Chapter 292
The success of the first day's operation made all the participants feel inexplicably excited, so except for the personnel who were assigned to be on duty at the train station square, everyone else came to the scheduled location early to gather.

When Song He rushed outside the long-distance bus station, it was still half an hour before the bus station opened for business, but Gu Raozhen and Wang Zhiyuan had been waiting with the auxiliary police for some time.

"Are you here so early?" Song He, who had expected it for a long time, smiled, quickly ate the breakfast in his hand, and clapped his hands: "Our duty scope will be very large today, including the entrance and exit of the station, and the cross-city roads within the Nancheng District Key nodes and a high-speed toll intersection in our jurisdiction."

"And what you have to do is to listen to my instructions and check the passing vehicles. Pay attention, I have explained the observation essentials to you in detail in the training, and it is up to you whether you can gain anything."

Everyone excitedly agreed, and they were gearing up to get some credit from this meritorious consultant.

Song He nodded with satisfaction, and then began to divide into teams. However, he already had a case against him and arranged the teams and the positions of each team in the blink of an eye. He then left a message to keep in touch at any time and left alone.

Ten minutes later, Song He came to a location between the train station and the bus station, found a secluded corner and sat down, and turned on the murderer chasing system without saying a word.

This time, he planned to observe the sudden appearance of tasks in the murder-hunting system in real time. After determining the location of the target, he arranged the police force on the only way for the long-distance vehicle in advance, and asked the police officers to pretend to be random checks to carry out precise arrests.

And he also arranged for the inspection operation of the train station, planning to take care of the two places at the same time, and clean up the two places thoroughly before the New Year's Eve.

Soon, the teams placed by Song He at various intersections received news one after another, asking them to pay attention to the long-distance bus with a certain license plate, and to check carefully after stopping the other party.

The auxiliary police officers at the train station were also extremely attentive. Once they received news from Song He, they would concentrate on preparing for it. After all, based on past experience, Song He's miraculous "informant network" had never made any mistakes!
What?Didn't you find the suspicious person?

That's because you didn't look carefully enough!
Not long after, under Song He's instructions, more flowers bloomed in the two places, and the task completion notification sounds of the murderer system sounded one after another, making Song He overjoyed.

In the afternoon, there were no thieves in the square in front of the railway station, and the bus station was patrolled by the auxiliary police, so there were very few thieves.

In this way, Song He took people around every day, and kept sending fresh prisoners to the Yucheng Detention Center, so that the chef of the detention center began to complain that he was too busy.

Time flies, and it is the weekend in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Song He walked out of the house nervously under the expectant eyes of his parents, and came to the outside of the community where Wu Xuerui lived.

After waiting nervously for two hours, the appointed time arrived, and Wu Xuerui walked out of the community.

Song He looked from a distance, suddenly he was stupefied, he just felt that the girlfriend he saw every day was really suffocating him today.

Wu Xuerui, who didn't wear makeup in the past, put on a little makeup today, which made her already pretty and delicate appearance even more attractive.

The elegant high-heeled shoes and well-matched trousers under her feet made her figure even more slender. Coupled with a windbreaker that complements her skin tone, she seemed to be the heroine in a movie, and she attracted everyone as soon as she appeared gaze.

Wu Xuerui also saw Song He, seeing him staring at her in a daze, her heart skipped a beat, and her ears turned red instantly.

However, she still pretended to be calm and walked in front of Song He, her words and deeds were generous: "It's a silly smile again, are you stupid?"

Song He shook his head in admiration: "It's really stupid. Xiaoxue, we got married..."

Wu Xuerui was caught off guard and used her power in an instant. She pretended to be calm and generous and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She scolded with a sharp voice in her almond-shaped eyes: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you! Lead the way!"

Song He who was reprimanded still had a silly smile on his face, and held Wu Xuerui's hand happily.

Wu Xuerui was stunned for a moment, and then she woke up, but she didn't resist, but let Song Hezhen put her hand under his ribs, and put it gently in the warm arms.

For a moment, inexplicable warm emotions rose between the two, soaking in each other's hearts.

Song He felt that all the tension from waiting alone had dissipated. He smiled slightly and walked towards his home with Wu Xuerui, who had red ears.

Twenty minutes later, when Song Heyi was still standing at the door of his house, he watched Wu Xuerui take his hand away, and felt lost: "Why don't we go out for a couple more laps?"

Wu Xuerui smiled coquettishly, pushed Song He away, stood in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

Song's mother, who had been waiting for a long time, opened the door immediately when she heard the sound, and she couldn't see her eyes with a smile: "Xiaoxue, come in, it's cold outside!"

As he said that, he took Wu Xuerui's hand, and his movements were a little faster than Song He's.

Wu Xuerui obediently followed Song's mother into the house, while Song He walked in slowly and calmly. After all, knowing her mother, Mo Ruozi, she was left alone. This kind of thing had already been expected when Song's mother started urging the marriage.

So he silently sat down with Mother Song and Wu Xuerui like a little tail, and helped Wu Xuerui deal with her mother's various concerns while they were chatting, and at the same time tried his best to help her resolve her restraint and tension.

After a while, Song's mother went to the kitchen to help her husband, Wu Xuerui breathed a sigh of relief, and her straight back relaxed slightly.

Song He keenly caught Wu Xuerui's changes, picked up a handful of nuts and peeled them while laughing in a low voice: "Are you nervous? You should have seen my mother a few times, why is it like entering a wolf's den this time. "

Wu Xuerui took the nuts handed over by Song He, tilted her head and glanced at him, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up and said relaxedly: "Wolf? How can there be a wolf? Uncle is kind and auntie is kind, who do you think is a wolf?"

Song He pretended to be frightened: "Have you learned how to catch pigtails?"

"Did you just find out?" Wu Xuerui said with a smile on her face, "It's not too late to get the points now, I'll give you a chance."

Song He shyly sighed, "I still don't want you to harm others, you can only trouble me in the future..."

Soon, Wu Xuerui, who was completely restrained, took the initiative to help out in the kitchen and replaced Song's mother who was 12 very satisfied.

Song He naturally also replaced his father, and naturally stood in the position of the chef.

The old couple who retreated to the second line sat together in the living room, watching TV absently, exchanging a few words in secret from time to time, full of praise for Wu Xuerui.

Song He, who has eyes and ears, can naturally hear the whispers of his parents, and while secretly laughing, he works harder to prepare the lunch, and a table of meals is ready in a short while.

Wu Xuerui, who helped serve and arrange the dishes, sniffed the aroma of the food, looked at Song He in disbelief, and was quite surprised at the cooking skills he showed.

But she didn't know that Song He relied on his intelligence to learn these meals after studying a catering book.However, just looking at the various dishes on the table, there is no clue that this is made by a person who has learned to cook for less than a week.

Feeling Wu Xuerui's slightly admiring and amazed eyes, Song He smiled very proudly: "Oh, I learned the recipe after just looking at it twice. There is no way, as a genius, you can learn things quickly."

Wu Xuerui rolled her eyes and said with a broken smile, "Genius? You're just as good as a dick!"

(End of this chapter)

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