While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 302 The identity of the murderer

Chapter 302 The identity of the murderer
Before Jiang Hairen came back, the information from the bank investigation was sent back.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Jie, and he also put the information on the projection as quickly as possible.

These are some video clips taken directly from the bank's internal surveillance with a mobile phone, which has obviously not had time to edit.

Fortunately, everyone has rich experience in fighting on the front line, and they have stitched together the whole process in their minds after watching them.

I saw a man wearing a baseball cap and a mask walk into the bank. After swiping his card to get a number, he calmly waited until the counter was called, and then took out all the money in the account and took it away.

The man kept his right hand in his pocket throughout the process and never took it out.And his behavior did not show a trace of panic, as calm as the owner of the account, even drinking water from the bank's water dispenser while waiting for the number to be called!

After seeing the calm expression of the man in the video, all the police officers fell into contemplation. Although they didn't know what they were thinking, it was obvious from their calm or worried expressions that they were all aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Brothers, Consultant Song found a suspected target, let's compare it."

Lu Jie spoke again and put a video on the projection as he spoke.

It turned out that while the video was playing, Song He showed Lu Jie the person he had found, and after watching it, Lu Jie believed that it was indeed the man who appeared in the bank.

On the projection, a middle-aged man with his right hand tucked in his pocket appeared in the corner of his field of vision at the intersection where the video was shot, stopped for a short while and then left.

And it was this video of less than ten seconds that immediately made all the police officers present see his appearance clearly, and equated him with the man who appeared in the bank through his behavior and habits.

"This video was shot [-] days ago, and the location is at the intersection outside the side gate of Yuehua Community." Song He's voice sounded: "At that time, he was probably in the blind spot of observation and surveillance, and left his own image inadvertently. "

All the police officers nodded, agreeing with Song He's conjecture.

Lu Jie took over Song He's words: "The suspect has a very strong psychological quality and corresponding anti-reconnaissance capabilities. The possibility of committing a crime for the first time is extremely small. There is a certain probability that he is a prisoner with criminal experience."

"Song He, draw a portrait of the murderer as soon as possible, and compare it with those who have criminal records in the database."

"The rest contacted the relevant passenger transportation unit to check whether there were any traces of the suspect in the vicinity during the time period from the incident to this morning!"

After Lu Jie finished speaking, the police officers immediately divided into teams and acted, while Song He calmed down and carefully drew the portrait of the suspect.

After a while, a lifelike portrait of the suspect was completed, and Song He drew it according to the biological structure even for the unclear positions in the surveillance.

Without further ado, Lu Jie directly contacted the relevant police officers for comparison, and soon found the corresponding record in the information of the released personnel.

At this point, the identity of the murderer has been confirmed!
The suspect's name is Zhang Chunjin. He was just released from Hecheng Prison three years ago. After that, he has no work record and his whereabouts are not fixed.

According to relevant records, Zhang Chunjin's right hand is disabled, and he once caused a mechanical accident due to violation of the lathe operation code, resulting in the disability of his right hand.He was also fired from the factory for causing damage to the lathe.

Afterwards, he tried to claim compensation from the factory, but the result was unsuccessful.So he beat the factory leader with a grudge and was detained for half a month.

Then he had no income, mixed with some criminals, and was arrested and imprisoned for fraud five years ago.

Song He glanced at Zhang Chunjin's criminal record in the blink of an eye, and frowned immediately, looking at the worried Lu Jie, his tone was difficult to understand: "I was imprisoned for two years for fraud, and there is no new criminal record after release."

"However, he was able to commit a murder case with sophisticated and brutal means two days ago. This does not conform to the law of the evolution of a criminal's psychological state. During the three years since he was released, there must be other cases!"

Lu Jie let out a heavy breath, but his brows did not relax. Obviously, he was also full of doubts: "There should be at least one vicious wounding case, and it may even be a murder case. He must be caught as soon as possible. This person is too dangerous." .”

Song He nodded, and said in relief: "If you act quickly, there is still time. He has gained a lot from this case, and he should lie dormant for a while until he spends all the money in his hand. This period of time is our opportunity."

"Furthermore, judging by his behavior style, he is obviously both ruthless and cautious. We must be cautious when arresting him."

The time soon came to noon, and the meeting room was full of people again. At this time, the information collected from various aspects was gathered together, and the history of the case was pieced together.

Song He, who had once stood on the podium to train everyone, stood on the podium again and analyzed the case clearly.

"After a whole morning of investigation, we have basically obtained the information on the suspect."

"Zhang Chunjin, male, 37 years old, from Hecheng. He was imprisoned for two years for fraud and was released after serving his sentence three years ago."

"According to the investigation information from the transportation department, he arrived in Yucheng a month ago and left by train two days ago to Longcheng, Southern Province."

"It is reported that the train he took arrived a day ago, but after we contacted the Longcheng police and compared their surveillance video at the train station, we found that Zhang Chunjin did not get off the train in Longcheng."

"That is to say, all the stops in cities and towns between Yucheng and Longcheng may be where he got off."

Song He paused at this point, and the faces of all the police officers present became a little ugly.

Because from this point of view alone, it is basically impossible to arrest Zhang Chunjin in a short period of time.

Song He knew what everyone was thinking at this time, but luckily he was prepared: "Although we have temporarily lost his trace, it doesn't mean that we can't catch him back."

"We need to know that when a criminal chooses a hiding place, he will follow a certain mindset and a safe distance he believes in his heart, and this requires us to find the law from his behavior habits and past experiences."

"So, if we want to arrest Zhang Chunjin, we must study this person thoroughly."

Song He turned around while speaking, picked up a marker pen, and continued to explain while writing and drawing on the large whiteboard behind him.

"According to the investigation, Zhang Chunjin has a good family since he was a child, and he has never been short of pocket money since he was a child." Song He wrote quickly, almost at the same speed as his speech, and wrote several key words in the blink of an eye: "And in the case file records of the Hecheng police In the same way, the people around him also have the same evaluation of him: smart, delicious."

"When he grew up, Zhang Chunjin entered a factory, and his income was also among the top. However, because he loved to be clean and did not want to get his hands dirty, he used the lathe in violation of the operating rules, causing mechanical damage to his right hand." Song He kept writing, mouthing He also kept saying: "It can be seen from this that Zhang Chunjin is clean and ignores the rules."

"Later he was imprisoned for fraud. According to relevant records, he had two conflicts with his inmates. One of them was because of food, and the other was because he thought his inmates looked down on him." Song He Yun wrote like a fly: "Later After investigation, it was just his imagination, and it can be seen from this that he is sensitive and has a good face."

(End of this chapter)

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