While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 279 City Repair Training

Chapter 279 City Repair Training
When the inch-cropped man woke up, Song He had already stepped off the ring, and the surrounding club members dispersed one after another, ignoring the defeated dog-like inch-cropped man and his party.

As for the man with the mustache who was injured by the inch-cut man, he also saw the reason for Song He's attack. With gratitude in his heart, he shouted in the rest area to treat the guests to dinner, which attracted a burst of applause.

After handing over the follow-up matters to Feng Xuhui, Song He and Fang Ming left the club.

"Winter vacation is coming soon."

In the car, Fang Ming's thoughtless words interrupted Song He's thoughts.

However, he soon realized that Fang Ming's tone was not right, and immediately reacted, raising eyebrows and staring: "No way! What is Hao Yuqing going to do again?"

Fang Ming looked confused, glanced at Song He, and sighed: "She invited Lin Xuefei to Yucheng to celebrate the New Year, and specially checked their luggage back in advance. From that posture, I guess they will stay until the start of school."

In an instant, various emotional dramas of the year flashed through Song He's mind. Hao Yuqing's name was properly written in the director column, and the male and female protagonists were Zhou Kai and Lin Xuefei respectively.

As for Fang Ming and himself, oh, and maybe Su Wenyuan, I guess they can only play the role of dog legs.

When he arrived at the police station, Song He looked at Zhou Kai who looked as if nothing had happened. He didn't see any clues and was immediately convinced that Zhou Kaishang didn't know that Lin Xuefei was going to spend the entire summer vacation in Yucheng.

Song He came to Wu Xuerui with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Xiaoxue, during the winter vacation of this year's university, we will have a good fortune."

Wu Xuerui wondered, "What do you mean?"

Song He said nothing, and glanced in Zhou Kai's direction.

Wu Xuerui pondered for a moment in doubt, and suddenly understood, a happy smile appeared on her face, the meaning of watching the excitement was extremely obvious.

Soon, Song He told Zhao Congjun, Cheng Bin and Sun Xiaohai about this matter, but Zhou Kai, the person concerned, was kept in the dark.

Therefore, in the next few days, Zhou Kai always felt that someone was spying on him.But after careful inspection, I found that it was just the normal gaze from Zhao Congjun and others, so I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

A few days later, Song He received an official notice asking him to rush to Xiucheng to meet Shen Jianghe and complete the academic training before the winter vacation of Xiucheng Police Academy.

So Song He rushed to Xiucheng in a hurry and waited outside the train station for Shen Jianghe, who was also arriving by train.

The old man has gained weight. Song He rushed forward with thoughts in his mind and said with a happy smile: "Old Shen, you are in good spirits!"

Shen Jianghe handed the suitcase to Song He casually, looked him over carefully, and said with a smile, "It's still that messy monkey."

Song He laughed nonchalantly and glanced behind Shen Jianghe in confusion: "It's just the two of us for this training?"

Shen Jianghe nodded and said: "There are too many things to do in the year-end assessment, plus the Chinese New Year is approaching, everyone is busy. I think you are relatively free in Yucheng, so I dragged you in."

Song He nodded, but knew that Shen Jianghe's more reason was to pave the way for himself, and while he was grateful, he didn't expose it, but his words and deeds were much more stable.

Knowing that he had guessed the reason, Shen Jianghe tacitly didn't say much, just chatted with Song He, and arrived at Xiucheng Police Academy not long after.

Song He naturally positioned himself as an assistant, and after a while of running and communicating, he did not let Shen Jianghe worry about it, and arranged all kinds of matters properly.

In the hotel room, Shen Jianghe handed a pile of information to Song He and said with a smile, "Let's take a look and get familiar with it."

Song He nodded and took it, looking through it.

He soon discovered that the materials Shen Jianghe gave him were quite different from the usual training materials. In addition to the training content, there were also the materials of all the trainees, which recorded their basic grades and personal information in detail.

And from these materials, we can know that every student who participated in the training is extremely outstanding, and many of them have performed meritorious service. Song He even saw a student who had won a second-class personal meritorious service!
After carefully writing down the names of several outstanding students, Song He looked at Shen Jianghe in bewilderment, and asked, "Old Shen, are you asking me to choose a team member?"

Shen Jianghe laughed: "How about it, is there anyone who can catch your eye?"

Song He grinned and said, "There are a few of them, but I still have to see them on the spot. My team members here are expensive or not. You have to pick out the right ones."

Shen Jianghe nodded: "As long as you have an idea, but I advise you to act quickly. These people are all being targeted by various units. Many of them will go for internships at the beginning of school. They have basically secured their positions."

"Understood." Song He's expression became serious.

In the afternoon, Song He and Shen Jianghe, who had taken a nap, appeared at the training venue on time, and the venue that could accommodate 150 people was already full. Song He even saw several teachers sitting at the end with stools, looking forward to it. I can't hide my expression.

Taking the opportunity of assisting Shen Jianghe, Song He observed the venue.Soon he discovered that the trainees present were more or less proud.

The last recording equipment in the venue and the eagerly waiting students outside the entrance gate made Song He understand: This training probably started before Shen Jianghe came!

"Cough cough."

After coughing lightly and trying the microphone, Shen Jianghe sat on the main podium with a serious expression and said: "I believe that all the students here have spent more or less effort in order to be able to sit in this classroom at this time."

"And I can also be sure that some of you are sitting here with a skeptical attitude, wanting to weigh whether I am qualified to teach you here."

Speaking of this, Song He saw Shen Jianghe pick up the water glass in his hand very skillfully and naturally, and took a light sip!
Song He's eyes lit up: I knew it!

"Don't ask me where I'm from..."

The sudden ringtone of the mobile phone immediately attracted the attention of all the teachers and students in the venue, and a male student with a flushed face cut off the call in a hurry!
Shen Jianghe glanced at him coldly, with a gloomy and serious face: "Go out and listen today! Now go and get someone else to come in!"

The male student bowed his head and stood up, slowly left his seat, and walked out of the classroom silently.

The teacher in charge of maintaining order couldn't react for a while, but fortunately, Song He rushed to the door quickly, glanced at the students listening outside the door, and brought in a male student wearing a uniform of the police academy. Few of the students who did not wear uniforms regretted it.

Shen Jianghe nodded secretly and did not continue to scare the monkeys. After all, they were all young students and their determination was not as strong as that of the frontline police officers. A little beating would be enough.

The course started normally, and Song He observed the students while listening, and began to evaluate everyone's overall quality.

You must know that this is a high-quality seedling specially selected by the Xiucheng Police Academy. If you don't take the opportunity to pull out a few, who will be doing you a favor!

Soon, Song He discovered that Shen Jianghe was not talking about any big case, but was vividly describing some situations that front-line police officers usually encountered. The meaning of vaccination was very obvious.

Bad old man, you did a good job of teaching students according to their aptitude.

Song He smiled in his heart, and immediately looked at a certain position in the classroom, where an acquaintance with a very weak sense of presence was sitting:
Gu Li's sister.

Gu Xiaole.

(End of this chapter)

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