While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 385 Legacy Information

Chapter 385 Legacy Information
When checking the time just now, besides comforting Hu Guanhai, Song He also calculated the time when Gu Raozhen lost contact.

And it has been a full twenty hours since he helped Ding Zhe escape!
Song He didn't believe that Gu Raozhen, who was brought out by himself and the big bosses of the Nancheng District Police Station, would not find a chance to contact others in nearly a day!
You must know that since Song He, Wu Xuerui and Zhou Kai left the Nancheng District Police Station, Gu Raozhen, who has always been agile and has strong learning ability, quickly became one of Zhao Congjun's new four kings in the shortest possible time. .

So Song He has understood that the reason why Gu Raozhen has not contacted him until now can only be that he has devoted all his energy to the undercover mission of how to gain Ding Zhe's full trust.

And this also shows that Gu Raozhen's trust in Song He has reached an almost blind level.That's why he dared to go all out to help Ding Zhe escape after leaving Hu Guanhai a message pointing to Song He!

Thinking of this, Song He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to himself: "This trust is really important."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, muttered words in his mouth, and began to quickly deduce it in his mind.

"The smuggled goods come from Croatia and are not counterfeit goods. It can be basically concluded that these items enter the country by sea and are then shipped from the province to the whole country."

"There are smuggled goods in such a long distance between Lingnan and Creek, and naturally there are other provinces that are bordered by the province, so such a large amount of smuggled goods can only be transported by ferry."

"If ferries want to unload, they must be at ports. There are 100 coastal ports in the province and more than [-] river ports. The ones with loading and unloading records with Mingchuang Logistics are all river ports, a total of five."

"But the daily throughput of cargo at the port is frighteningly large, and there is no way to investigate in a short period of time. How can Gu Raozhen be sure that I will find him..."

Just as the doubts arose, Song He suddenly had a flash of inspiration and sat up straight: "Stinky boy! You are forcing me to be a snitch!"

Acting as soon as he thought of it, Song He quickly took out an all-black sports suit from the ring space, changed it in a few seconds, and went out.

In the night, Song He wore a peaked cap, carefully avoiding the surveillance on the roadside, and soon came to the compound of Mingchuang Logistics Company.

Song He stood still at a distance, glanced at the seal on the gate and the surrounding surveillance cameras, turned around and found a dark and secluded corner, jumped up the edge of the wall, and jumped into the compound with one turn.

After landing, Song He first put on the glove, then determined his position, recalled the relevant descriptions in the case materials, and quickly and silently touched in one direction.

However, it didn't take long for him to discover that all the gates leading to his destination were locked and sealed, which became an obstacle on his way forward.

Sighing silently, Song He chose a window, covered the entire glass with the tape he carried with him, and then pressed it with his hands wrapped in clothes!

There was a sudden sound like ice cracking, and the entire glass was shattered, but it was not scattered because of the tape, and it still hung stubbornly on the window frame.

With a slight sigh of relief, Song He carefully removed the glass and put it into the storage space, then turned over and jumped into the window.

Inside the window was the corridor on the first floor, which was pitch black without any light.However, with Song He's super vision, this darkness could not cause him any trouble.

I saw him running into the stairwell and going straight to Ding Zhe's office on the second floor.

"Made! No money for the seal!"

Outside Ding Zhe's office, Song He stared at the door and cursed in a low voice, turned and walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet to wet his gloves, went back to the office door to wet the seals little by little, and then carefully tore them off.

After dealing with the seal, Song He took out another soft and tough card, and slid it along the door to the lock.

In the blink of an eye, there was a crisp click, and the door suddenly opened!

Looking at the messy office in front of him, Song He knew that at this moment, tonight's work would officially begin.

I saw him slightly shading the windows of the office, then opened the system mall, exchanged for a footprint search light, squatted down and opened it facing the ground.

In an instant, messy footprints appeared on the ground, and the most numerous of them were the prints of a pair of valuable leather shoes. Obviously, the owner was Ding Zhe, the leader of the smuggling gang.

Song He followed Ding Zhe's footsteps all the way, and found that they spread directly from the office to the downstairs exit, and there were signs of staying and fighting near the exit.

Looking carefully around the traces of the fight, Song He quickly discovered the shoe prints of a pair of sneakers. The owner of the shoe prints obviously also participated in the fight.In addition to appearing in Ding Zhe's office, this shoe print also followed Ding Zhe and escaped from the exit on the first floor.

"Gu Raozhen, Gu Raozhen! I finally found you, you brat!"

Song He gritted his teeth and hummed, holding a footprint search light, retracing Gu Raozhen's footsteps and returned to the second floor again.

Soon, Song He found all Gu Raozhen's footprints in the building. After making sure that he hadn't missed them, Song He put away the footprint lights, went to the place where Gu Raozhen's footprints first appeared, and began to follow his path before losing contact. Activity trajectory, deduce his actions.

In the darkness, Song walked slowly and ran, entering the bathroom, equipment room and monitoring room, and then ran all the way to Ding Zhe's office.

After wandering back and forth twice in front of Ding Zhe's desk along the footprints, Song He returned to the door and stood there for a while, then ran out again.

After a while, Song He, who had completed the activity track simulation, returned to the office, looked around and said to himself: "In order to ensure that Ding Zhe is arrested smoothly, Gu Raozhen will definitely find an excuse when the arrest operation starts." Stay by his side."

"He ran all the way after coming out of the surveillance room. Apparently he used the excuse of seeing the police. However, he learned some information while guarding Ding Zhe and changed his mind."

"And this information can only be left when he helps Ding Zhe escape, so the place where he stays may be the place where the information is left!"

After Song He finished speaking, his eyes quickly turned to the door, and after searching carefully, he finally found shallow scratches carved by fingernails on the wall next to the door frame, but it was two scribbled letters: KS.

"KS... Ke province!" Song He pouted angrily, "I already know! Ke province is so big, where can I find it!"

Knowing that it was impossible for Gu Raozhen to leave such extensive information, Song He continued to search patiently and finally found two letters again on the wall where the fight took place!
"HC..." Song He thought and quickly reacted: "Huangcheng!"

Song He, who finally found all the information left behind by Gu Raozhen, neatly restored the scene to its original state and quietly evacuated Mingchuang Company.

Back at the hotel, Song He pulled out a map and began to check the route from Yuancheng to Huangcheng, Ke Province.

"It's impossible for them to take the train or plane, they can only take the high speed." Song He kept marking on the huge map: "The shortest distance is through Nan Province and Huan Province, which takes at least two days."

"That is to say, it will take at least a day and a half for them to arrive in Huangcheng! It seems that the only way to make arrangements in advance is to take a flight!"

(End of this chapter)

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