While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 21 Difficulties in Obtaining Evidence

Chapter 21 Difficulties in Obtaining Evidence
Song He squinted his eyes, his thoughts were racing, and he decided to try to get in touch with Bai Hewei first, and then decide on the direction of investigation.

"As long as you are an individual, you will inevitably have weaknesses. Besides, whether it is cash or gold, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air. Especially gold, no matter how tightly it is covered up, it will leave clues!"

Early the next morning, after Song He came out of the Canglong Club, he went straight to a place 300 meters away from Bai Hewei according to the distance provided by the system.

After some observation, Song He finally determined that Bai Hewei was in a store selling surveillance equipment.

He wasn't impatient at all, he hid in a hidden corner not far outside the surveillance equipment store and observed, and soon realized that Bai Hewei was the owner of the surveillance equipment store!

Song He figured out a lot of things in an instant. It turned out that Bai Hewei's theft of property was also a reason for soliciting business for himself.

"What a thoughtful thief!"

Without hesitation, he gave the thumbs up, and he was suddenly shocked: Could Bai Hewei have tampered with the already installed community surveillance?

If so, once the police frequently enter and leave these communities, does it mean that all investigations are under his supervision?
Thinking of this, Song He hurriedly called Wu Xuerui.

"Hello, Officer Wu."

"Don't enter the community for a visit."

"Bai Hewei is in the surveillance equipment business. I'm worried that he has installed surveillance cameras in those communities and manipulated them. If he enters rashly, he will alert others."

"Yes, this is an extremely cautious person, so we must be more cautious than him when we investigate."

"OK, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Song He looked at Bai Hewei's store not far away, and walked over slowly.

The shop run by Bai Hewei is on a street specializing in electronic equipment. It is located at the back, and there are many shops that also sell surveillance equipment.

Song He was used to being cautious. He pretended to be a person who bought surveillance equipment and walked into a store at random. After making up a reason for buying equipment, he asked about the prices of several types of equipment, and pretended to shop around. opened a second store.

After walking down the street for nearly 10 minutes, Song He visited seven or eight stores before arriving at Bai Hewei's store.

As soon as he entered the door, Song He felt his eyes brighten. The store was well-lit, clean and dry, and all the goods were neatly stacked on the shelves.

A thin middle-aged man sat behind the counter, wearing simple but meticulous clothes, fair skin, and half a head shorter than Song He.The facial features are very ordinary, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking at himself curiously.

"Do you need to install monitoring equipment?" Bai Hewei asked kindly.

"Yes, I want to hire a nanny to take care of the elders, but I feel a little worried." Song He smiled and said the reason he had already thought about.

"Do you want to be clear or ordinary?" Bai Hewei was very enthusiastic.

"Let's be clearer."

Hearing this, Bai Hewei picked up a monitoring device: "This one is clearer, has better performance, and the key is high cost performance. This is the one installed in my store."

Song Hewenyan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up as if nothing had happened, and saw that his store really had this one, but he secretly thought it was very powerful.Bai Hewei recorded Song He's appearance into the monitoring with a hint of guidance. If it appears frequently in the future, it will naturally arouse suspicion!
"Several bosses recommended this one before, and it seems to be a good one." Song He looked back and asked with a smile, "How much?"

"Seven hundred and fifty sets, installation fee included."

"Huh? The first few are all six hundred and five." Song He was puzzled.

"One family is different from one family. My after-sales service is good, and I will guarantee it within five years." Bai Hewei smiled and added: "And if you introduce friends, I will reward you."

"The boss knows how to do business." Song He praised him sincerely.

"It's nothing. In business, it's all about changing people's hearts." Bai Hewei said with a smile: "If you do things more lightly, the rewards will be great."

"That's right."

Song He exchanged a few more pleasantries, and went to the next shop on the grounds of shopping around again.

When he left the street, his evaluation of Bai Hewei escalated again, which also meant that the difficulty of investigation and evidence collection became more difficult, which made him feel a headache.

"This B-level mission shouldn't be too difficult."

With a sigh, Song He dialed Wu Xuerui's number again, and soon the call was connected, but he rolled his eyes and changed his name inadvertently.

"Hi, Xiaoxue." Song He slightly nervously waited for the response from the other end of the phone, but found that it was no different from usual, so he calmed down and continued: "I just went to Baihewei's store to take a closer look."

"Don't worry, I pretended to buy something, and I went to the shop next to him to make a show."

"This person has compulsive tendencies, is approachable, and can easily make people relax their vigilance. He is also wary of everyone who enters the store. My appearance has been recorded and monitored by him. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to investigate in the open. gone."

"Don't show up, it's best to check his communication records first, and compare the difference between the communication records before and after each incident and the usual communication records, so much money and gold are not so easy to digest, there should always be a destination. "

"You checked his social relations? Tell me quickly."

"Living alone, unmarried, having little contact with others, coming to Yucheng alone to work hard."

"Looks like I'll have to look it up elsewhere and let me know when I get some news. Bye."

Song He hung up the phone, thinking hard.

After committing crimes, criminals have different psychological activities, but there are always traces to follow, especially after committing serial crimes, they will have a special psychology for the crimes they have committed. There will be luck and pride, and there is a high probability that some things in the case will be collected as souvenirs.

So will Bai Hewei collect anything?

If so, what will be the favorite?

Song He recalled carefully, and the image of Bai Hewei gradually became clear in his mind, and thanks to the memory enhanced by the system, even the lines and patterns on his clothes were clearly recalled by Song He.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, then he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "So, it's here."

Two days later, Song He came to the Nancheng District Police Station. While handing over the information and hiding address of a C-level mission target to Wu Xuerui, he winked at her lightly and walked towards Zhao Congjun's office.

Wu Xuerui, who was behind him, was stunned for a moment and understood what Song He meant, but a victorious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Congjun did not close the door of the office as usual. He looked at Song He who walked straight in. He just raised his eyes, looked at another document, and said smoothly: "Performance has dropped."

"Old Zhao, how can you be as virtuous as your apprentice?" Song He laughed. Because of Bai Hewei, he has completed a lot less C-level tasks recently, so naturally it cannot be compared with the past.

"Fart! Only apprentices are like masters, how can there be masters like apprentices!" Zhao Congjun put down the materials and asked: "What clues, tell me."

Facing Zhao Congjun's directness, Song He is very adaptable now, sitting opposite him and slowly said: "From seven years ago to now, there have been seven burglaries in the community by the same person, this person is called..."

"Bai Hewei?"

Before Song He finished speaking, Zhao Congjun suddenly said the name in his mouth. Seeing Song He looked a little surprised, he patted the information on the table and laughed loudly: "How, I didn't expect that! Xiao Xue compared You have found the key evidence first."

Song He figured everything out in the blink of an eye, and said with a smile, "I'm only 10 minutes late."

"That's also a loss." Zhao Congjun was very proud of Wu Xuerui's victory.

However, they didn't know that Song He had found the key evidence one day ago, and this day was the time left for Wu Xuerui. As for whether she could grasp it, it was out of Song Heneng's control.

And when that bet was brought up, it was Song He who wanted to lose to Wu Xuerui.

"Let's have a look. By the way, what is the evidence you found?" Zhao Congjun said without hesitation and handed the information to Song He.

Song He took the file, and saw that there was a comparison of Bai and Wei's communication records in the past seven years. Starting from five years ago, he would contact a phone number that had never appeared four months after each crime, five years and five years ago. Unfamiliar numbers, and the owners of these strange numbers are the same person, with a store under his name, engaged in jewelry design and processing!
At the same time, Wu Xuerui also logged out the past seven years of Bai Hewei's bank account, but it was all normal income, and the books appeared to be extremely normal, with no notable money receipts.In the information corner, there are a few lines of handsome handwriting, to the effect that although the bank flow is normal, the money withdrawn is very small. Although it is not used for one person, Bai Hewei obviously belongs to the middle class and has poor material living conditions. Excellent, the implication is self-evident.

There are a lot of other materials, all of which are some abnormalities that Wu Xuerui investigated by comparing the seven cases in the police system. Obviously, he has put in a lot of effort.

"That's right. It's much more specific than my evidence." Song He nodded, and said while memorizing the data: "But I have to remind you, it is to be mentally prepared for the invalidation of the key evidence we found."

Zhao Congjun frowned upon hearing this: "What do you mean?"

"This thief is different, and it's very difficult to deal with." Song He has a super memory, and he quickly completed the memorization, and put down the information casually: "When I saw him for the first time, I found that his hands were very clean, and he didn't bring a piece of paper with him." Ring, but there are traces of rings on the roots of seven fingers. It is obvious that he has worn rings for a long time, causing ring marks on his fingers.

"As for why there are seven rings?" Song He said and glanced at Zhao Congjun.

Zhao Cunjun suddenly said: "Each ring corresponds to a case!"

"That's right, seven cases, seven rings. And I speculate that the rings are likely to be made of stolen gold jewelry." Song He slowly analyzed: "And each ring has to be related to the cases he has done. One-to-one correspondence, then it must not be an ordinary style, it must have a trace of theft, so that he can get psychological satisfaction.

"However, what elements will it be? You know, the theft case is much more common than other cases, there is no stylized modus operandi, and there are no people who are injured, so the elements that can represent the theft case, the first choice is time and place .”

Zhao Congjun nodded and asked, "So those rings have the time and place where he committed the crime?"

"That's right. But the time and place should be a very hidden style design." Song He pointed to the jewelry processing shop in the information: "If you find this person, you will know what kind of rings Bai Hewei made."

Song He paused, then added: "Although the melting point of gold is relatively high, it is difficult to melt it by yourself, but it is not impossible. But if he melted it by himself, it will be more difficult to convict him."

"In that case." Zhao Congjun's face darkened.

Once Song He guessed it, the tracing of cash and gold would become difficult. It would be impossible to directly prove that the gold came from stolen property, and the difficulty of convicting Bai Hewei would skyrocket.

"So." Song He said slowly and seriously: "The following is the focus of what I want to say today."

(End of this chapter)

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