While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 353 Who Poisoned

Chapter 353 Who Poisoned
After joking for a while, Song He looked at Wu Xuerui's work results and thought carefully.

"The above are all the employees of the former Maoye Mining Factory who no longer live in Jin County." Wu Xuerui paused and said, "Just looking at bank statements and communication records, there is no problem. The investigation of interpersonal relationships is too cumbersome. no progress."

"As for the people who are released from labor, if there is no specific scope, it is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack."

Song He nodded, put down the information and said, "Do you still remember the autopsy report on the night watch dog in the file?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Xuerui pulled out a few documents from a pile of materials: "I have an impression, which part do you want to talk about?"

Song He clicked on a few locations on the information in Wu Xuerui's hand: "The drug testing part."

Wu Xuerui looked down and said, "You mean you found a mixture of multiple drugs?"

"Yes." Song He said while organizing his speech: "There are three pharmaceutical ingredients in it. The one that actually causes the death of the watch dogs is isoniazid, and the other two will cause them to coma and paralyze respectively."

"The forensic doctor in King County was not very professional at the time, so he didn't pay much attention to this report. After my calculation, the doses of the three drugs are just right, so that the night watch dog can go through the sequence of paralysis, coma and death."

"Although these three drugs are not difficult to obtain, the amount of drugs required to kill all the night watch dogs is quite large. What's more, different doses of drugs take different effects on the night watch dogs."

Wu Xuerui suddenly said: "So what you want to say is that the criminal knows what kind of drug will have what effect on the dog, and can accurately grasp the dosage."

"This is only one aspect." Song He nodded and said: "From the autopsy reports of the night watch dog and the three victims, the death time of the night watch dog was about half an hour earlier than the earliest death of the victim, and almost all The vigil dogs all died within this time frame."

"Also, the breed of the murdered vigil dogs is the same, their physiques are almost the same, and their living habits and eating habits are not significantly different. So if they died at the same time, does that mean..."

Gu Xiaole's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "The time and amount of poison intake are the same! Distribute them uniformly!"

"That's right." Song He continued to analyze: "But there is another interesting place, that is, the police found food that had not been eaten by the night watch dogs in several places in the Maoye mine. The relevant drug tests and autopsy of these foods The drug test results in the report are exactly the same."

"Then the question is, are the poisonous food that was released uniformly and the poisonous food left at the scene the same batch?"

"If it's the same batch, how can we control all the night watch dogs to eat the same amount of poisonous food?"

"If it was not the same batch, why did the murderer want to release it again? And why did the residue in the digestive tract of the watch dog have exactly the same composition as the food left at the scene?"

Wu Xuerui looked at Song He who had a proud smile after asking the question, snorted and said thoughtfully: "The same amount of drug intake means that they eat the same amount of poisonous food. It is impossible for non-original factory employees to do this. ."

"According to the descriptions of the relevant night duty personnel, even employees who are not familiar with the night watch dogs will be surrounded by them and yell non-stop if they approach rashly, so the scope of the actual poisoning personnel has been determined."

"As for the food left at the scene, it should have been deliberately left by the murderer to cover up the identity of the poisoner. The bite marks on it are probably left over from their previous experiments with other dogs, which were just used to destroy the evidence. "

Song He nodded in agreement and said: "It's basically consistent with my speculation, so as long as it is clear who was responsible for feeding the dogs at the beginning, the range of suspects who colluded with the murderer can be determined."

Wu Xuerui immediately pulled out another piece of information and said: "There were records during the original investigation. There were five people. They were all under investigation, but without definite evidence, they were all let go."

"At that time, three people had alibi and were relatively healthy. None of the five people had been exposed to the three drugs that were put in the poisoned food."

Song He spread his hands and said: "Then the murderer can only get the drug, and then his accomplices will give it to the night watch dog. So as long as the source of the drug is found, the murderer can be found."

Wu Xuerui frowned: "Among the three drugs, except for isoniazid, which is a prescription drug, the other two can be bought in regular pharmacies. At that time, the Jin County police conducted an investigation on this point, and none of the people who bought isoniazid There is no object of suspicion."

Song He shook his head and said: "Although we have checked in this way, there is no guarantee that all the channels through which the medicine can be obtained have been checked. It can only be said that the murderer has more secretive ways to obtain these things. Let's pursue this line slowly. First check the people who are qualified to poison."

Wu Xuerui nodded and quickly filtered the results through the system: "Among the five people, three are in Jin County, and the remaining two are not local. One opens a snack bar in Lucheng, and the other is a vegetable supplier for three restaurants in Yangcheng. "

Song He pondered: "Take out their detailed information first, and hand over this line to Jin County for investigation before getting off work at noon tomorrow."

"Tomorrow at noon?" Wu Xuerui suddenly noticed the time specially emphasized in Song He's words: "What do you want to do?"

Song He chuckled: "When playing cards, you have to give the players some time to get familiar with the cards."

Wu Xuerui changed her mind, and immediately understood what Song He meant, and couldn't help laughing: "Scheming again."

That night, near twelve o'clock, in the duty room of a mining factory in Jin County, three men who had just patrolled the factory area were sitting around a table, looking at the poker in their hands with great interest, and chatting easily.

"Do you think the bonus mentioned on this poker card can really be realized?"

A lean man in his thirties looked at the big and small king in his hand with doubts on his face. His eyes had paused at the bounty for a long time.

"Brother Dong, you're an amateur." A younger yellow-faced man smiled mysteriously, "I have a classmate who is at the police station. I asked him this afternoon. Guess what he said."

The skinny man glared at him: "Don't be a fool, just fart!"

"Hey." The yellow-faced man smiled and said, "My classmate said that there are many arrest warrants issued by the police station, but most people don't pay attention to these, but some people get rich just because of this."

"Besides, once someone issues a wanted warrant, as long as you provide accurate clues, you will definitely get a reward!"

The lean man pursed his lips and said with a bit of sour doubt: "I am still making money based on the bounty, I am afraid of being noticed!"

The yellow-faced man looked carefully at the poker cards, and smiled nonchalantly: "Brother Dong, are you so courageous and afraid? Besides, the police station keeps secrets for the reporter!"

"Oh. That's more or less the same." The lean man snorted and began to flip through the poker.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that another companion sitting at the table was staring at the cards in his hand in a daze, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Sanniu, why are you so dazed?"

The man called San Niu was a man with a strong build and an honest face. He was holding a card and frowning at it.

When he heard the thin man's question, he suddenly came to his senses, looked at his two companions in puzzlement, and pointed the cards at them and said, "Why do I think this person looks a bit like Zhang Hua?"

(End of this chapter)

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