Chapter 39
Ren Biao stood quietly at the airport pick-up gate. He was thin and not tall. In addition, his clothes were very ordinary, so he was hard to be spotted in the crowd.

But at this time, he was holding a sign in his hand, with three large characters written on it: Hao Yuqing.

It was the name of Hao Jianguo's youngest daughter!

Compared with Yuan Laojiu, who is good at demagoguery, he seems to have few words, but everyone who has been in contact with him knows that Ren Biao is definitely worthy of the word "cruel, merciless and black".

Before coming, Yuan Laojiu had already explained some of Hao Yuqing's situation to him, and Ren Biao also checked the flight schedule. Hao Yuqing's flight will arrive in 10 minutes!

So he quickly made a plan. After leaving one of his men to meet him in the car outside, he and the other two quickly pretended to be the pick-up personnel and waited at the pick-up gate holding a sign.

While Ren Biao was waiting patiently, a young man approached, also standing beside him holding a sign.

Ren Biao frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. After all, the seat he chose was the most conspicuous one at the airport pick-up gate, so it's normal for others to come over.

After a while, maybe the young man felt tired, so he put the sign at his feet, looked around with his hands in his pockets, and took a look at the name on Ren Biao's sign, but felt embarrassed after being glared at by Ren Biao He smiled and looked away.

After a while, the young man suddenly pointed at the airport and said happily, "Come out!"

Ren Biao was taken aback, and turned his head to look. Unexpectedly, the young man suddenly took out a sprayer with his hand in his pocket, and was about to spray it on Ren Biao's face!
At the same time, two people appeared beside the two accomplices not far behind Ren Biao, and they also held up the sprayer and sprayed wildly on their faces!
Unexpectedly, Ren Biao, whose attention was drawn away, saw that there was no one in the distance. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that something was wrong. He quickly covered his face with his hands and took two steps back, dodging the spray with a nick of time.

But his two accomplices were sprayed with pepper spray, fell to the ground wailing, covering their faces and rolling around, looking extremely painful!

Immediately afterwards, they were restrained by plainclothes police officers who had no ability to resist!
"The police are handling the case! This man is a gangster! Get out of the way!"

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and they gave way one after another, leaving a space for the boss.

After listening to Song He's words, Ren Biao's heart suddenly shrank and he realized something was wrong. Just as he was about to run away, he realized that the two plainclothes police officers who had subdued his companion had surrounded him from behind!

Feeling ruthless, he tore off the pendant and the watch at the same time, made two crude metal gloves and put them on his hands respectively. He clenched his fists and made a posture, staring at Song He fiercely while guarding against the police. His eyes seemed to eat people.

Song He ignored Ren Biao's gaze, and put away the Menghan Spray with some pity. If the stun cane wasn't too conspicuous, he wouldn't choose this kind of sprayer that sprays less once.

After two breaths, as the two police officers slowly approached, Ren Biao realized that if he didn't break in, he would have no chance to leave. He raised his leg and rushed towards Song He, and at the same time, he punched Song He in the face!

Seeing this, Song He took a step back skillfully, keeping a safe distance from Ren Biao, and when his punch missed, he was short and approached like lightning. It drilled out from an angle and hit Ren Biao's ear in an instant!


Ren Biao just felt dizzy for a while, and fell to the ground after just a muffled groan.

The two police officers were taken aback. When they saw Ren Biao rushing towards Song He, their hearts almost jumped into their throats, but in a blink of an eye, this gangster with fierce eyes was knocked down by Song He's punch? !
Would it be too useless.
Song He squatted down calmly, and said with a smile, "I remind you of one thing. With Hao Jianguo's wealth, his daughter must go through the VIP channel. So at this airport, you will never be able to wait for Hao Yuqing in your lifetime."

Ren Biao was struggling on the verge of losing consciousness, he was stunned after hearing Song He's words, rolled his eyes and passed out.

When Song He and the others came to Qin Yuan with the subdued suspect, he had already captured the suspect who was driving to meet him with the assistance of the airport police.

So far, the operation organized by Song He was finally a complete success, but since there was only one police car, they had to rely on the police car from the airport police station to escort all the four suspects back to the Nancheng Police Station.

"Can you calm down? Can you!" Zhao Congjun looked at Song He who was smiling across the desk, resisting the urge to jump up: "What did I say before I left? Huh? What did I say!"

"Tell me not to run around." Song He explained with a smile: "Isn't it because you are not here?"

"So you're going to tell who to call the police?" Zhao Congjun was very annoyed.

"I called the police, they are calling the police normally!" Song He took out his mobile phone, and sure enough there was a call to the police in the communication log.

He made this call on the way to the airport, just to prevent Zhao Congjun from jumping in anger afterwards.

"Report, you..." Zhao Congjun's chest stagnated, and he slapped the table violently, only to feel his chest smoother: "Report a fart to the police at the police station!"

"Don't scold yourself!"

Song He made Zhao Congjun laugh angrily with one sentence, and he didn't have the heart to argue with him, so he let him leave after a few words.

With the arrest of all the perpetrators, Wu Xuerui returned to the police station after two days of personal protection, and the first thing she said when she saw Song He was:

"The action at the airport was quite straightforward, especially the last punch!"

"You are protecting Hao Yuqing!" Song He suddenly understood, and said with a smile, "You were in the VIP passage, right?"

"Well, you have seen the whole process of your actions." Wu Xuerui smiled and said: "Hao Jianguo and his daughter also saw it, and asked me if I knew you."

"Really? What did you say?" Song He noticed the inexplicable meaning in Wu Xuerui's eyes, and had some expectations for the answer.

"Are you stupid? Of course, you are a colleague. Otherwise, what else can I say." Wu Xuerui blinked away the complex meaning in her eyes, and said with a normal expression, "But you still need to pay attention to safety."

"Of order, Officer Wu!" Song He seemed to have got the answer he wanted, and joked with a smile, and asked, "Should I go to Beicheng District again tomorrow?"

"Yes." Wu Xuerui guessed Song He's thoughts after hearing Song He's question, looked at him and said, "Are you planning to give some credit?"

"Yes, it's rare for them to be so motivated. It would be bad if they didn't help." Song He shrugged.

"How many are you giving this time?" Wu Xuerui asked curiously.

"There are still two." Song He explained: "I know you want them to be more efficient, but the suspects need to be carefully selected, especially in Beicheng District."

"I feel that you still haven't said something." Wu Xuerui nodded and said with a smile, "But I believe you have your reasons for doing this."

Seeing this, Song He's heart moved, and he smiled flatteringly: "Officer Wu is really a good man."

The next day, after the case analysis exchange meeting in the northern and southern urban areas, Ma Xuexian immediately shared the address provided by Song He with his partner Liu Renwei.

"Catch two people a week, and after a while we will become detectives in Beicheng District." Liu Renwei memorized the address, lit it with a lighter, and ignited the cigarette in his mouth with the flame of the note.

Ma Xue first watched the note turn into ashes, then swept it away with his feet and said, "I kind of know why Consultant Song He is so popular in Nancheng District."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Liu Renwei flicked the cigarette ash and said with a smile, "You don't even think about the way our colleagues looked at us this week. It's like this in our police station, let alone the Nancheng Police Station. But I heard that the city is going to reward Chief Zhao."

"You know all of this?" Ma Xuexian looked at Liu Renwei slightly surprised.

"Who doesn't have a few brothers and friends anymore." Liu Renwei took a deep puff on his cigarette, extinguished the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road, and said, "Now not only our police station, but other police stations are thinking about it." The improvement of the law improves the detection rate! Therefore, at this juncture, the one who can arrest the suspect is the hardest."

Ma Xuexian nodded when he heard the words, and suddenly his heart moved: "I kind of understand what Consultant Song He means."

Liu Renwei knew that his partner was always cautious, so he thought a lot, and his brain was much faster than his own, so he hurriedly approached and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ma Xuexian whispered his guess, and Liu Renwei's eyes widened when he heard it, and murmured: "I'll go, is it so big to play?"

Seeing Liu Renwei's absent-minded look, Ma Xuexian couldn't calm down for a while: "If this is the case, there are too many things we can do!"

Two days later, after Song He learned that Ma Xuexian had arrested two criminals again through the system notification, his mobile phone suddenly received a text message from an unfamiliar number:
"Consultant Song, is there anything we can do for you?"

After reading the text message, Song He smiled, secretly praised Ma Xuexian for being transparent, guessing his intention so quickly, and then compiled an address into a text message and sent it back.

Under the admiring eyes of his colleagues, Ma Xuexian, who hid in the bathroom, looked at the address in his mobile phone that was obviously not within his patrol range, and thought: It is indeed so.

Immediately afterwards, he memorized the address, deleted the text message, walked out of the bathroom, went straight to a fellow patrolman, and pulled him into a private conversation.

After Song He replied the text message, he ignored it. He believed that Ma Xuexian, who was wearing too many small shoes, could convince his colleagues. After all, this address meant more than giving credit to Ma Xuexian.

"You're smiling like a fox now."

Wu Xuerui's voice sounded in the archive room, waking Song He up from his thoughts.

"I prefer to be a spider, laying huge webs to catch all the prey." Song He said with teeth and claws.

"Hey, you're so perverted." Wu Xuerui slapped a fly twice, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Have you? Haha." Song He smiled.

But Song He understood that his current behavior was indeed quite similar to that of a spider, and he thought to himself: Old Zhao, I have worked so hard to help you, yet you still scold me!You didn't say anything, just pay me your apprentice!

After thinking about it, Song He nodded in satisfaction, pulled his thoughts back to Wu Xuerui, activated his super brain, and helped her analyze the case without complaint.

 The future update time will be at 06:30, try to let everyone see the latest chapters as soon as they open their eyes^_^
(End of this chapter)

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