While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 359 Someone reported the case

Chapter 359 Someone reported the case
As soon as Song He finished speaking, Xiao Hu suddenly said: "Then she can't be his partner. That woman is very thin and looks like she has no strength."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Xiao Hu, which immediately made him a little unnatural.

"That's right, Xiao Hu, you reacted very quickly. It was indeed not Liu Yunxia who killed Zhang Hao." Song He smiled encouragingly, and then changed the topic: "But your description is not accurate enough, because there is another person in it. Possibility. That is, Liu Yunxia hired a murderer to kill Zhang Hao for some reasons."

Xiao Hu was taken aback, nodded again and again and said, "That's right! There is a possibility!"

Song He patted Xiao Hu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Actually, it is very simple to solve a case. It is to eliminate the possibility. When you eliminate all the impossibilities, the last thing left is the truth."

After listening, Xiao Hu and Xiao Ding nodded seriously, looking like well-behaved students.

Everyone smiled when they saw this, discussed the case, and saw a police car parked on the side of the road, and then several police officers got out of the car with huge boxes and walked towards Song He and others.

"Consultant Song is the senior of the investigation team." Xiao Hu quickly identified the person who came.

Song He nodded, and walked forward with Zhou Kai. After explaining the general situation, he got the survey equipment from the other party, and walked to the depths of the woods with his companions when they were fully dressed.

After arriving at the place where the dead body might be hidden, the investigation team began to look around carefully. Song He and the others did not interfere, but just observed closely.

Not long after, the police officer leading the investigation team said that the investigation was over and told Song He and others that they could dig.

Song He nodded when he heard the words, took a shovel casually, and started digging one shovel after another along the range drawn by the survey team.

Zhou Kai and others also stepped forward to help, while Wu Xuerui and Gu Xiaole helped the investigation team sort out the information and tried to find some details that would be helpful for the investigation.

But as time passed, the more people dug, the more frightened they became, because judging from the feeling of digging and the quality of the soil, it was indeed a pit that had just been dug and then filled.

However, everyone had already dug to a depth of one meter, but Zhang Hao's body was still missing!
"Is the murderer a lunatic?" Song He muttered while standing in the pit, stopped his hands, and said to Zhou Kai who was already sweating beside him: "Brother Kai, you go up, it's better for me to perform it alone below."

Zhou Kai looked at Song He who was breathing calmly, looked at the narrow hole, and looked at the people outside the hole who were no longer able to get in, nodded helplessly, and jumped out holding the edge of the hole.

Song He took a deep breath, stood in the pothole and waved the shovel again.

But this time, he moved quickly, but every time he lowered the shovel, he would concentrate on feeling the touch of the shovel head touching the soil, so as to judge whether what he dug was soil or something else.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Song He, who kept digging at a constant speed, finally felt a strange touch from the head of the shovel when the depth of the hole reached 1.5 meters!

"Found it! Change the tool!"

Song He directly withdrew the shovel from the soil and handed it out of the pit, and Zhou Kai, who had already prepared it, took it immediately and put a capable engineer shovel in Song He's hand.

Ten minutes later, Song He swept away the dirt on a muscular male corpse and exposed it at the bottom of the pit!
The upper body of the male corpse is a dark blue sweater, the lower body is a pair of jeans, the face is covered with mud, but after careful observation, the appearance is still vaguely recognizable, it is the missing Zhang Hao!
"Send it for an autopsy." Song He jumped out of the pit, watched Xiao Hu and Xiao Ding nervously move the corpse out with the police officers of the investigation team, and analyzed: "Counting the space occupied by the corpse, the depth of the pit should be Around 1.7 meters."

"This is not something that ordinary people can do. If it is not for those who have physical strength and are familiar with labor, it is even impossible to dig out in a short time!"

"Indeed." Zhou Kai nodded, looked carefully at the pit and said, "The criminal should be over 1.7 meters tall, and he has been engaged in physical labor for a long time, and his work is probably related to engineering."

Song He withdrew his gaze, removed the survey equipment on his body, and walked out of the woods while saying: "It can be regarded as narrowing the scope of the investigation, let's check for people who meet the characteristics around Zhang Hao."

Half an hour later, Zhang Hao's body was finally transported to the autopsy center. Song He and his party were also divided into two groups, and began to investigate the interpersonal relationships around Zhang Hao.

After continuously visiting Zhang Hao's relatives, friends and neighbors, everyone gathered again at nightfall and began to collect information.

"There is nothing suspicious about Zhang Hao's neighbors." Song He sorted out the information he visited and concluded: "All the neighbors have a uniform evaluation of him. He is a very good-tempered person. It is said that the employees under his opponent have never treated him harshly."

"They talked a lot about specific cases, but it doesn't make sense for the time being, so I won't say more. I also observed the state of all the people I interviewed when they talked about him, and the most expressed regret and regret, there is nothing doubtful. "

"Also, Zhang Hao had a lot of friends during his lifetime, and because of his personality, the relationship was pretty good. By the way, Xiaoxue and I have screened out all his neighbors who fit the characteristics of the suspect..."

After Song He finished his investigation results, Zhou Kai also presented the relevant results he obtained from Zhang Hao's relatives.

After combining and comparing the information of the two parties, it was found that the possibility of Zhang Hao being murdered had been infinitely reduced.

"That is to say, there are only killing for money and killing for love." Song He looked at Xiao Hu and Xiao Ding, and asked, "Have the results of the on-site investigation and autopsy come out?"

Xiao Hu immediately took out two prepared reports and handed them to Song Hedao: "Just arrived!"

"The action is very fast, not bad." Song He never hesitated to praise himself when he had the opportunity.

Xiao Hu grinned, unable to hide his inner joy.

Song He looked at the report, stood up and gestured on himself: "Zhang Hao has five wounds on his body, all of which are puncture wounds caused by knives. The wounds are extremely deep, concentrated on his right waist and the back of his waist."

"Judging from the amount of bleeding, the first cut was at the lower right rear side of the waist, and the fatal injury was at the liver."

"Judging from the shape and angle of the wound, Zhang Hao only had a brief struggle between the first and third cuts, and the last two cuts were all caused in a relatively static state."

"As for the attack process, it should be that Zhang Hao was approached by the murderer from behind and strangled his neck with one hand while attacking with the murder weapon in the other hand. The whole process was very short. Zhang Hao tried to prevent the criminals from continuing to hurt, but failed."

"As for why no blood was found on the highway, it should be that the criminals were clinging to Zhang Hao's back, and the winter clothes on both of them were relatively thick, so the blood had spread to both of them."

Everyone looked at Song He's demonstration, imagined the situation at that time, and couldn't help but nod.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, Song He was about to continue talking, but at this moment Xiao Hu's cell phone suddenly rang.

Just as he picked up the phone and was about to speak, his face suddenly changed, and he stared at everyone dumbfounded!

"Liu Yunxia reported to the police, saying that her husband killed Zhang Hao and wanted to kill her!
(End of this chapter)

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