While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 402 It is a pity

Chapter 402 It is a pity
Pang Yi's words caused Song He and the others to be silent for a while. After all, judging from the investigation data of the year, when the investigation started, it was already three days after the time of receiving the police!
During these three days, no one knew how the hospitalized students in Class [-] of Grade [-] had communicated with the parents who rushed to visit.

All I know is that the investigations other than the students have been extremely smooth, but once students are involved, there will always be resistance of one kind or another.

In the end, the investigation was fruitless, many people were implicated, the reputation of the school plummeted, and the fifth grade of the second grade was also disbanded. The transfer of schools and shifts of shifts made the investigation work completely stagnant, and the case has been suspended until today.

"It's like the bullying incidents that the engaged young people said." Pang Yi pointed to the information in Song He's hand and smiled bitterly: "When we were investigating, no student said anything about it. If it weren't for today's visit, it is estimated that They still won't say it."

Song He sighed: "If it was really the crime committed by the bullied person, I can only hope that he was under fourteen years old at the time."

Everyone looked at Song He when they heard the words, and saw that he had a somewhat disheartened expression on his face, and their hearts were filled with mixed feelings.

Wu Xuerui sensed Song He's thoughts, sighed secretly, and persuaded: "Let's determine the range of suspects first. If it is really out of revenge, the court will consider it as appropriate."

"Besides, if it is really a retaliatory act by the person being bullied, six years have passed, and this matter will definitely have a corresponding impact on his mental state. I am worried that he will consider using similar means again when dealing with the matter. .”

Song He let out a long breath, cheered up and said: "I understand, it's just that there is something wrong in my heart, and I think there are still some problems in it."

"You think, this case is not a trivial matter. Although the students and parents reacted fiercely, they were more or less evasive when facing the police investigation against them."

"At the same time, I compared today's interview records with the original investigation transcripts, and found that the most obvious avoidance attitudes were those members of the small group who bullied others and their parents."

"And this kind of evasive attitude, I have only seen it in people who have some things that are inconvenient for the police to know."

Zhou Kai saw that Song He had drawn everyone's attention to the parents of the fifth class of the second year, after a little thought, he found that what he said was completely accurate, and asked curiously: "You mean those parents are hiding things that cannot withstand investigation? "

Song He nodded: "If you don't cooperate with the investigation, but keep clamoring and emphasizing the punishment of the poisoners, and at the same time transfer the children to another school, it's obvious that you're mean and mean, and it's not a normal reaction."

Wu Xuerui knew that Song He was after the parents of those children who bullied others, she shook her head slightly and pulled back the conversation: "We haven't identified the suspect yet, let's find out the case of poisoning first, and then catch those people by their tails , okay?"

Seeing this, Song He smiled wryly, and concluded: "Let's first compare the records of today's interview with the more than 100 suspected students, and then conduct a key investigation on the repeat personnel."

While speaking, Wu Xuerui had already completed the comparison, and saw that the list of suspects from more than a hundred people had been reduced to more than twenty people, and four people were highlighted.

"These four were bullied a bit seriously, but they were all students in the same grade, and they were all under the age of 14 at the time of the incident." Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He and said, "Some have been bullied more times, and some have confessed to being bullied." After you refused, you were ridiculed and spread, and you said that your family background is not good and you were targeted."

"However, these people on the list are more difficult to find, because except for six of them scattered in various colleges and universities in Lingnan Province, more than a dozen of them are studying or working in other places, and the furthest of them is now in the province of Vancouver."

Pang Yi glanced at the list, smacked his lips in embarrassment, and heard Song He say: "Old Pang, come one by one from near to far, but the four people need to check first regardless of the distance."

Pang Yi nodded slightly while feeling dizzy, and started calling Guo Jun with the information.

Guo Jun moved very quickly, and soon arranged ten police officers to cooperate with Song He and his party to investigate.

"Song He, you and Xiaoxue don't go." Seeing the resistance in Song He's heart, Zhou Kai said, "This is only part of the investigation work. You'an County still needs to be able to summarize and analyze the collected information. people, so you two stay."

Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He when she heard the words, but saw that he shrugged his shoulders as usual, but his eyes were a little more relaxed.

In this way, in the next three days, Song He and Wu Xuerui stayed in You'an County, Zhou Kai and others led You'an police officers to run around the country, busy without stopping.

The time soon came to the fourth day, and Pang Yi rushed to a construction site in Jiaotong Province with a policeman, looking for Chu Luo, who had joined the Daoqiao construction team after graduating from high school.

And when they appeared in front of Chu Luo and showed their identities to explain their intentions, Chu Luo, who was under 20 years old but had a beard, lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head with a somewhat incomprehensible expression: "I let you go!" .”

Chu Luo's blunt confession immediately made Pang Yi and the two a little overwhelmed, but they quickly recovered after asking about the details of the case, and quickly determined that he was the poisoner.

So, on the second day after finding Chu Luo, Song He saw this young man under 20 years old in the interrogation room.

"Why don't you defend yourself?" Song He looked into Chu Luo's eyes and saw fatigue and relief that did not match his age.

Chu Luo said slowly: "I'm too tired, and I regret it."

Song He looked into his eyes, knew his thoughts clearly, shook his head imperceptibly, and asked, "What do you regret? Poisoning?"

"Well." Chu Luo said very calmly: "If I don't do this, I will be admitted to the university, instead of worrying and fearing in the days to come, and failing the college entrance examination."

Song He seemed to be chatting: "Where do you want to go to university?"

Chu Luo was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Song He to ask such a question, she thought for a while before answering: "Qindu Police Academy."

This time it was Song He's turn to be dazed, and he said after a while: "With your grades, if you don't have this matter, it shouldn't be difficult to go there."

Chu Luo lowered her head and smiled disappointedly: "Maybe..."

In the observation room, Zhou Kai and the others looked at Chu Luo with complex expressions without saying a word, and suddenly Lin Hui said, "It's a pity."

When everyone heard the words, they sighed secretly, and couldn't bring up the idea of ​​talking anymore.

In fact, during the three days that Song He stayed behind, through non-stop visits, the bullying of several students in Class [-] of the second year of You'an Junior High School against several students of the same grade became clearer.

At that time, Chu Luo's classroom was adjacent to Class [-] of the second year, but because of her family background and image, she was severely humiliated and teased by them, so she had the idea of ​​revenge, which led to the subsequent poisoning incident.

"Guo Bureau." Wu Xuerui said suddenly, and immediately attracted everyone's attention to herself.

She handed a document bag to Guo Jun, narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile: "This is the information about the parents of those students who bullied Chu Luo. There are some commercial and tax issues."

(End of this chapter)

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