While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 389 Major Discovery

Chapter 389 Major Discovery
Song He raised his eyebrows cursingly, recorded the locations of all monitoring equipment, and then flew the drone back to his side.

After putting away the drone, Song He took out a pen and paper and drew quickly. Soon a standard factory map appeared on the paper.

But Song He didn't give up, and pointed out small dots on the map, and then drew fan shapes with the small dots as the center of the circle.

"Looking at the model and specifications of the monitoring equipment, the monitoring angle is not too large." Song He said with a headache while drawing, "But this number is a bit too foul."

"Also, why are there more monitoring blind spots around the office building than other places? Could it be that there is nothing important inside?"

After drawing the map, Song He was filled with doubts.

Points on the map represent monitoring devices, and sectors represent monitoring ranges.Although there are quite a lot of points near the office building, compared with other areas, the number of monitoring equipment in the unit space has dropped by [-]%.

Therefore, there are many more blind spots between each sector-shaped monitoring range than in other areas.

In contrast, the number of monitoring equipment around individual warehouses has reached a heinous level, and the blind spots are small and narrow, making it difficult to connect. , sneak into those warehouses!

"What's in the warehouse?"

Song He became more and more curious, because he knew that what a person cares about will be directly reflected in his attitude towards this thing, and the attitude will determine a person's behavior.

So Geng Jianqiang cares so much about these warehouses in the factory area, which means that there are things that are extremely important to him in the warehouses.

Then contact him as the online identity of Ding Zhe's smuggling criminal gang. The things these warehouses are used to hide are definitely not trivial!
"The key is that I'm not sure whether there are smuggled goods inside, so I can't call the police! Besides, if Geng Jianqiang has someone bribed by him in the police station, Gu Raozhen will be implicated if he doesn't do it right!"

Song He looked at the warehouse on the map as if he were a tiger facing a hedgehog, unable to eat at all!
"Forget it, looking at the situation, the surveillance in the warehouse is also indispensable. If you can't deal with them, don't try to touch them." Song He turned his gaze to the office building with relatively weak defenses on the map: "It's you!"

Deciding on the target, Song He quickly planned the infiltration route, fully clothed to cover the whole body, with only a pair of eyes exposed, three steps in two steps to the factory area with a height of three meters, and jumped up to the edge of the wall, extremely skilled turned in.

I saw Song He was like a cat. After landing silently, he immediately hid in the shadow of the corner of the wall, vigilantly observing the terrain in the factory area, comparing it with the simulation in his mind, quickly found the direction, and walked along the base of the wall silently. sneak.

Three minutes later, Song He successfully came to the outside of the office building, followed the anti-theft bars of the windows and the protrusions of the building, quickly climbed to the roof, and turned over to the top floor after a while.

"Made! Installing such a high-end anti-theft fence, it's amazing to have money!"

After making a sour complaint, Song He quickly went to the entrance leading to the building on the top of the building, and turned the doorknob, but the iron door remained motionless.

"Sure enough! There is no fluke in the world!"

Talking to himself, Song He squatted down, took out two wires, and inserted them into the keyhole bit by bit, then put his ear on the door, carefully distinguishing the subtle friction sound coming from inside.

Just like that, Song Heting pulled out the iron wire and twisted it after a while. He quickly twisted the two iron wires into an ugly key shape, and then carefully inserted it into the keyhole.


The slight sound of unlocking immediately made Song He breathe a sigh of relief, and he opened a small crack in the door to take a closer look.

After a while, Song He didn't see a surveillance camera facing the entrance, so he quickly opened the door and entered, carefully avoiding the surveillance in the building, looking for a room that might have all the transaction records hidden.

In this way, Song He searched and eliminated, and finally locked two offices, one of which was owned by Geng Jianqiang, and the other was owned by Geng Jianming, who was in charge of imported raw materials.

"Geng Jianqiang's cousin? Interesting." Song He looked at the two offices that were close at hand but couldn't do anything because they were facing the surveillance. He resolutely gave up going in to continue the investigation, turned around and walked to the roof.

"Expansion is so fast, and trustworthy manpower has not yet been cultivated. Appointing his own family members is an inevitable choice! So this Geng Jianming must know something, if not all, at least half of it!"

On the way back to the hotel, Song He began to sort out the information about the people around Geng Jianqiang that he had investigated in the past few days in his mind, and soon found the content related to Geng Jianming.

"No, there are too few, and the weakness is not obvious." Song He shook his head, looked at the empty street under the night, and said to himself: "Geng Jianming, let me see what secrets you have."

The next day, Song He, who was squatting outside Jiawei's factory early in the morning, watched every person and vehicle entering with cold eyes, waiting quietly for Geng Jianming to appear.

However, the wait lasted until ten o'clock in the morning, but Song He, who spent a lot of time waiting, became more and more relaxed.

Because he knows that an unruly person often means that the more weaknesses he has, the more methods he has to choose from to deal with them.

Finally, Geng Jianming drove into the factory at [-]:[-], and Song He only took a look at Geng Jianming, who was yawning and swung the steering wheel, and concluded that this was a mild ghost who took illegal drugs!

And judging from his demeanor and physical condition, it is obvious that the poisonous age is still young, not more than eighteen months old!
After getting the information he wanted to know, Song He turned and left, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, the poor and suspicious Geng Jianqiang actually has such a younger brother, this weakness is not small!"

Song He stepped quickly, and when he reached a deserted corner, he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Hu Guanhai's number:

"Hey, Hu Dui, Geng Jianqiang's younger brother Geng Jianming is a ghost, and he should have a lot of inside information about smuggling gangs."

Hu Guanhai, who was far away in the original city, did not expect that Song Heyi's phone call would be such an explosive news, and he was a little confused, but he heard Song He continue to say:

"Since they are smuggling themselves, I still don't know the origin of the illegal drugs he took. If they come from abroad, then you will have made a great contribution, Lao Hu!"

"Transnational sales of prohibited drugs!" Hu Guanhai, who hadn't recovered from his senses, almost jumped up in shock, completely unaware that Song He had changed his address.

However, he soon realized that this might be a big case that he couldn't handle, so he quickly said in a deep voice, "Song He! Are you sure?"

Song He also knew that the matter was of great importance, and said word by word: "Now I can only confirm that Geng Jianming has been taking illegal drugs for a long time, and the source is still unclear. Moreover, in order to prevent exposure, Gu Raozhen has agreed to accompany Ding Zhe to smuggle abroad. "

"So I will seize the time to investigate, and I hope you can contact the provincial police as soon as the results are available!"

Hu Guanhai heard that Song He had added an accent to the words "Kevin Provincial Police" and understood that Song He wanted him to use his identity to skip Huangcheng and directly contact higher-level relevant persons in charge.


Song He decisively interrupted Hu Guanhai's words: "Don't worry about it, old Hu, the problem now is that we don't have time!"

(End of this chapter)

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