While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 419 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 419 Discussing Countermeasures
In Qindu, it was still the same room where he didn't know where. Shen Jianghe's expression was serious, thinking about something.

Elder Zhong and Elder Zhuo, who were in the same room, were discussing countermeasures, but because of Elder Zhong's voice and temper, it seemed more like arguing, which frightened everyone around them into silence.

"What kind of fucking clown dares to jump out and disgust people now!" Mr. Zhong blew his beard and stared, and said loudly like a bell: "I'm making me anxious, so let's arrange for people to kill them and kill them. Devil!"

Mr. Zhuo smiled helplessly: "Old Zhong, we are discussing countermeasures now, so please stop yelling."

"What's the matter with the yelling? You don't know that I'm mentally ill!" Mr. Zhong glared and looked around. Almost no one dared to look at him wherever he passed: "Those bastards entered the Ding and Wei countries. Dual nationality, we have no extradition agreement with Wei country! What do you think!"

Everyone smiled bitterly and thought, Mr. Zhuo shook his head and said: "We are already arranging people to protest, but it is foreseeable that the matter will drag on for a long time, and the result is not optimistic."

"That's it! We still have to send someone to deal with them!" Mr. Zhong snorted, glanced at Shen Jianghe who was still thinking, and said loudly: "The monkey under Old Shen is now the soul of the assistance team. The assistance group is an important part of the grassroots police training program."

"Can he hide for a day, or for a lifetime? Is the work underway still underway? Could it be that we stopped the work because of the dirty tricks of a few second devils? Let's make his dream come true!"

"Besides! In this room, several people have been offered bounties! What's the result? After knocking off the person who posted the bounty, is there anyone who dares to explode the thorn?"

"Can it be the same?" Elder Zhuo laughed when he heard the words: "In Qinxia's territory, no matter what methods are secretly used, we can deal with them. But this is a reward offered from abroad, or issued in a private name, how do you get it out? "

Elder Zhong's chin flicked in the direction of Shen Jianghe: "Let Shen Baozi find a way to pull it out, his apprentice, he has to be responsible to the end!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help looking at Shen Jianghe, but they saw him suddenly smile: "You old firecracker, it's very easy to play tricks."

"Nonsense! You don't know that I'm mentally ill!" Mr. Zhong replied in a very bachelor way, and said with a snort, "I'm good at the overall strategy, can the tactical layout be the same? I dare to think, you dare to use what I came up with Are you recruiting?"

This time not only Shen Jianghe, but even Zhuo Lao and several police officers in the house shook their heads slightly.

"I don't have the guts, you should just keep an eye on the police in those seven provinces." Shen Jianghe waved his hand.

Elder Zhong frowned: "Well, you thought about it for a long time just now, but you didn't come up with a solution?"

"You old firecrackers are endless." Shen Jianghe laughed and cursed, touched his chin and said, "I'm thinking about the method Song He said."

Elder Zhong was stunned for a moment, and asked at the same time as Elder Zhuo: "What method?"


"So what exactly is the method you told Mr. Shen?"

Yucheng, Canglong Club, a secluded corner of the rest area, Wu Xuerui looked curiously at Song He who suddenly called her out, and asked the question in her heart.

Song He didn't answer immediately, but glanced at the open arena in the distance.

In the arena, Fang Ming was playing one-on-two, and Youdou was quite comfortable. Obviously, this was not the first time he tried this kind of tactics.

Fang Ming was fighting against a man in a practice uniform and a man with a mustache. The two of them were careful not to let Fang Ming catch any flaws. Their tacit cooperation showed that they had suffered similar losses before.

"This matter cannot be resolved through formal channels." Song He finally spoke, looked at his girlfriend who was concerned, and smiled: "Don't worry, there will be no major problems. You can read the information that Lao Zhao gave us. ?"

"I see." Wu Xuerui nodded, seeing Song He's certainty, she was a little relieved: "After seeing your accurate identity information, the Liu family brothers will hand over the bounty to the person who provided the information."

"It's just that this promise is only a verbal promise, and there is no written agreement. Moreover, it is not free to obtain your identity information. You need to deliver [-] yuan to the casino to get it."

"In this way, anyone who bought your information will more or less find a way to find out about your whereabouts."

"It's a good calculation, isn't it?" Song He's eyes sparkled: "I don't know who came up with this idea, but looking at those who inquired about us, only a small number of them have problems with breaking the law or regulations."

"As for most of the remaining people, there is basically no bad behavior, so there is no way to forcibly come to negotiate. As time goes by, more and more people will look for us until they find us."

"But in this process, I'm afraid the cost of purchasing our materials will be enough to cover the remuneration."

Wu Xuerui looked at Song He's eager eyes, and said in amazement, "You're not telling Mr. Shen that we should take the initiative to hand over the information, are you?"

"Why not?" Song He shrugged and said with a smile, "Instead of letting others earn the money, it's better for us to earn it ourselves, and we can also subsidize part of the police funds."

"We must know that the investigative equipment in many counties and towns is in urgent need of upgrading, and the funding gap is not small!"

"But this would be very dangerous... No!" Wu Xuerui realized in a flash of thought, and exclaimed in a low voice, "You want to fabricate false information!"

"My wife is wise!" Song He gave a smirk, seeing Wu Xuerui's eyes turned red at the same time, he was in a good mood for a moment: "Since they want information, I'll give it to them and see if they dare to take revenge!"

Wu Xuerui shook her head and said, "I don't think they will personally take revenge. Most likely, they will spend money to invite people from the country to do it. After the work is done, they will just pay a fee."

Song He Wenyan agreed: "So fabricating false information is only a temporary solution, not a permanent solution, and its effect is only to delay time and deceive people."

"That means you still have a second step?" Wu Xuerui understood.

"That's right." Song He said with burning eyes: "Generally speaking, Wei Country is a powerful country that puts interests first. Whether it is cultural background or social environment, it is very different from our Qin Xia. Therefore, in their eyes, Everything can be measured by the principle of extremely realistic interests."

"And this has resulted in them taking a completely different attitude from us when facing the problems caused by the Liu brothers. In our view, the behavior of the Liu brothers has endangered our personal safety."

"But from Weiguo's point of view, the Liu family brothers only made a verbal promise in their own name, and declared to the outside world that they are only looking for friends they haven't seen for many years."

"In contrast, the benefits brought to Weiguo by the casino under the name of the Liu brothers are far greater than the impact of their actions. Therefore, it can be predicted that taking the normal way to protest will have little effect."

Wu Xuerui was thoughtful, her eyes widened in disbelief: "So your solution is..."

Song He sneered and said his answer, and Wu Xuerui immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed!

In Qindu, Zhong Lao said in amazement: "So he wants to break the root of the Liu family brothers, make them useless, and solve the problem from the root?"

(End of this chapter)

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