, suddenly suddenly realized, and sneered: "It's really true."

"You two stop being dumb, okay?" Hao Yuqing was dissatisfied when he saw this, "We're not you, hurry up and explain what's going on!"

Song He smiled, pointed to a few fake police officers and said, "Look at the standing posture of those people, although they are not policemen's standing posture, they have a bit of fighting style, and the taste of beginners is very Thick. Obviously still in the first three months of practice, not even a novice."

"If you look at their eyes again, they basically fall on the fighting area and some fitness equipment, and they are eager to try it twice. How can they see any fire exits?"

"So they were sent by other fighting clubs to smash the scene!" Hao Yuqing suddenly became excited, as if he could see that a big fighting scene was about to be staged.

Song He looked at Hao Yuqing, a little speechless, and said: "You really have a lot of gossip, you are a gossip!"

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Fang Ming looked at Song He and Zhou Kai in surprise.

Song He said shamelessly: "It's still early, the crime is not serious enough. Wait until they have more crimes."

Zhou Kai said expressionlessly: "I am currently on leave, but I have already informed my colleagues. This crime is taken very seriously, and it is expected to arrive soon."

The two spoke at the same time, they were taken aback for a while, and looked at each other, Song He suddenly said with a fear of his thigh: "Brother Kai, you are still black!"

While Feng Zhihui was dealing with several fake police officers, he was paying attention to Song He and others in the rest area.

After Song He reminded himself that these police officers were fake, he chatted with Zhou Kai and others as if nothing had happened, without any nervousness, so he simply relaxed.

But the rest of the members were a little confused, and a few of them came forward to say something nice for Feng Zhihui, but they were shouted back by the fake police officers.

Feng Zhihui was worried about conflicts, so he persuaded the members to leave.And knowing Song He's personality, he complained in his heart: What kind of friends are these?

After complaining, with a smile on his face, Feng Zhihui stuffed more than a dozen hundred-yuan bills into the fake policeman's hands without hesitation: "Officer, take the policemen to eat breakfast, it must be hard work on duty."

The fake police officer put away the cash handed over by Feng Zhihui as if nothing had happened, and said, "Your attitude is not bad, but what needs to be rectified must be rectified. Three days, we will come to check and accept after three days. Also, during the rectification period, no matter what open, understand?"

"Understood." Feng Zhihui nodded and bowed, and secretly glanced at Song He.

Song He smiled and gestured to Feng Zhihui to get it done, changed the behavior of secretly filming to aboveboard filming, and directly walked towards Feng Zhihui and the fake policeman with his mobile phone.

His behavior quickly attracted the attention of many fake police officers, and when they saw the mobile phone in Song He's hand, two fake police officers turned their backs quickly, for fear that they would be photographed.

The leading fake police officer and several people around him jumped in their hearts and came towards Song He shouting!
"What are you doing! Put down the phone!"

"No filming allowed without our permission!"

"Delete it quickly! Did you hear that!"

Seeing this, Song He sneered in his heart, stopped and pretended to be panicked, but the mobile phone in his hand was still taking pictures of several fake police officers.

In the blink of an eye, the leading fake police officer had already walked in front of Song He. Seeing that Song He seemed to be petrified, he was overjoyed and at the same time reached out to snatch the phone!
Unexpectedly, Song He took a step back in a hurry, and said in a low voice, "You are fake! I have seen you! You were still distributing leaflets on the street a few days ago!"

After saying a word, Song He ran away in panic!
The fake police officer who led the team was startled, and he and several companions speeded up to catch up, trying to control Song He.

Unexpectedly, Song He was not slow and extremely agile. He had repeatedly escaped the pursuit of several people by just a hair's breadth!
The fake police officers who led the team were ashamed and angry, and shouted at several fake police officers who were standing still in a daze: "You are paralyzed! Come and help!"

Seeing this, the fake police quickly joined the team chasing Song He!
Song He looked at it and secretly laughed in his heart: This is the atmosphere of the festival.

Thoughts were racing in his mind. While relying on his strong physical fitness to escape capture many times, he was observing the status of the fake police officers and secretly counting the time.

While the fake police officer and Song He were chasing and fleeing, many members wanted to dissuade them from helping, but they were all dismissed by the fake police officer because they would not interfere with their official duties.

Fang Ming in the rest area also wanted to step forward to help, but Zhou Kai stopped him: "Didn't you realize that he did it on purpose?"

"On purpose?" Fang Ming listened to Zhou Kai's words very much. Hearing this, he sat back in his seat and wondered, "Why?"

Hao Yuqing and Lin Xuefei also looked at Zhou Kai at the same time, but unlike Hao Yuqing's curiosity about Song He's behavior, Lin Xuefei's focus was always on Zhou Kai.

She was very happy to be able to look at Zhou Kai openly.

Zhou Kai shook his head and said with a smile: "Song He is consuming their energy to reduce the risk of arrest later."

Fang Ming was stunned for a moment, watching Song He moving around in the pursuit of a group of fake police officers, he suddenly felt a little familiar: "Why do I feel that he is the same now as when he was in the ring?"

Zhou Kai watched with great interest as Song He played around with the fake police officers chasing him, and said with a smile, "It's your ability to last for half an hour. How long do you think they can run like this?"

Fang Ming is skilled in fighting, and soon discovered that Song He had always controlled the speed of the fake police officers' pursuit close to the limit.

"Too chicken thief!"

Fang Ming made a decisive comment, which was unanimously recognized by his companions.

After a while, the surrounding members saw something was wrong.After all, most people have seen the sparring between Song He and Fang Ming. At this time, they just replaced a master Xiao Ming with several weakened versions of Xiao Ming.

Curious in his heart, he naturally came to seek answers. The man with a mustache who was always spending time in the club came to the rest area, moved a chair and sat beside Fang Ming: "Xiao Ming, what's the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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