Chapter 399
Guo Jun is in his thirties, in the prime of life. He is upright and capable. He is a very competent police officer and a police officer born and raised in You'an County.

From Guo Jun's description, Song He could hear that he had his own feelings about the poisoning incident that year, and he could also realize that he had feelings for Yao Dongwei who left his job that year, which was similar to Zhou Kai's brothers and sisters for Zhao Congjun.

In fact, as early as when they learned that You'an County had applied for assistance, everyone in the assistance team guessed that it was probably this case.

After all, You'an County was a well-known number one county in Ling Province back then, with a high level of teaching and many famous teachers and masters, there is no one in Ling Province that can match it!
And the two famous schools have also brought considerable economic income to Youan County. Needless to say, the paper and pen stationery and various books related to learning, even the housing prices around the schools and the rent of short-term rental houses can be compared with those in first-tier cities. Central location on par.

But it is such a county, because of an incident six years ago, one of the pillars, You'an Junior High School, has been dragged down to this day.

"To be honest, this case is not easy to investigate."

"Coupled with the approaching high school entrance examination, media attention and parental disturbances, etc., the investigation was delayed again and again, and in the end it could only be treated as an unsolved case."

Song He and Zhou Kai looked at each other, knowing that this was indeed You'an County's weakness.

A county that grows on the back of the school can only operate around the school, and naturally prioritizes all things according to the needs of the school.

Zhou Kai pondered for a moment, looked at Guo Jun, but glanced at Song He with his peripheral vision, and said in a deep voice: "Guo Bureau, actually we all know that the suspect is most likely someone from the school."

"But in six years, even a first-year junior high school student, as long as he succeeds in his studies, he will be a college student now."

"Not to mention going to other provinces to study, it is possible to study abroad. If you want to check one by one, it will really become a needle in a haystack."

Guo Jun was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What does Team Zhou mean..."

"Narrow down the scope of the investigation first." Seeing that Song He didn't speak, Zhou Kai knew that Song He had the same idea as him and continued: "Exclude people who have no chance to come into contact with milk, and then simulate the crime process."

"At the same time, I hope to get all the relevant records and student information of the year..."

Guo Jun asked in surprise, "All the students?"

Zhou Kai glanced at Song He nonchalantly, nodded and said, "All."

Song He frowned slightly, couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Kai, and said in his heart: Brother Kai, do you think I look like an animal?In your eyes, I am an animal used to sift information!

Seeing this, Guo Jun glanced at the conference room used for case discussion: "It seems that I have to change you to a bigger office."

The next day, under the arrangement of Guo Jun, everyone drove to You'an Junior High School to handle the case.

And they went together with all the information about the poisoning case in the police station, and one of the police officers who were in charge of investigating the case back then, Pang Yi, the current captain of the criminal police team in You'an County.

"There are too many student materials, and it is really difficult to carry." Pang Yi said to Song He who was sitting in the co-pilot while driving: "And there is no office in the bureau that can put those materials."

"So Director Guo discussed with the school and vacated an old classroom as our office."

Song He nodded in agreement: "That's good, the difference between the classroom and the case analysis room is not big, and at the same time, you can ask those teachers who have experienced this incident nearby, which can serve multiple purposes."

Pang Yi smiled and said, "As long as Consultant Song understands."

When they came to You'an Junior High School, the guards didn't let the police cars show up. Instead, they let everyone into the school after confirming the documents and procedures, and repeatedly told them to be as quiet as possible and not to disturb the students in class.

"Sure, this guard is quite responsible." Song He praised, and began to look at You'an Junior High School.

Since Pang Yi wanted to keep a low profile, the entrance he chose was the back door away from the classroom.And the back door is close to the playground, quite a distance from the place where the students attend class.

But even so, Song He's ears could still catch the sound of reading aloud from afar, which made him feel the long-lost tranquility when he looked at this vibrant campus in his eyes.

"Here we are." Pang Yi drove the car outside an old classroom, stopped and turned off the engine, and said, "This is what You'an Junior High School left during the renovation of the park to commemorate its past history."

After Pang Yi finished speaking, he got out of the car, carried a pile of documents and pushed the door in. Song He and others also walked in one by one.

The classroom is huge, the walls are painted white, and more than ten desks are assembled into a large table in the center of the classroom. The windows are bright and clean, and the light is soft, which makes people feel peaceful.

"Team Pang is very familiar with this place?" Song He looked at the classroom with an ancient architectural style, and said in surprise, "This style should be from 50 years ago, right?"

Team Pang put down the materials and said with a smile: "It was built when foreign experts came to help, and it has been used for more than 50 years. Unfortunately, the classroom where I teach was demolished due to the location of the playground, otherwise I can show you around."

"No wonder." Song He nodded, and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching here from afar. He approached the window and followed the sound, but it was an old man walking here with many security guards carrying boxes. .

"Pang Yi, here are the materials you want." The old man smiled innocently, ordered the security guards to put down the boxes, and looked at Song He and his party curiously.

Pang Yi hurriedly made an introduction for the two parties. Only then did Song He know that the old man was Pang Yi's class teacher back then, and also the current principal of You'an Junior High School, Principal Zhu.

Principal Zhu exchanged greetings with everyone and left. As soon as he left, Lin Hui looked at Song He in confusion and asked, "Consultant Song, does Principal Zhu care about this case?"

"It's not that I don't care." Song He looked at Pang Yi, and said slowly: "He is a smart person, and he understands the fundamentals of You'an County and You'an Junior High School."

Pang Yi looked at Song He, Wu Xuerui and others with a clear face in surprise, nodded and said: "Ms. Zhu served as the principal two years ago. Since then, the overall performance of the school has begun to improve steadily. Although the range is relatively small, but It is getting closer to the best result in history."

Song He nodded and said: "So for him, if the case is solved, it's the icing on the cake. Even if it can't be solved, as long as You'an's grades in junior high school improve, he can become a prestigious school again, and rebuilding his glory will be a matter of course."

"At that time, this case will become a blemish in the history of the school, and it will not affect the overall situation. It cannot but be said to be well-intentioned."

Everyone nodded in approval after hearing the words, and they also admired the principal Zhu's way of subtly eliminating the negative influence.

After a while of gossip, everyone began to screen the information, and Song He soon had a headache and asked: "Why did you make this kind of bulk fresh milk back then, wouldn't it be good to order it directly from the finished product manufacturer?"

Hearing this, Pang Yi said with an embarrassed expression: "All the milk back then was bought from a farm in the suburbs of the county. The deputy director of this factory is the brother-in-law of the school's logistics director..."

(End of this chapter)

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