While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 252 Amazing Efficiency

Chapter 252 Amazing Efficiency
In the archives room of the Zhongcheng District Police Station, a middle-aged police officer was waiting. When he heard footsteps coming from outside the door, before he could stand up from his chair, two figures had already appeared in the archives room.

So fast!

The middle-aged police officer's thoughts had just arisen when someone already let out a surprised exclamation: "Captain Kong?"

Seeing who came, the middle-aged police officer smiled and said: "After receiving the notice from the Nancheng Police Station, Director Li asked me to wait in the archives room, saying that I am familiar with Consultant Song and waiting for you Come here and let's coordinate our work."

Song He heard that the middle-aged police officer in front of him was the leading police officer who took away the suspects from his home and the club during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the other party also gave Song Hexing a lot of convenience when making notes. Even if they are familiar with each other.

"Haha, that's easy." Song He asked with a smile, "Tell me, Captain Kong, how many cases do you need to solve before you reach the quota?"

Team Kong was also unambiguous when he heard the words, pointing to the case file on the desk behind him and said: "Actually, the hard targets have been completed, but Boss Qin held his breath, and to complete the targets he set, it's almost enough to get these done. "

Song He looked up, and saw seven or eight file boxes stacked together, obviously carefully picked out.

"Xiaogu, prepare to analyze and summarize." Song He opened the system after speaking, picked up a file box and quickly opened it, read the information in a blink of an eye, and completed the comparison with the cases in the system at the same time.

At this time, Gu Raozhen was ready, and Song He calmly said: "The criminal suspect has stolen property totaling more than 1.7 yuan, male, [-] meters tall..."

Team Kong saw that Song He was flipping through the archives and summarizing the characteristics of the suspect while Gu Raozhen was quickly summarizing the information on the computer. The information jumps off the page.

Song He took out the printed information form from the printer, handed it to Team Kong together with the file box and said, "Team Kong, let's compare the information. The range of activities and the location of the suspect are basically determined. Go here to inquire about similar physical characteristics." People, should be able to lock."

Team Kong was taken aback. Seeing that Song He was joking, he opened his eyes wide and hesitantly said, "It's been less than 10 minutes, and you've locked the suspect?"

"It hasn't been locked yet, but it's close to ten, and the rest of the work still needs to be done by you." Song He smiled confidently, but couldn't help complaining in his heart: If I wasn't afraid to scare you to death, the suspect's name I can tell you the address!
Only then did Team Kong take over the information and file boxes, and called a few police officers to investigate.

Song He smiled, and suddenly noticed that Gu Raozhen on the side had a familiar expression on his face, but his chest was slightly puffed up, as if he had a sense of superiority.

Instantly understanding the origin of Gu Raozhen's sense of superiority, Song He secretly felt amused, and picked up another file to continue summarizing the suspect's information.

Team Kong on the side was much more serious this time, but still didn't realize how Song He summarized such detailed information from the case file. Not to mention keeping up with Song He's thinking, just listening to what Song He said clearly was enough. He is engrossed!
Ten minutes later, Song He handed a piece of suspect information and a file box to Team Kong, who was a bit demented, and said with a smile: "Team Kong, if you're lucky, we'll finish the target in about an hour."

"Ah?" Kun came back to his senses when he heard the words, and he was taken aback for a moment before he understood what Song He had expressed. He scratched his head in disbelief and said, "This... is how the case in Nancheng District was taken down?"

Song He smiled, and just as he was about to speak, Gu Raozhen who was on the side already said proudly: "Captain Kong, you are wrong, if it all depends on Consultant Song, if we don't mention others, Director Zhao will kick us to death .”

"Actually, Consultant Song often trains us, and every time he trains, he will explain some classic cases to us."

"Captain Kong, you don't know that during our training, we almost lost our brains just for a closer position!"

Listening to Gu Raozhen's slightly exaggerated remarks, Team Kong imagined pictures one after another, and then thought about the exaggeratedly high detection rate of the Nancheng District Police Station, his eyes rolled: "Consultant Song, we can attend this training." ?"

Seeing Team Kong’s expression, Song He knew what he was up to. He was amused but also wanted to make it happen, so he nodded and said, “Team Kong, I’ll let you know about the next training. But if we want to develop it in Midtown, You have to ask Director Li what he meant."

Captain Kong also had the idea of ​​​​applying first and then taking action. Seeing what Song He said, he smiled and nodded: "That's natural. If the leader doesn't say anything, we don't dare to make any claims."

After finishing speaking, he was thinking about how to report to Li Zhengguo, and after releasing his goodwill, Song He devoted himself to analyzing the case again.

An hour later, Song He handed over the analysis reports of the last two cases to Captain Kong, shook his head and said, "Captain Kong, these two suspects are foreigners, and they should have fled Yucheng after committing the crime."

"I estimate that they should commit crimes again in other cities. It is best to investigate the case records of other cities and search for similar cases and suspects with similar physiques. There should be gains."

Team Kong took it numbly, looking at the empty desk, subconsciously glanced at the time, and found that it was not ten o'clock in the morning, and the investigation news of the first case had just come back, saying that the suspect had been preliminarily locked .

But isn’t this speed a bit too scary...

Song He intends to help Zhongcheng District handle a few more cases, but seeing that Team Kong seems to be completely unprepared for this, he smiled and said: "Team Kong, then we will withdraw first. I have been in Yucheng for the last three days. Call me if you need anything."

Team Kong finally came to his senses after hearing the words, nodded and said: "Okay, I will report to the leader and treat you to dinner later."

Song He smiled: "I have a big appetite, you should be careful, Team Kong."

After chatting for a few words, Song He bid farewell to Team Kong with Gu Raozhen, and hurried to the next police station.

In the police car, Gu Raozhen asked curiously: "Consultant Song, I feel that you are very anxious. Usually you only start to deal with the next case after you have locked in a specific suspect in a case."

Song He nodded and said: "It is true that it is usually like this, but the assessment is only ten days away, so how can you take your time when you have time. Besides, the specific investigation needs to be controlled by each police station. I will provide a direction. Too many There's no good in interfering."

"But your performance today is quite good. I guess the exchange training in Zhongcheng District next year is a certainty. By the way, how did you come up with the idea of ​​hinting at a thief like Captain Kong?"

Gu Raozhen scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a shy smile, "It was Captain Zhou who reminded us that we should talk about this kind of thing in front of brothers from other urban police stations when we had the opportunity. The leadership of the Metropolitan Police and Assistance Teams."

"I knew it." Song He rolled his eyes and grinned: "The only person who can come up with such an idea is someone with a very dark belly. You said that he usually doesn't show off, but he always secretly Playing this kind of twists and turns is really... very popular with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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