Chapter 203
King game?

When Wang Hong heard this name coming out of Song He's mouth, he understood what he meant in the blink of an eye.

He seemed to be unaware and said: "Everyone understands, so I won't talk nonsense. Although the Wu'an County Police Department has many problems, as long as I have enough time, I can solve them."

"However, I remember that five days ago, Liu Hao was still a fool who didn't understand. But his performance now really impresses me."

Seeing Wang Hong staring straight at him after he finished speaking, Song He suddenly understood that Liu Hao saw his little movements clearly, and at the same time understood what Wang Hong was thinking, so he cut to the chase and said, "Deputy Director Wang, This matter is easy to handle. We can guarantee that during the investigation of the two cases, we will try our best to help them grow up."

"But this morning's matter is not over yet. There will be many people involved in a few days. Deputy Director Wang, you have to think carefully about your candidate and make a decision as soon as possible."

Wang Hong nodded briskly, stood up and said, "Don't worry, I'll send him there soon."

Half an hour later, ten police officers stood in Wang Hong's office with low eyebrows, not daring to lift their heads, for fear that Wang Hong, who was in a rage, would find himself a head taller than others and pour his anger on himself!
"Look at how you guys were discussing the case today!" Wang Hong stood behind his desk, waving his arms and shouted loudly, "Shame on you! The Wu'an County Police Department is completely disgraced by you!"

"If it weren't for Lao Tzu and Liu Hao to support you, you would have been crushed by a broken aid team! Crushed! Understand!"

Wang Hong showed off the new vocabulary he had just learned, pretending to be annoyed, pointing at the waiter and instructing the police: "Didn't you say that the consultant surnamed Song can eat? Why didn't you see that he was capable!"

"You know how to ask me every day. What if I become a hero one day, and you go down and ask me what to do?"

Wang Hong's words made the hearts of the police officers tremble, and they raised their heads to say something.

But Wang Hong would not give them a chance, and said with raised eyebrows: "From today on, you will stick to the aid team and learn from me! I asked, and none of the four members in this team is a simple person!"

"I'm not too demanding, so you just keep asking me. It's best to be like a fly in the latrine. Ask what you don't understand, and ask me what you understand!"

"Ask me they're disgusting, ask the aid team begging me to take you back!"

"do you understand?"

All police officers stood at attention and saluted: "Understood!"

Two minutes later, Song He stood in the corner of the small conference room, looking at the ten police officers who suddenly poured in, and cursed in his heart: Wang Hong, you shameless old man who is pushing your limits, look, there is still room for someone to stand here. !

"Captain Zhou, the leader asked us to help you move your things to the big conference room." Hu Yu was standing very close to Zhou Kai at this time: "He said that the place is big and can be deployed."

Seeing this, Zhou Kai couldn't disagree, and just nodded in agreement, a total of twelve police officers including Liu Hao and Hu Yu moved all the office supplies to the conference room.

It wasn't until this moment that Song He felt more at ease, but before he could sit still, he suddenly panicked, and several figures surrounded him in the blink of an eye!
"Consultant Song, why do you and the leader think the murderer is young?"

"Why do you think the murderer's family is not good?"


Seeing their unanimous questions, Song He suddenly understood that it was all at Wang Hong's behest!

I saw a flash of light in his eyes, and sneered in his heart: Do you love learning so much?Alright, then I will fulfill you!
Zhou Kai and the other three watched the show, but saw Song He standing up: "Everyone has three questions, and each question can only be answered once. Ask after thinking about it!"

After hearing this, all the police officers immediately fell silent, but a fast-talking police officer blurted out: "Why did the murderer choose to attack there?"

"A good starting point." Song He nodded: "In every premeditated case, no matter how big or small, the suspect will choose a suitable time and place. But to be more precise, it is to choose a timing."

"One of the most important characteristics of this timing is to achieve the goal with him..."

After 10 minutes, Song He stopped talking, looked at the police officers listening intently, and raised his mouth slightly: "Do you remember?"

The policemen came back to their senses one after another, and the policeman who asked the question nodded his head, then shook his head again.

Seeing this, Song He glanced at Liu Hao who was frantically taking notes beside him.

The police officers immediately came to their senses and went to fetch paper and pens one after another.

Seeing this, Zhou Kai shook his head secretly, feeling sympathetic for the calculations these police officers were about to encounter.

"Don't just listen, drink more water." Song He greeted the police officers enthusiastically, and then asked, "What's the next question? Whoever has made up his mind puts up his hand."

The policemen raised their hands one after another, Song He glanced around and clicked on a policeman.

The police officer who was accused immediately said: "Consultant Song, the murderer in this case has considerable anti-investigation capabilities, but you all agreed that he is a novice. I am not very clear about the basis of this judgment, can you explain it in more detail?"

Song He nodded and said: "The determination of whether a criminal suspect committed a crime for the first time can help us narrow down the scope of suspects, so it is a very important part of the investigation..."

In this way, every question raised by the police officer will be answered in detail by Song He from shallow to deep, and the notes of all the police officers will quickly change from one page to several pages.

Two hours later, Song He was answering questions while observing the expressions of the police officers, while counting the time.

Finally, after answering No.14 questions, a police officer showed a little anxiety on his face.

Song He sneered in his heart: Can't help it?Hold on to me!I'll let you go when your friends are about to blow up too!
And the police officers who kept being persuaded to pour hot water down their stomachs found that Song He's answer gradually became more fascinating.

At the same time, their dantians have gradually begun to overwhelm, and there is a faint tendency to be out of control!

Why is Consultant Song still not stopping?
When this question was circling in the minds of all the police officers countless times, Song He saw that their faces that had endured for a long time were covered with sweat, and finally ended the answer decisively: "Take a break and pay the water bill." Bar."

All the police officers swarmed out as if they had received an amnesty, and even Liu Hao and Hu Yu rushed out the door anxiously.

Seeing this, Zhou Kai laughed and said, "Isn't it because Wang Hong tricked me a little bit, what about it?"

Song He didn't answer, but raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "This is 25 meters away from the men's toilet, and there are three squatting seats and two standing seats in the men's toilet on this floor."

"There are twelve people who need to dismantle the bomb, but the stairwell leading to the upper and lower floors is 15 meters away from the men's toilet."

"Whether to line up on this floor or go around to other floors is really a difficult choice."

Wu Xuerui had already laughed out of joy, she blushed and scolded: "It's so funny!"

Ma Xuexian laughed and said: "Twelve people drank water from nine thermos pots, and they are already in good health after being able to endure it."

Song He shrugged: "There is no such thing as taking advantage of things for nothing in this world, and they are called generations."

Zhou Kai said disdainfully: "Just say that you are small-minded."

(End of this chapter)

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