While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 347 Murder in the Mining Area

Chapter 347 Murder in the Mining Area
Qin Yuan's funny case has never disappointed the police officers of the Nancheng District Police Station, but this time it made the busy crowd laugh for a whole day.

When Song He returned home, he still laughed unconsciously when he thought of the case, so he was naturally noticed by his parents, and he shared the case with them with a smile.

The next morning, Song's father and Song's mother deliberately got up early, made some breakfast for Song He, and watched him fill his stomach with astonishing amounts of food, and then watched him walk out of the house with peace of mind.

The police car driven by Ma Xuexian was already waiting downstairs. After boarding the car to pick up Wu Xuerui, Zhou Kai and the other three joined together, and headed for this time's destination at full speed: Jin County, Yangcheng.

"When we talk about this Jin County, we have to talk about its mining industry..." Song He, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was restless for three days, and he was so energetic that he introduced Jin County's history features.

However, apart from the relatively developed mining industry, this place has no outstanding features after all. In less than 10 minutes, Song He gave an overview of Jin County and began to find some other topics.

Song He, Wannian's co-pilot, was in high spirits, and Ma Xuexian, who was driving the car, concentrated on it, nodding his head from time to time to echo a few words, not knowing if he listened in his heart.

Wu Xuerui in the back row listened seriously, but her expression was indifferent, and at the same time, her hands were enjoying themselves with the dog's head.

Since Yangcheng is just near the border of Ling Province, and Jin County is closely attached to the border between Ling Province and Jiao Province, it can also be said that the aid team has traveled the farthest.

The long distance brought expected mental fatigue to Ma Xuexian and Zhou Kai who were driving, and when everyone set foot on the land of Jin County, it was already dusk.

After Song He got out of the car, before the police officer came up to meet him, he frowned suddenly. Looking up, he saw that the whole sky was gray.

Under Song He's super vision, many extremely fine particles floated in the air, and entered the human respiratory tract along with the breath.

Although I know the air is bad, but this is too bad...

Song He's heart moved, and he quickly took out the prepared masks and distributed them to his companions, and emphasized that they should be worn when they are outdoors.

Seeing this, the reception officer hesitated for a while before introducing himself to Zhou Kai, and then smiled awkwardly and said, "Captain Zhou, it seems that we have prepared in advance."

Zhou Kai glanced at Song He, seeing that he was very persistent, he took the mask and said, "I'm kidding you, my colleague has a lot of problems. I'm afraid that I'm afraid of getting sick and delay solving the case. I'm very coquettish."

The reception police officer looked a little better, and smiled politely: "It is true that you should pay attention. The air in Jin County has become worse and worse in recent years. Let's go, I will take you to the guest house first."

Whether it was Zhou Kai and Ma Xuexian who were driving, or the rest of the people in the car, the fatigue caused by running around for a day made everyone really need a rest.

So after arriving at the guest house, they simply agreed with the reception police officer on the work content for the next day, and everyone rested.

Even Song He, who has always been talkative, didn't say much, and lay down on the bed obediently, closing his eyes.

In the middle of the night, after the sound of snoring was everywhere within hearing range, Song He suddenly opened his eyes, turned on the murder hunting system with a serious face, and stared at the task list to be collected, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

I saw that the high-level tasks that usually don't appear often are listed together at this time. Whether it is a B-level task or a more serious A-level task, the number of them is so large that it is the first time Song He has seen it since he got the system!
What made Song He the most helpless was that after comparison, he found that the case Jin County applied for this time was not on the task list!

In other words, even if he knew that there were a large number of criminals hiding around King County, he still had no way to investigate and enforce the law against any case on the task list.

The key is that this kind of matter cannot be clearly explained to Zhou Kai and others, otherwise the source of the news will be a big problem, but we can't just leave it alone...

Thinking of this, Song He turned over helplessly, and clicked on an A-level and a B-level task, looked at it carefully for a while, and then gave up and selected two more tasks to check.

Half an hour later, Song He had already read all the high-level tasks, and gradually a prototype of a plan appeared in his mind, and he began to think about how to perfect it.

In the early morning, Song He and his party left the guest house wearing masks, and soon arrived at the Jin County Police Station.

Xu Shi Song He's performance of distributing masks yesterday was a bit eye-catching. A layer of water was sprinkled on the ground in the police station early, the air was obviously damp, and the air quality was obviously much better than outside.

He took off his mask and walked into the meeting room. The discussion of the case began quickly. Song He observed the participants while listening to the police officer who presided over the meeting introduce the case, and gradually perfected the action plan that only he knew in his mind.

Four years ago, when the Chinese New Year was approaching, a homicide occurred at the Maoye Mining in the southern suburbs of Jin County one night before the shutdown, which directly resulted in the murder of three employees on duty at the mine and the loss of hundreds of thousands of cash.

In addition to the death of personnel and loss of property, the several night watch dogs responsible for guarding the factory area at night also died.

It was the next morning when the King County police received the report, but when they arrived, part of the scene had been inadvertently destroyed by the mine workers, which made it difficult to carry out the on-site investigation.

Fortunately, there were not many traces of interference in the place where the cash was stored, and the investigation team also extracted multiple footprints and some other traces there, allowing them to speculate on the suspect's physical appearance.

After identification, the three employees on duty all died in the hands of the same person. The murder weapon was a dagger with a blade about [-] centimeters long.

Judging from the traces at the scene, all three were killed alone, and they lost the ability to resist the first time they were attacked, and died of excessive blood loss and vital injuries in less than 3 minutes, which shows that the killers were very professional.

At the same time, the dogs in the factory area were found to have died of poisoning, and the death time was before the three employees.

In other words, the suspect first poisoned the night watch dogs, sneaked into the mine after they died, killed three employees and stole money.

Moreover, the traces at the scene also showed that the suspect rushed directly to the room where the cash was hidden after the murder, and did not stay in other areas.

Afterwards, based on the suspect's familiarity with the factory area, the police judged that he was an employee of the mine, and then conducted a careful investigation based on the list, but found nothing.

Later, the scope of the search was gradually expanded and the investigation was in-depth. Who knew that no trace of the perpetrator was found, but they accidentally discovered the employment of child labor and the shelter of fugitives in the mining factory.

Today, Maoye Mining has closed down because of the boss, but the investigation of the murder case still hasn't made any progress.

After listening to the case statement, Song He shook his head in a complicated mood, although part of the reason was that he was speechless that the case had not been solved, and more of it was because all the Jin County personnel present were displeased with not paying attention to the case.

Since entering the conference room, none of the participants in King County listened carefully for a full minute during the whole case presentation process, and what the case files and materials before them were like at the beginning. What is it now!

(End of this chapter)

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