While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 407 Restoration of the Detailed Chapter

Chapter 407 Restoration of Details
The photos Liuyun sent were all case materials of the Caicheng dismemberment case, and many places were not aligned when he took the photos, which seemed to be in a hurry.

However, his shooting equipment is extremely professional, and many details in the materials are captured very clearly, so that Song He and others don't need to work hard to identify them.

"Judging from the existing information, this case is very troublesome." Ma Xuexian rarely felt a little troublesome, and frowned at Song He.

"If it wasn't troublesome, Huang Jiefeng wouldn't have given his subordinates the chance to drag him to the present." Song He looked at the information in his hand seriously, raised his eyebrows and said, "It was precisely because of the trouble that we had the opportunity to drag Liu Yun onto the boat. "

"What do you think about this case?"

Everyone flipped through the materials in their hands, and Wu Xuerui was the first to speak: "There are too many corpses cut up, not just for the convenience of transportation, there should be a special purpose."

Zhou Kai nodded: "There are 27 packs of body parts, but there are still about two packs short. In the end, the sanitation workers suddenly called the police, saying that they found two packs of residual body parts eaten by wild dogs on the side of the road, and then put together the corpses." .”

"And apart from the head being discarded separately, the murderer discarded the body parts in groups of two, and threw them in [-] locations in Caicheng, which shows that he is not afraid of being discovered, and even has the intention of provoking the police in Caicheng. .”

Ma Xuexian looked at the photos in the file and said: "The body parts were cut neatly and evenly divided, especially the organs, except for the cut marks, there was almost no trauma, which means that the murderer has the corresponding knowledge of anatomy and has a strong psychological quality."

"I think the murderer knows the deceased very well." Lin Hui endured a little discomfort and carefully observed the body parts and the autopsy report in the photo: "The deceased has no scars, no tattoos, and a thin but well-proportioned body, and the forensic doctor also mentioned this woman The deceased was in good health."

"There is also her appearance. After the restoration, it is obviously of an upper-middle level. You can't find such a person unless you look for it. It feels a bit like being specially selected by the murderer."

Gu Xiaole nodded when he heard the words, but suddenly found that everyone turned their attention to him, and immediately came to his senses and said: "I think it's a bit abnormal that I haven't figured out the identity of the deceased until now."

"It's not that there is a problem with the investigation, but that there is a problem with the identity of the deceased. As Lin Hui said, this woman is pretty, and she should be more or less noticed."

"But until now, no one has said that they know or have seen her. The Caicheng police did not find anyone similar to the missing persons. What is the reason?"

Song He smiled, and before he could speak, he heard Wu Xuerui explain: "If a person disappears but no one reports it, there are probably the following possibilities."

"The first is that the interpersonal relationship is not very good. No one cares whether he is missing. The second is the widow and widowed human being who has no parents, spouse, children or brothers. Those who care about him have left him for various reasons."

"The third type is a special situation, and this kind of situation occurs more frequently in Wei Province, which borders the three countries of Jie, Luo, and Dian. That is, the missing persons are people from other countries who smuggled into Qinxia."

"This type of people is divided into active smuggling and passive smuggling, but no matter what kind, once they enter Qinxia territory, they will no longer contact the country they originally belonged to. So no matter what they encounter in Qinxia, ​​their relatives will No way of knowing, let alone tracing their identities."

Song He waited for Wu Xuerui to finish speaking, then nodded and said: "Although Caicheng is some distance away from the border, stowaways will inevitably appear occasionally, so it is so difficult to determine the identity of the deceased."

"And the Caicheng police must have thought of what we said. Since they have been stuck in the crime scene for so long, if we continue to investigate along this line, there will probably be no results."

"Therefore, we need to bypass the identity of the deceased and analyze the case from another angle. The most important thing is to conduct a comprehensive profile of the murderer."

Zhou Kai nodded: "The forensic doctor judged that the deceased died of poisoning, and the body was dismembered later, so it is impossible to determine the physical characteristics of the murderer. If you can summarize the relevant characteristics of the murderer, I believe it will help to solve the case."

Song He smiled wryly: "It's not that easy. I can only confirm from the place where the body was dumped that he has settled in Caicheng for a while, and his strength is relatively small."

"I can understand that I live in Caicheng. After all, the fifteen places where the corpses are thrown are relatively uniform, and it is impossible to do it if you are not familiar with the terrain." Zhou Kai wondered: "But how did you determine that the strength is too small?"

"The cutting surface of the corpse." Song He picked out two photos from the data and showed them: "Look, these two corpses can be put together, and the cutting surface between them has the traces of a bone saw. .”

"We all know that when using a saw, you need to push and pull the saw blade repeatedly, and every pause during the pushing and pulling process will leave corresponding lines on the cutting surface."

"The photos sent by Liu Yun are like this, although they are not very clear, but I restored the details in my mind a little, and found that every time I push and pull the bone saw back and forth to cut, the lines show that the cutting depth is actually very shallow. "

"This also shows that the murderer was a little powerless when cutting them."

When everyone heard the words, they found the photo Song He showed, and looked at it very closely, and found that it was still difficult to distinguish the lines Song He said.

"I said you still have human eyes?" Wu Xuerui rubbed her sore eyes, and gave up the distinction: "If there are any discoveries that we can't see, let's tell them quickly."

Song He smiled and continued: "Although his strength is relatively weak, his hands are very steady. From all the cutting surfaces I can distinguish, although the strength he uses is not great, but the strength is relatively consistent."

Wu Xuerui noticed Song He's words, and asked in confusion: "What does it mean to be relatively consistent?"

Song He explained: "The forensic doctor said that the difference between the oxidation and decay of the body parts was very small, and concluded that the murderer completed the dissection within three hours. That is to say, during these three hours, he was in a calm and stable state. state."

"However, sawing a person into more than 20 pieces still requires physical support. Although he used the same force on the same cut surface, during the entire process of dismembering the body, the strength will increase with the consumption of physical strength. The smaller.”

"Therefore, on the whole, his dismemberment process is from bottom to top, and the order is: legs, arms, abdomen, chest and neck."

"So this is a criminal with a strong psychological quality, strong self-control ability, calm and cautious but dares to take risks. As for his physical appearance, he should not be tall. The specific data can be judged from his arm length."

"The arm length needs to be judged from the cut lines of the corpse. I have to find an opportunity to use pig bones to actually judge it. It is best to find more bone saws and try it twice."

"This can be left to Xuexian to prepare, and it will be an extra meal for Huya." Zhou Kai nodded and glanced at Ma Xuexian, and then asked: "Is there any more?"

Song He shrugged and said, "There are no other new discoveries yet, and they are basically conclusions drawn by the police in Caicheng."

(End of this chapter)

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