Chapter 431
Early morning should have been the best time of the day, but the few tourists from Weiguo living in the Liu Brothers Hotel are about to experience the worst experience of their journey!
After the breakfast time, just when these tourists from Wei country were about to go out to play, the severe abdominal pain and uncontrollable defecation were like two demons who attacked suddenly, dragging most of the tourists from Wei country and a very small number of tourists from Qinxia to the back of the hotel. In the guest room!

Soon, several tourists quickly called the emergency number, and when the medical staff arrived, the rapidly increasing number of emergency calls made the situation escalate rapidly, and more and more patients with diarrhea were sent to the hospital for medical treatment!

When Liu Jingzong, who was overwhelmed by the sudden incident, started to rush about this matter, he didn't realize that several tourists from Weiguo who entered the hospital received a text message from an anonymous number at the same time.

These tourists have one thing in common, that is, in just two days, they lost a large amount of money in the casino of the Liu family brothers.

And the content of the text message they received was exactly the "SMS exposing the inside story" edited by Song He!
"As a person who has experienced this, I revealed to them the traps in the gambling game."

Song He and his party checked out of the hotel room after breakfast, immediately evacuated the place that was about to become the center of the vortex, and moved to another luxurious hotel.

"These people are carefully screened by me, and they must meet two conditions." Song He stood in front of the window, staring at the direction of the Liu Family Brothers Hotel, then turned around and said with a smile: "First, they must be relatively impulsive. "

"Secondly, they are all guys who are relatively inclined or even support the theory of race, blood and skin color."

Wu Xuerui seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled and said: "At first it was just Fang Ming, then across cities, and later across provinces, now you have completed the feat of transnational laxatives! What's next? Drugging the space station or aliens? "

"No way, it's easy to use." Song He shrugged, looked at the inconspicuous Gu Xiaole, and said with a smile: "I have to say, Xiao Le is still talented in prescribing medicine."

Gu Xiaole suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because strictly speaking, she was the one who accomplished the feat of transnational laxatives!
Yue Changsong asked a little puzzled at this time: "Consultant Song, how did you manage to put down only the tourists from Wei Country?"

"In fact, it's very simple if you think about the eating habits of different races." Song He explained with a smile, and continued: "After these Wei Chinese people were hospitalized, more than half of the twelve media outlets in the city will Received information about Liu brothers hotel poisoning incident and casino rip-off."

"The people who receive the information are the journalists I selected. These people also need to meet two conditions. First, they must be unscrupulous, and second, they must all be supporters of the theory of race, blood and color!"

"After seeing the news, these journalists will rush to the hospital to conduct interviews. During the interview process, they will meet those tourists from Weiguo who are full of righteous indignation at the fact that they have been defrauded and poisoned one after another."

"At the same time, when colleagues come to interview with them, the sense of urgency in their hearts will be aggravated, so that these journalists can complete the interview as quickly as possible and try to be the first to release the news."

Zhou Kai sighed with emotion: "So the situation will go further beyond the control of the Liu family brothers and slip to an irreversible point."

It was not the first time that everyone in the room heard Song He explain the action plan, but they were still a little speechless by his surprise.

"However, these things are not irreversible for the Liu family brothers." Song He said eloquently, "There are ways to turn danger into opportunity, so we still need a third step."

"When the Cal City media reported the poisoning incident and the killing of guests at the Liu Brothers Hotel, those journalists who stepped on the Liu Brothers' footsteps will receive the news that Liu Yaozong provided campaign funds to Dwight Brandon."

"As for this Mr. Brandon, he is a candidate with a slight advantage in the polls. One of the most obvious personality traits in him is that he is a supporter of racism."

"This label has won him the votes of many supporters of folk racism. However, once the news that he accepts funding from the Liu family brothers is exposed by unscrupulous reporters, it is certain that the popularity of the public will plummet."

Wu Xuerui shook her head slightly, even after hearing it for the second time, she was still agitated. At the same time, she also felt a little amused: "So in order to restore the approval rate, he has to get rid of his relationship with the Liu brothers, right?"

"That's right." Song He shrugged with a smile: "In his eyes, the most important thing is to succeed in the stage. And once the Liu family brothers become a stumbling block in the election, kicking them away is what he has to do. .And in order to restore his image, he had to kick it hard."

"I don't know how the Liu family brothers got him, but judging from the two candidates they funded and the amount of funding, Liu Yaozong obviously wanted to take advantage of the needy charcoal and at the same time leave an icing on the cake."

"No matter who is elected at that time, he will be able to expand the casino with the support of the elected."

Hearing this, Ma Xue first sighed softly: "Sure enough, no matter at home or abroad, you can't be missed by you!"

"Learn first, it's true when you say it." Zhou Kai nodded in agreement: "This is someone who is used to pulling people down!"

"Cough cough!" Song He coughed lightly, pretending to be serious to control the topic: "Actually, at this point, the other candidate they ostensibly support will no longer rely on them."

"And this kind of double-faced behavior, especially the exposure of funding racists, will minimize his impression in the hearts of non-white local residents."

"When the Liu brothers have lost their money and their backers, and public opinion has completely turned against Liu, they will be of no value to Weiguo, so the time has come for us to apply for their extradition."

Wu Xuerui looked at Song He, squinted her eyes and tilted her head with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have obtained so much information secretly? Sure enough, you did a lot of investigation work behind our backs!"

Song He Wenyan's heart skipped a beat.Quickly said: "Liu Yun found it all! Even now, Liu Yun is monitoring the progress of the incident in real time and sending messages to promote it!"

Seeing this, Zhou Kai chuckled secretly, and asked, "Will Liu Yun be exposed?"

"Don't worry." Seeing that Wu Xuerui didn't ask any more questions, Song He replied, "Liuyun hacked into the mobile phones of a gambler and a staff member of the Liu family's casino, and all the information was sent through these two mobile phones."

"These two people are not very good people. Even if they deny it after being found out, no one will believe it. It can be regarded as filling the last loophole in the plan."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and Lin Hui's eyes flashed suddenly: "Consultant Song, have you got the reward?"

Song He suddenly smiled proudly: "I got it last night, the video is quite realistic! It's so real!"


"With the level of the Liu brothers, they really can't see any flaws."

Just when Song Hewei was proud that his plan had succeeded, an extremely bloody video was played on the projection screen in an unknown room, while the mixed-race man said calmly:

"Song Zhe is leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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