While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 410 Can't hide it

Chapter 410 Can't hide it
Song He took the USB flash drive, thanked him, chatted with Liu Yun for a few words and left.

However, he did not leave Caicheng. Instead, after checking the flight and calculating the time needed to return to Changshui County, he used the murder-hunting system to rush to the neighborhood of the murderer in the dismemberment case in the dark.

This time, Song He did not rush into the neighborhood where the target lived. After all, this murderer was unprecedentedly vicious and cautious. It is always good to be careful.

So after confirming the specific location of the other party, he climbed to the roof of a tall building in the distance, took out a high-powered telescope and pointed it at the target residence to start monitoring.

An hour later, the target closed the curtains. Seeing that he couldn't see anything, Song He put away the binoculars, sent the action plan to Liu Yun, and left decisively.

On the way to the airport, Song He reviewed the action plan several times, and suddenly sneered and sighed: "If I didn't see it with my own eyes, who would have thought that you were the murderer?"

When he rushed back to Changshui County all night long, the first ray of sunshine happened to shine on the gate of Changshui County Police Station.

And when the rescue team arrived at the police station, they saw Song He smiling at them standing outside the gate of the police station, and at the same time, curiosity about the progress of the case surged in their hearts.

"Have the murderer been found?"

In the discussion room, several exclamations sounded at the same time. The five words that were exactly the same contained the unbelievable surprise of everyone.

Song He did not hesitate to take the credit for the murderer system to himself, spread his hands and said: "There is no way, geniuses are so good."

Normally, Song He's acting like this would definitely get everyone's disdain and complaints, but this time even Zhou Kai, who didn't like Song He the most, didn't care about it, and kept asking Song He how he identified the suspect .

"It's actually luck." Song He had already made up an excuse: "When I used different disguises to investigate the places where the corpses were dumped, I found a person appeared twice..."

In Song He's nonsensical but emotional narration, he portrayed himself as a brave and scheming detective. After encountering a suspect by chance, he fought wits and courage with the suspect with his extraordinary wit and courage. And seize the opportunity to confirm their identity in the process.

After everyone listened to his story, they couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time they also agreed on Song He's bad luck and shamelessness.

As for the story he told, Zhou Kai summed it up very accurately: "It's good to have [-]% credibility for those things. Let's just listen to a story to relieve boredom."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, but out of trust in Song He, they didn't ask about the case of dismemberment.

Near noon, everyone was enjoying a short leisure time when they heard a rush of footsteps quickly approaching the discussion room, and after a while Lei Xu walked in with a happy face.

"The body fluid in Yao Fang's body that contains the biological information of the murderer has found a match!"

Lei Xu's words immediately lifted everyone's spirits, and Zhou Kai quickly got up and asked, "Who is it?"

"A prisoner from another province." Lei Xu was obviously in a good mood, and his voice was crisp and loud: "I was imprisoned for robbery two years ago, and I was sentenced for several years as a recidivist, and I am serving my sentence!"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, the murderer of the Yao Fang case and the body dismemberment case were identified one after another, which made everyone feel inexplicably happy, and a smile appeared on their faces involuntarily.

"Congratulations, Bureau Lei." Zhou Kai stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "I have fulfilled my wish, and this case has come to an end."

Lei Xu laughed, and shook Zhou Kai's hand with his big hands: "It's thanks to you, otherwise there would be more investigations!"

While Song He and others and Lei Xu were immersed in the joy of being identified as the murderer in the Yao Fang case, Liu Yun, who was far away in Caicheng, was concentrating on looking at his computer screen. With pride and confidence, he muttered to himself:

"Three days? You've been underestimated! A plan of this level can be done in less than a day, okay?"

Song He didn't know that after he sent the information about the murderer of the dismemberment case to Liu Yun, he quickly obtained the other party's IP address and connected to the other party's computer as quickly as possible to seize permission to copy the data.

Right now, Liu Yun is sifting through all the files in the murderer's computer in the dismemberment case, and what he focuses on is the videos and pictures in these files!
Not long after, Liu Yun's hand holding the mouse suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and his pupils dilated and contracted uncontrollably!

"I'll go! You're so crazy!"

In the video playback window of the computer monitor, an obviously carefully set-up lens was facing a wide and long kitchen table. On the kitchen table was a huge waterproof transparent plastic sheet, and a piece of clothing was completely invisible. The female corpse is lying flat on it.

Soon, a thin figure wearing a full surgical suit appeared in the camera, walked slowly to the kitchen table and stood still, and calmly put two metal tools on the table!

Liu Yun frowned, feeling a strong sense of discomfort in his heart, his hand holding the mouse trembled slightly, as if he might click the close button at any moment.

However, the video was not turned off after all, and as the progress bar slid, the video presented a clear but dismantling process that made viewers collapse!

When the video played halfway through, Liu Yun couldn't take it any longer and turned off the video instantly, and he also quickly got up the moment he clicked the mouse, and rushed into the bathroom with his mouth covered!
In the blink of an eye, the sound of vomiting came from the bathroom, and it took a while to stop.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Yun walked out of the bathroom in embarrassment, but instead of returning to the computer, he slumped powerlessly on the sofa in the living room, picked up his mobile phone and dialed.

"Hello, Old Huang."

"Are you free?"

"Come to my house, I have something to show you."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yun tried his best to adjust his state, trying to avoid recalling the pictures in the video, but reviewing the inferences that Song He told him that he had already memorized.

Half an hour later, Huang Jiefeng, who was nearly fifty years old in plain clothes, came to Liuyun's house.

As soon as he entered the door, he frowned, looked at Liu Yun with some concern, and asked, "Throwing up? Are you feeling unwell?"

Liu Yun nodded weakly, but did not explain anything. Instead, he put a laptop in front of Huang Jiefeng, which contained organized videos and pictures.

"Let's take a look." Liu Yun tried his best to keep his eyes away from the laptop.

Huang Jiefeng took it with a little doubt, and clicked on a few pictures, his expression changed drastically in an instant!
"How did you get it here?" Huang Jiefeng stared like copper bells, his expression unprecedentedly serious.

Liu Yun took a deep breath, and explained the inferences that Song He explained bit by bit.

Huang Jiefeng looked at the pictures on the computer and listened to Liu Yun's narration, the expression on his face gradually changed from serious to calm, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes staring at the computer from time to time, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, Liu Yun finished his deduction, and Huang Jiefeng felt his uncomfortable gaze, closed the computer, looked at Liu Yun and asked inexplicably: "Tell me, who taught you?"

"Huh?" Liu Yun was taken aback, recalling his own words, but found nothing revealing, and said stiffly, "I figured it out myself."

"You want to solve a telecom fraud case, I believe it." Huang Jiefeng sneered: "But this is a dismemberment case that has been suspended for eight years. You said you solved it in five days! Do you think I am a fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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